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ZkClient: a zookeeper client, that makes life a little easier.

==> see CHANGELOG for recent work

Build ZkClient from sources:

  • git clone https:/sgroschupf/zkclient.git
  • ./gradlew test (run the test suite)
  • ./gradlew jars (build the jars)
  • (see available build targets by executing './gradlew tasks' )

Howto release ZkClient as maven artifact

  • sonatype repository is already configured:
  • generate gpg key and publish it to hkp:// ( may be of help)
  • tell gradle about the gpg key and sonatype credentials, e.g. through ~/.gradle/
    • sonatypeUsername=$yourSonatypeUser
    • sonatypePassword=$yourSonatypePassword
    • signing.keyId=$yourKeyId
    • signing.password=$yourKeyPassphrase
    • signing.secretKeyRingFile=/Users/$username/.gnupg/secring.gpg
  • set version in build.gradle to the release version (e.g. 0.5-dev to 0.5) and commit
  • update CHANGELOG.markdown
  • upload the signed artifacts to the Sonatype repository
    • gradle clean uploadArchives
  • go to and close the repository
  • check the artifacts and if everything is ok, release the repository (on the same page)
  • syncing to central maven repository will then be activated (might take around 2h)
  • tag with
    • git tag -a $releaseVersion -m "Tag for $releaseVersion release"
    • git push --tags
  • set version in build.gradle to the next dev version (e.g 0.5 to 0.6-dev) and commit