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Folders and files

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How to Run


To build this project, you must have the following dependencies installed:

  • A modern version of node. We recommend the current LTS.
    • We have some binary dependencies, sharp for image processing and puppeteer to render Mermaid charts, which are both somewhat flaky. It's possible that one of these will ship a change that mandates a more modern version in the future.
  • yarn
  • If your local build environment is arm64, such as on newer Apple M1 Macs, then use brew to pre-install libvips which is a native sharp dependency and needs to be the arm64 version, it wasn't getting resolved to correct arch/platform version through yarn install alone: brew install vips

Some of the dependencies are considered "legacy", so run npm install --legacy-peer-deps to bypass errors.

Local Development

yarn start to start local development.

Local Production Build

The build has been dockerized so we can host with nginx on Kubernetes, which can be compiled and run with yarn scripts. Make sure you have Docker set up on your machine.

yarn production
# or
yarn prod:build
yarn prod:serve

To run a complete simulation of a production build, make sure to set an AMPLITUDE_KEY environment variable.


  • /content contains
    • Documentation /docs
      • Web assets /docs/web-assets
    • API Reference /api
    • Each page is authored as an index.mdx document.

Page Metadata

  • Title (og:title, page title): Pulled from front matter.
  • Order (order in which a page appears in the table of contents): Pulled from front matter.
  • URL slug: Pulled from the folder or file name

All names must use dashes for spaces instead of spaces or underscores

title: Node Monitoring and Diagnostics
order: 40

Folder Metadata

Each folder must have a metadata.json file with 2 keys:

  • Title (section title in the table of contents): Pulled from a metadata.json file in the folder
  • Order (order in which a section appears in the table of contents): Pulled from a metadata.json file in the folder
  "order": 0,
  "title": "Introduction"

If we want to sort pages in an alphabetical order, add sortMethod in that folder's metadata.json.

The below example is for /glossary page

  "order": 60,
  "title": "Glossary",
  "sortMethod": "alphabetical"

Folders may be nested, which means that a final URL may be stitched together from multiple metadata files.

Check /content folder to see how its nested order is working

├── api/
│    ├── metadata.json
│    └── aggregations/
│        ├── metadata.json
│        ├── index.mdx
│        └── fee-stats/
│          ├── index.mdx
│          ├── metadata.json
│          ├── object.mdx
│          └── single.mdx
└── docs/
    ├── metadata.json
    ├── index.mdx
    ├── web-assets/
    │    └── img.png
    └── building-apps/
      ├── basic-wallet.mdx
      ├── custom-assets.mdx
      ├── index.mdx
      ├── metadata.json
      └── connect-to-anchors/
        ├── deposit-anchored-assets.mdx
        ├── index.mdx
        ├── setup-for-anchored-assets.mdx
        └── metadata.json


Basic Components



| Field | Requirements | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| FEDERATION_SERVER | uses `https://` | The endpoint for clients to resolve stellar addresses for users on your domain via [SEP-2](https:/stellar/stellar-protocol/tree/master/ecosystem/ Federation Protocol |
| AUTH_SERVER | uses `https://` | The endpoint used for [SEP-3](https:/stellar/stellar-protocol/tree/master/ecosystem/ Compliance Protocol |
| TRANSFER_SERVER | uses `https://` | The server used for [SEP-6](https:/stellar/stellar-protocol/tree/master/ecosystem/ Anchor/Client interoperability |
| KYC_SERVER | uses `https://` | The server used for [SEP-12](https:/stellar/stellar-protocol/tree/master/ecosystem/ Anchor/Client customer info transfer |
| WEB_AUTH_ENDPOINT | uses `https://` | The endpoint used for [SEP-10 Web Authentication](https:/stellar/stellar-protocol/tree/master/ecosystem/ |
| SIGNING_KEY | Stellar public key | The signing key is used for [SEP-3](https:/stellar/stellar-protocol/tree/master/ecosystem/ Compliance Protocol |
| HORIZON_URL | url | Location of public-facing Horizon instance (if you offer one) |
| ACCOUNTS | list of `G...` strings | A list of Stellar accounts that are controlled by this domain |
| VERSION | string | The version of SEP-1 your `stellar.toml` adheres to. This helps parsers know which fields to expect. |
| URI_REQUEST_SIGNING_KEY | Stellar public key | The signing key is used for [SEP-7](https:/stellar/stellar-protocol/tree/master/ecosystem/ delegated signing |

