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SharedStreets (Node.js & JavaScript)

npm version CircleCI

Node.js & JavaScript implementation of SharedStreets Reference System.

Command Line Interface (CLI)

SharedStreets CLI Matcher


The CLI is the primary tool for users to match GIS data to SharedStreets. The CLI is installed and run locally. Compared to the hosted API, the CLI can process much larger datasets and runs more quickly.

The CLI is currently runs on macOS and Linux. It does not (yet) support Windows.


shst <command> [options ... ]

For detailed examples of how to use this tool, see the SharedStreets blog.


The CLI requires Node v10+ on MacOS or Linux. Windows is not currently supported. On supported platforms it can be installed using either npm or yarn, or follow using Docker for unsupported environments.


To install using npm:

npm install -g sharedstreets


To install using yarn:

yarn global add sharedstreets

This will install the CLI as shst.


To install using Docker create the following Dockerfile:

FROM node:11

ENV NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX=/home/node/.npm-global
ENV PATH=$PATH:/home/node/.npm-global/bin

USER node
RUN npm install -g sharedstreets

Docker image build:

docker build --tag shst-image .

Run match on local data file:

docker run -it -v [/path/to/data/on/host/]:/data/  --rm  shst-image shst match /data/[input_file.geojson] --out=/data/output.geojson

Available commands

Available commands include:

  • extract: extracts SharedStreets streets using polygon boundary and returns GeoJSON output of all intersecting features (this includes features that are in but not fully contained by the polygon)
  • help: displays help for shst
  • match: matches point and line features to SharedStreets references


Extracts SharedStreets streets using polygon boundary and returns GeoJSON routput of all intersecting features from the SharedStreets reference tile set.

The input polygon(s) must be in GeoJSON format, using the WGS84 datum (EPSG:4326) in decimal degrees. "Extracts" includes features that are inside but not fully contained by the polygon.

Output is given as a GeoJSON file:

  • [output filename].geojson: contains features that intersected with the input polygon, including the SharedStreets ReferenceID


shst extract <path/to/input_polygon.geojson> [options]


Displays help for shst


shst help


The following options may be appended to the command:

  • -h, --help: displays help for the intersects command
  • -o, --out=[filename.geojson]: names the output file and allows user to place it in a different location
  • -s, --stats: not sure


shst extract ~/Desktop/project/city_boundary.geojson --out=streets_in_city.geojson


Matches point and line features, from GIS, to SharedStreets references. This can be used to match city centerlines, parking meters, and other street features. Input data must be in GeoJSON format, using the WGS84 datum (EPSG:4326) in decimal degrees. Any standard GIS program (e.g. ArcGIS, QGIS) can convert from more common GIS file formats, like shapefile and geodatabase, into GeoJSON.

Output is given as up to three GeoJSON files:

  • [output filename].matched.geojson: contains features that matched, including the SharedStreets IDs and properties, as well as the original properties of the matched features (by default)
  • [output filename].unmatched.geojson: contains any unmatched features, if applicable
  • [output filename].invalid.geojson: contains any invalid input data, if applicable


shst match <path/to/input_data.geojson> [options]


Additional options allow users to change the modality for matching, incorporate a city's directionality information to support better matching, snap or offset results, cluster points along a street section, etc.

The following options may be appended to the command:

