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Show current playing media information on Waybar as scrolling text.

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Waybar-scrolling-mpris displays the current media information on Waybar with scrolling for long text.

Simple version here


CMAKE is needed for build. If you download the binary file(waybar-scrolling-mpris), you won't need it.


Clone this project first

$ git clone https:/sicista33/waybar-scrolling-mpris.git
$ cd ./waybar-scrolling-mpris/build

Build with CMAKE (If you have downloaded the binary file, You can skip this steps)

$ cmake ..
$ make

Move binary to your Waybar script directory
e.g) If you use Hyprland

$ mv waybar-scrolling-mpris ~/.config/hypr/UserScripts/waybar-scrolling-mpris


Define custom module in ~/.config/waybar/modules

"custom/waybar-scrolling-mpris": {
    "format": "{}",
    "display-format": "{icon}  {artist} - {title}",
    "exec": "~/.config/hypr/UserScripts/waybar-scrolling-mpris,
    "icons": {
        "Paused": "⏸",
        "Playing": "▶",
        "Stopped": "■",
    "length": 40,

waybar-scrolling-mpris support display-format, length and icons options.

option default description
display-format {artist} - {title} Specify the text format to be displayed on Waybar.
{icon} {artist} {album} {title} {player} {status}
{icon} has a fixed position. If you use this option, it must always be placed at the front.,
length 40 Maximum length of text to display. [5 - 511]
icons - Specify the icon representing the current media player's status.
Pay attention to the case of the status string.

You can pass the path to the module config file as a command-line argument. e.g)

"exec": "~/.config/hypr/UserScripts/waybar-scrolling-mpris ~/tmp/custom-mpris"

If no argument is passed, the default path(~/.config/waybar/modules) will be used.

Edit Waybar config ~/.config/waybar/config

"modules-left": [

And restart Waybar

pkill waybar && hyprctl dispatch exec waybar


Show current playing media information on Waybar as scrolling text.






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