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120 lines (107 loc) · 7.99 KB

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120 lines (107 loc) · 7.99 KB


  • Support matrix-scalar multiplication/division without the Scale wrapper for f32/f64.
  • Implemented conjugate gradient, BiCGSTAB, and LSMR iterative solvers (currently gated by the unstable feature).
  • Implemented Hermitian matrix pseudoinverse implementation. Thanks @lishen_ for the contribution.
  • Implemented column and row mean and variance in faer::stats.
  • Added more iterator and parallel iterator functions (MatRef::[col|row]_partition, MatRef::par_[col|row]_partition, etc.).
  • Added full and zeros constructors to owned Col, Row, and Matrix (issue-125).
  • Added shape function to return both the row and the column count of a matrix.
  • Added several missing associated functions from the mut and owning variants of matrices.
  • Implemented core::iter::{Sum, Product} for c32 and c64.
  • Sparse Cholesky can now be used with user-provided permutations.
  • Simplified matrix constructors, adding a variant with a _generic prefix for the old behavior.
  • LDLT and Bunch-Kaufman decompositions now stores the diagonal blocks instead of their inverses. This helps avoid infinities and NaNs when dealing with singular matrices.
  • Integrated nano-gemm as a backend for small matrix multiplication.
  • Significant performance improvements for small LLT and LDLT decompositions.


  • Refactored the project so that faer contains all the core and decomposition implementations. faer-{core,cholesky,lu,qr,svd,evd,sparse} are now deprecated and will no longer be updated.
  • Improved the multithreaded performance of the Eigenvalue decomposition for large matrices.
  • Decomposition solve functions now accept column vectors as well as matrices.
  • Implemented the L1 norm, and the squared L2 norm.
  • Implemented conversions from sparse to dense matrices, by calling mat.to_dense().
  • Sparse matrices now support duplicated entries. Note that faer will not add duplicated entries to a matrix unless the opposite is explicitly mentioned in the function documentation. faer also will deduplicate entries when created with Sparse{Col,Row}Mat::try_new_from_indices and other similar functions.
  • Implemented conversions from unsorted to sorted sparse matrices by calling mat.to_sorted() (or mat.sort_indices() for owned matrices).
  • Implemented {Col,Row}::try_as_slice[_mut] functions that return data as a slice if it is contiguous.
  • Implemented .for_each_with_index and .map_with_index for the matrix zipping API, which passes the matrix row and column indices as well as the values.
  • Added rand support for randomly generating matrices in the faer::stats module, as well as for faer::complex_native::{c32,c64}.
  • Implemented a pseudoinverse helper for the high level SVD and thin SVD decompositions.


  • Implemented sparse matrix arithmetic operators (other than sparse-sparse matrix multiplication), and added mutable sparse views as well as owning sparse matrix containers.
  • Implemented try_from_triplets for sparse matrices.
  • Re-exported subcrates in faer::modules.
  • Improved performance of the SVD decomposition for small matrices.
  • Implemented col!, row! and concat! macros. Thanks @DeliciousHair for the contribution.
  • Implemented more c32/c64 operations. Thanks @edyounis for the contribution.
  • Implemented the Kronecker product in faer_core. Thanks @edyounis for the contribution.
  • Implemented (de)serialization of Mat. Thanks @cramt for the contribution.


  • Implemented the index operator for row and column structures. Thanks @DeliciousHair for the contribution.
  • Exposed a few sparse matrix operations in the high level API.
  • Implemented sparse LU and QR, and exposed sparse decompositions in the high level API.
  • Better assertion error messages in no_std mode.