  • -h, --help: displays help for the intersects command
  • -o, --out=[filename.geojson]: names the output file and allows user to place it in a different location
  • -p, --skip-port-properties: do not port input feature properties into the matched output (these are output fields normally preceeded by "pp_")
  • --bearing-field=[bearing field]: [default: bearing] name of optional point property containing bearing in decimal degrees. If converting from GIS, this is the name of the appropriate field in the attribute table. Example: --bearing-field=degrees.
  • --best-direction: only match one direction, based on best score
  • --buffer-points: used to snap points to the street and buffer them by a specified length (in meters), turning them into a street segment. For example, this could be used to transform a parking meter point into a parking space with a set length. This optional flag indicates that the points should be buffered, and the following flags provide additional information about how length is determined.
  • --buffer-points-length= [default: 5] the length (as in diameter) of the buffered point (in meters). This flag is used when all points in the dataset should be given the same length.
  • --buffer-points-length-field=: [default: length] name of property containing buffered points (in meters). This flag is used when points in the dataset should be given different, specified lengths. For example, this could be used for transforming single-space and multi-space parking meter points into parking spaces of different lengths.
  • --buffer-merge: When point data is buffered and transformed into street segments, there can be overlap between resulting segments. For example, a group of parking meter points may be buffered into parking spaces with given length. Overlap between resulting features may be undesirable. This flag will dissolve buffered length results that have the same specified attributes, producing one street length instead of many overlapping lengths. Requires related buffer-merge-match-fields to be defined
  • --buffer-merge-match-fields= a comma-seperated list of fields to match values when merging buffered points
  • --buffer-merge-group-fields= a comma-separated list of fields to group values when merging buffered points
  • --center-of-street-value= [default: center] value of "side-of-street-field" for center features
  • --cluster-points=[number of meters]: target sub-segment length for clustering points (in meters). Since road segments will rarely divide evenly into the target length, actual lengths may vary slightly from the target.
  • --direction-field=[direction field]: name of optional line property describing segment directionality. Use in conjunction with the related one-way-*-value and two-way-value properties
  • --follow-line-direction: only match using line direction
  • --join-points allows a series of points to be snapped to the street and transformed into a street segment. Requires the relationship between points to be defined using join-points-sequence-field and join-points-match-field
  • --join-point-sequence-field=: [default: point_sequence] specifies the name of the field containing point sequence info (e.g. 1=start, 2=middle, 3=terminus)
  • --join-points-match-fields=: When turning points into line segments, there may be multiple sequences of points on one street. This flag tells the CLI hoow to sort like with like by specifying the fields that must match in order for points to considered part of the same segment and merged into a line. Expressed as a comma-separated list of fields to match values when joining points
  • --left-side-driving: directionality assumes left-side driving
  • --match-bike: match using bike routing rules in OSRM, which excludes motorways and includes features like off-street paths
  • --match-car: matching will use car routing rules in OSRM
  • --match-motorway-only: only match against motorway segments
  • --match-pedestrian: match using pedestrian routing rules
  • --match-surface-streets-only: only match against surface street segments
  • --offset-line=[offset in meters]: offset geometry based on direction of matched line (in meters). This visually offsets the result to make it easier to see on a map (for example, could be used for sidewalks and curbs).
  • --one-way-against-direction-value=[one-way-against-direction value]: name of optional value of direction-field indicating a one-way street against line direction
  • --one-way-with-direction-value=one-way-with-direction value: name of optional value of direction-field indicating a one-way street with line direction
  • --search-radius=[number of meters]: [default: 10] the search radius, in meters, for snapping points, lines, and traces to the street
  • --snap-intersections: snap line end-points to nearest intersection
  • --snap-side-of-street: snap line to side of street
  • --tile-hierarchy=[number]: [default: 6] SharedStreets tile hierarchy, which refers to the OSM data model. Level 6 includes unclassified roads and above. Level 7 includes service roads and above. Level 8 includes other features, like bike and pedestrian paths.
  • --tile-source=[osm/planet-DATE]: [default: osm/planet-181224] SharedStreets tile source, which is derived from OSM at the date specified (in yymmdd format). A new tile source is created roughly once a month and a list can be found here.
  • --trim-intersections-radius buffer radius of a given length (in meters) around each intersection, and trim these lengths off of the results.
  • --two-way-value=[two-way-value]: name of optional value of direction-field indicating a two-way street


Matching city centerlines to SharedStreets:

$ shst match ~/Desktop/project/city_centerlines.geojson --out=city_centerlines.geojson

Matching city bike facilities to SharedStreets:

$ shst match ~/Desktop/project/city_bikeways.geojson --out=city_bikeways.geojson --match-bike --tile-hierarchy=8


For developers:


git clone https:/sharedstreets/sharedstreets-js.git
yarn install
yarn prepack
yarn global add /Users/username/github/sharedstreets-js


You can test your installation using the following:

yarn test


  • When updating sharedstreets-js, remove the cache of graphs and data that were created using previous versions. Do this by deleting the entire sharedstreets-js/shst directory.

Build docs

yarn run docs


yarn run bench