Unordered List

Unordered List

- Unordered lists
  - Unordered lists with nesting
    - Unordered lists with second-level nesting
    - Unordered lists with second-level nesting
- Unordered lists #2
  - Unordered lists with nesting #2
- Unordered lists #3
- Unordered lists #4
  - Unordered lists with nesting #4
  - Unordered lists with nesting #4

Ordered List

Ordered List

1. [`Set Options`](../api/resources/operations/object/set-options.mdx) to set the flags on the issuing account to `0x1` to enable `AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED`. This is necessary because you cannot run the [`Allow Trust`](../api/resources/operations/object/allow-trust.mdx) operation without `AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED` being set on your issuing account.
1. [`Allow Trust`](../api/resources/operations/object/allow-trust.mdx) on the existing user's account in order to authorize it. **Note:** You can actually place as many as `MAX OPERATIONS PER TRANSACTION - 2` (currently the [maximum is 100](concepts/ `Allow Trust` operations for different accounts to minimize the number of transactions submitted to the network.
1. [`Set Options`](../api/resources/operations/object/set-options.mdx) to set the flags on the issuing account to `0x0` to disable `AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED`.
   1. If I had more points to make about `Set Options`, I'd start listing those here.
   1. Another point
      1. Nested point of Anoter point
      1. Nested point of Anoter point
      1. Nested point of Anoter point
   1. Another point #2


Currently (April, 2020), only Documentation uses images.

  1. Drop the images in the content/docs/web-assets folder
  2. Refer to the asset as ![image caption](web-assets/image-file-name.png) in the proper location in your file - make sure that web-assets' relative path is correct
  3. Captions: Include alt text if you’d like a caption: ![This is the image caption](web-assets/image-file-name.png) Leave the alt text section blank if you do not want a caption: ![](web-assets/image-file-name.png)



> Here's a quote

Paragraph and Headings

Beyond defining title font sizes, line heights, and weights:

  • H1 tags are reserved for the page’s title and should not be used; that said, if they are used, they will still show up on the front end as H1 tags
  • H2 tags populate the ride-side page table of contents in Documentation

Custom Components

Custom (React) components that are being used throughout Documentation and API Reference.

Make sure that there is an empty line within the wrapper

For example,


Note: the testnet is reset every three months, so when building on it, make sure you have a plan to recreate necessary accounts and other data.  For more info, check out the [best practices for using the testnet](../glossary/testnet.mdx#best-practices-for-using-testnet).



AttributeTable Component

<AttributeTable/> explains each attribute or argument that is being used. Nested table will turn into "child attributes" that are collapsed by default (See prices_r and its child attributes from the example above).

  • PropTypes
    • children (required)

For example, Api Reference > Resources > Operations > Object

import { AttributeTable } from "components/AttributeTable";


- amount
  - string
  - The amount of `selling_asset` that the account making this offer is willing to sell.
- price
  - string
  - How many units of `selling_asset` it takes to get 1 unit of `buying_asset`. A number representing the decimal form of `price_r`.
- price_r
  - object
  - A precise representation of the buy and sell price of the assets on offer.
    - n
      - number
      - The numerator.
    - d
      - number
      - The denominator.


Omitting Data Type

Data Type is not required. If you want to skip it, simply add a text "skip" in it

import { AttributeTable } from "components/AttributeTable";


  - skip
- Account Created
  - skip
  - create_account
- Account Removed
  - skip
  - merge_account


Example: <AttributeTable/> without type specified on API's Manage Data Object.

AttributeTable with Type

Example: <AttributeTable/> with type specified on API's Effect Types.

AttributeTable without Type


Alert Component

<Alert/> is used to convey hints, warnings, and etc.

  • PropTypes
    • children (required)

For example, Setting Up Test Server

import { Alert } from "components/Alert";


Note: the testnet is reset every three months, so when building on it, make sure you have a plan to recreate necessary accounts and other data.  For more info, check out the [best practices for using the testnet](../glossary/testnet.mdx#best-practices-for-using-testnet).



CodeExample Component

<CodeExample/> is a code snippet component. You can include snippets for more than one language. See an example of including a snippet for curl and JavaScript below. It is using Prism syntax highlighting library.