  • Implemented initial API of Row/RowRef/RowMut and Col/ColRef/ColMut structs for handling matrices with a single row or column.
  • Implemented [Mat|Col|Row]::norm_l2 and [Mat|Col|Row]::norm_max for computing the L2 norm of a matrix or its maximum absolute value.
  • Fixed several bugs in the eigenvalue decompositions. Special thanks to @AlexMath for tracking down the errors.
  • Updated zipped! macro API, which now requires a matching unzipped! for matching the closure arguments.
  • Removed the limitation on the number of matrices that can be passed to zipped!.
  • Added a zipped!(...).map(|unzipped!(...)| { ... }) API to allow mapping a zipped pack of matrices and returns the result as a matrix.
  • Updated polars dependency to 0.34.
  • Speed improvements for complex matrix multiplication on AMD cpus.
  • New SIMD functions in the Entity trait for aligned loads and stores.
  • Renamed multiple methods such as MatMut::transpose to MatMut::transpose_mut.


  • Implemented sparse data structures in faer_core::sparse.
  • Implemented sparse Cholesky decompositions, simplicial and supernodal. Only the low level API is currently exposed in faer-sparse.
  • Implemented dynamic regularization for the Bunch-Kaufman Cholesky decomposition.
  • Implemented diagonal wrappers that can be used to interpret a matrix as a diagonal matrix, using {MatRef,MatMut}::diagonal and {MatRef,MatMut}::column_vector_as_diagonal.
  • Implemented matrix multiplication syntax sugar for diagonal wrappers, and permutation matrices.
  • Implemented compute_thin_r and compute_thin_q in faer::solvers::{Qr,ColPivQr}.
  • Implemented initial SIMD support for aarch64.


  • Implemented the Bunch-Kaufman Cholesky decomposition for hermitian indefinite matrices.
  • Implemented dynamic regularization for the diagonal LDLT.
  • Support conversions involving complex values using IntoFaerComplex, IntoNalgebraComplex and IntoNdarrayComplex.
  • Refactored the Entity trait for better ergonomics.
  • faer scalar traits are now prefixed with faer_ to avoid conflicts with standard library and popular library traits.
  • no_std and no_rayon are now supported, with the optional features std and rayon (enabled by default).
  • Performance improvements in the eigenvalue decomposition and thin matrix multiplication.


  • Implemented matrix chunked iterators and parallel chunked iterators.
  • Renamed {Mat,MatMut}::fill_with_zero to fill_zeros
  • Renamed {Mat,MatMut}::fill_with_constant to fill
  • More ergonomic polars api.
  • Refactored Entity and ComplexField SIMD api.
  • Switched from DynStack/GlobalMemBuffer to PodStack/GlobalPodBuffer.
  • Fixed usize overflow bug in eigenvalue decomposition.


  • High level api implemented in faer.
  • Renamed Mat::with_dims to Mat::from_fn.
  • Renamed {Mat,MatMut}::set_zeros to fill_with_zero.
  • Renamed {Mat,MatMut}::set_constant to fill_with_constant.


  • Performance improvements for small matrices.
  • Simpler SVD/EVD API for fixed precision floating point types.
  • Simpler math operators (+, -, *). Thanks @geo-ant and @DJDuque.
  • More robust pivoted decompositions for rank deficient matrices.
  • Better overflow/underflow handling in matrix decompositions, as well as non finite inputs.
  • Provide control over global parallelism settings in faer-core.
  • Various bug fixes for complex number handling.


  • Implement the non Hermitian eigenvalue decomposition.
  • Improve performance of matrix multiplication.
  • Improve performance of LU decomposition with partial pivoting.


  • Refactor the core traits for better SIMD support for non native types, using a structure-of-arrays layout.
  • Implement the Hermitian eigenvalue decomposition.


  • Add to_owned function for converting a MatRef/MatMut to a Mat. Thanks @Tastaturtaste
  • Allow comparison of conjugated matrices
  • Performance improvements for f32, c32, and c64
  • Performance improvements for small/medium matrix decompositions
  • Refactor the ComplexField trait to allow for non Copy types. Note that types other than f32, f64, c32, c64 are not yet supported.


  • Start keeping track of changes.
  • Complex SVD support.
  • Improve performance for thin SVD.
  • Fixed an edge case in complex Householder computation where the input vector is all zeros.