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A mini online E-commerce Business to Consumer platform for users (Sellers) to sell their products to users (Buyers).

ShopMart is a mini Walmart clone designed to aid our learning and usage of the technologies being used in this project.

Technologies Used

  • ShopMart consists of a REST API Backend developed using Java SpringBoot and a Front-end consuming it developed using Reactjs
  • The Backend runs on a PostgreSQL Database, the World's Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database.
  • Docker, a popular containerization tool is used to create docker images for both our Backend and Frontend, which leads to faster production deployment and a more efficient containerization in production.


  • Programming language prerequisites

  • Editors / IDEs

About the Application

The application consists of 3 Types of Users

  • Admin
  • Buyer
  • Seller

BUYER/SELLER user are required to signup first to use the application.

The ADMIN user is required to approve the buyer/seller accounts before their start using the application

Application Demo

Link to Backend Demo

Link to Frontend Demo

Running the Dockerized Application

The application has been containerized and can be run using the docker-compose file

There is a docker-compose.yml file that can be run to start all the services of the application

Both the backend and front-end docker images are referenced in the docker-compose file

The images are hosted on docker-hub repository, hence they will be pulled once the application is started as instructed below.

  • Clone this repository

    $ git clone [email protected]:sekayasin/shopmart-backend.git
    ## cd into shopmart-backend directory
    $ cd shopmart-backend
    ## start the application -- run 
    $ docker compose up -d
    ## Open http://localhost to view the frontend in your browser.
  • Troubleshooting in case of any error

    • run the application and monitor the logs

      ## stop the application
      $ docker compose down
      ## start the application and monitor the logs, don't run in detached mode
      $ docker compose up
      ## make sure you don't have another instance of postgres running on port 5432

ShopMart Backend

This repo consist of the Backend code base built using SpringBoot

Getting Started - Setting up and running the Backend codebase locally

  • Clone this repository

    $ git clone [email protected]:sekayasin/shopmart-backend.git
    ## cd into shopmart-backend directory
    $ cd shopmart-backend
    ## starting progtres database using a docker container
    $ docker run --name postgres_container -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=1 -d postgres
    ## create an new database named final_project
    ## exec into the postgres_container
    $ docker exec -it postgres_container bash
    root@1526c6bb2f6b:/# psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -W
    psql (14.2 (Debian 14.2-1.pgdg110+1))
    Type "help" for help.
    postgres=# create database final_project;
    postgres=# grant all privileges on database final_project to postgres;
    postgres=# \q
    root@1526c6bb2f6b:/# exit
    ## import project into your Java IDE - intellij IDE
    ## Wait for all the dependencies to get resolved
    ## Run the Application
    ## The server will start running on port 8080

ShopMart Backend API endpoints

The Backend API servers the users that is the BUYER, SELLER, and the ADMIN

The Backend is configured with these default accounts.

Default Admin details
username: admin
password: pass123

Default Seller details
username: seller
password: pass123

Default Buyer details
username: buyer
password: pass123

Special Thanks

Name ID Github username
Elilta Wondimu 113161 EliltaW
Ghidei Weldehaimanot 113397 ghideibahta
Raymond Antonio Broome 613412 m0nd
Surafiel Hailu 112136 suraph-el
Yasin Sekabira 613508 sekayasin

Special Thanks to Our Professor - Muhyieddin Al-tarawneh - WAA Professor | Project Manager.


ShopMart Backend






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Contributors 4
