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Setting up to run scripts using the openai API with Python.

The script will be run in a virtual environment. Start by creating a virtual environment:

On a Mac: python3 -m venv nptour-env

On Windows: python -m venv nptour-env

After creating the virtual environment, you need to activate it:

On a Mac: source nptour-env/bin/activate

On Windows: source nptour-env/Scripts/activate

Once the virtual environment is activated, the beginning of your terminal prompt should display (nptour-env).
Install the LangChain modules by running (in both a Mac and Windows):

pip install langchain langchain-core langchain-community langchain-openai langchainhub fuzzywuzzy python-Levenshtein wikipedia flask reportlab flask-login flask-sqlalchemy

You'll see an openai-env folder has been added to the directory with all of the installed dependencies.

To run your code, in the command line run:

Without a debugger: flask run

With a debugger: flask run --debug

The app will run at:

To stop the run, click control + C. Then hard refresh the page. When making changes to your Python, HTML, or JavaScript code (and not using debugger) you'll need to stop the run after each change.

When finished, quit the run by clicking control + C and close the virtual environment by running:


To initialize the database, run:

flask init-db