  • PropTypes
    • title (optional)
    • children (required)
    • href (optional)

For example, Setting Up Test Server in Documentation and Resources > Transaction > Retrieve a Transaction in API Reference.

import { CodeExample } from "components/CodeExample";

<CodeExample title="Example Request">

curl ""

var StellarSdk = require('stellar-sdk')
var server = new StellarSdk.Server('')

.then(function(resp) {
.catch(function(err) {


Languages that are currently being used in Documentation and API Reference are below:

// https:/stellar/new-docs/blob/master/src/components/CodeExample.js

const CODE_LANGS = {
  bash: "bash",
  cpp: "C++",
  curl: "cURL",
  go: "Go",
  html: "html",
  java: "Java",
  js: "JavaScript",
  json: "json",
  python: "Python",
  scss: "SCSS",
  toml: "TOML",
  ts: "TypeScript",
  tsx: "TSX",
  yaml: "YAML",

If you would like to add an additional language to this, visit CodeExample.js and add it to CODE_LANGS.


Endpoint Component

<Endpoint/> is currently used in API Reference.

  • PropTypes
    • children (required)

For example, Aggregations > Order Books > Retrieve an Order Book.

import { Endpoint } from "components/Endpoint";


|     |                              |
| --- | ---------------------------- |
| GET | /order_book?selling_asset_type={native,credit_alphanum4,credit_alphanum12}&selling_asset_issuer={:account_id}&selling_asset_code{:asset_code}&buying_asset_type={native,credit_alphanum4,credit_alphanum12}&buying_asset_issuer={:account_id}&buying_asset_code{:asset_code}&limit={1-200} |



EndpointsTable Component

<EndpointsTable/> displays an endpoint and its HTTP method.

  • PropTypes
    • title (required)
    • children (required)

For example, Resources > Transactions.

import { EndpointsTable } from "components/EndpointsTable";

<EndpointsTable title="Endpoints">

|     |                                                               |
| --- | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| GET | [/transactions/:transaction_id](./single.mdx)                 |
| GET | [/transactions/:transaction_id/operations](./operations.mdx)  |
| GET | [/transactions/:transaction_id/effects](./effects.mdx)        |
| GET | [/transactions](./list.mdx)                                   |
| POST | [/transactions](./post.mdx)                                  |


Example (JSON) Response

ExampleResponse Component

<ExampleResponse/> is only used in API Reference for JSON response. In Documentation, we use <CodeExample/> for JSON response.

  • PropTypes
    • title (optional)
    • children (required)

For example, Introduction > XDR.

import { ExampleResponse } from "components/ExampleResponse";

<ExampleResponse title="Example Transaction Response with XDR">

  // Response truncated to highlight XDR-related attributes
  // Response truncated to highlight XDR-related attributes



MethodTable Component

<MethodTable/> is used to display navigation sections and its description.

  • PropTypes
    • title (required)
    • children (required)

For example, Introduction.

import { MethodTable } from "components/MethodTable";

<MethodTable title="API Reference Sections">

|  |  |
| --- | --- |
| [Introduction](../introduction/index.mdx) | How Horizon is structured. |
| [Resources](../resources/index.mdx) | Descriptions of resources and their endpoints. |
| [Aggregations](../aggregations/index.mdx) | Descriptions of specialized endpoints. |
| [Errors](../errors/index.mdx) | Potential errors and what they mean. |


Diagrams (Mermaid)


We're using Mermaid for diagrams.

      participant W as Wallet
      participant A as Anchor
      participant S as Stellar
      W->>A: [SEP6] /withdraw/params
      A->>W: [SEP6] 403 - /kyc(...)
      W->>A: [SEP10] GET /web_auth
      A->>W: [SEP10] Challenge
      W->>A: [SEP10] POST /web_auth
      A->>W: [SEP10] JWT
      W->>A: [SEP12] PUT /customer
      Note over A: KYC Checks
      A->>W: [SEP12] 200
      W->>A: [SEP6] /withdraw/params
      A->>W: [SEP6] 200
      W->>S: [SEP10] POST /transaction
      S->>W: [SEP10] 200
      S->>A: [SEP10] TX120, memo
      Note over A: Deposit

Performance metrics

We have support for simple, anonymous metrics, emitted to Amplitude via helpers/metrics.js.

We also have a simple performance tracking system, helpers/performance.js. mark(string) will begin measuring, and measure(string) will stop measuring and return timing information—an object with a duration and hasHighPrecision. Some browsers don't expose the high-precision APIs, and we definitely want to know if they're used (especially if not usable). Make sure to use a constants/performanceMarks constant, not just a raw string.

Testing requests as a crawler

Chrome allows you to override the user agent with DevTools, which enables us to test how Google will see pages.


No releases published


No packages published


  • JavaScript 89.6%
  • CSS 9.6%
  • Other 0.8%