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NodeJS module for assembling JSON translation files from language-merged YAML input files


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NodeJS module for assembling JSON translation files from language-merged YAML input files.

Output files are compatible with angular-translate and i18next

Getting Started


npm install i18n-compile --save-dev

Usage as a CLI executable:

Usage: i18n-compile [options] <files...>


    -h, --help                output usage information
    -o, --out <dest>          Output file path. May contain language placement token (--lang-place)
    -m, --merge               Whether to merge all languages into a single file
    -l, --lang-place [token]  Placeholder for the language name in the output file path. Only applicable if the --merge option is not used

Usage as a node module:

var i18nCompile = require('i18n-compile');

i18nCompile(['src/file-1.yaml', 'src/**/*_i18n.yaml'], 'destination/path/translation_[lang].json', {langPlace: '[lang]'});

// or from a string

var yamlString = ... // yaml as a string

var translations = i18nCompile.fromString(yamlString, 'src/file-1.yaml');
// translations => {lang1: {...}, lang2: {...}, ...}

The translation format

The format is inspired by grunt-translate-compile.

It is intended to greatly reduce the amount of typing needed to translate your app.

The YAML file format is used because it requires less typing compared to JSON - no need to enclose both properties and values in " "s, and nesting is done by indentation instead of blocks of curly braces.

The structure of the translations inside the file is like the following:

      en: Empty Cart
      pt: Esvaziar Carrinho
      es: Vaciar Carrito
      en: Checkout
      pt: Fechar Pedido
      es: Realizar Pedido
      en: User
      pt: Usuário
      es: Usuario
        en: Edit
        pt: Editar
        es: Editar
        en: Logout
        pt: Sair
        es: Finalizar la Sesión

Notice how the translation values are assigned directly to the language keys. This way translations for all languages can be described in a single file, which eliminates the need to copy the translation ids over to other files for each language that you have.

That structure reduces the size of your sources and makes your translations more manageable.

Compiling the above example will result in the following output files:

  • translation_en.json

      "MENU": {
        "CART": {
          "EMPTY": "Empty Cart",
          "CHECKOUT": "Checkout"
        "USER": {
          "LABEL": "User",
          "DROPDOWN": {
            "EDIT": "Edit",
            "LOGOUT": "Logout"
  • translation_pt.json

      "MENU": {
        "CART": {
          "EMPTY": "Esvaziar Carrinho",
          "CHECKOUT": "Fechar Pedido"
        "USER": {
          "LABEL": "Usuário",
          "DROPDOWN": {
            "EDIT": "Editar",
            "LOGOUT": "Sair"
  • translation_es.json

      "MENU": {
        "CART": {
          "EMPTY": "Vaciar Carrito",
          "CHECKOUT": "Realizar Pedido"
        "USER": {
          "LABEL": "Usuario",
          "DROPDOWN": {
            "EDIT": "Editar",
            "LOGOUT": "Finalizar la Sesión"

Using the module


var i18nCompile = require('i18n-compile');

i18nCompile(<file-patterns>, <destination>, [<options>]);
  • File patterns

    Type: Array of Strings

    A list of file names or glob patterns. Those are the input files to be compiled.

  • Destination

    Type: String

    Destination path for the compile output.

  • Options

    Type: Object


    Type: String Default value: '' (empty string)

    If specified, and if present in the destination path, the value will be replaced with the language id. For example:

    i18n_compile(..., 'output/path/file-[lang]-i18n.json', {langPlace: '[lang]'});
    results in output files(for languages 'en', 'bg', 'pt):

    This option only has effect when the merge option is false.


    Type: Boolean Default value: false

    If true the output will be a single file with the translations for all languages merged inside it.

Usage Examples

Default Options

In this example, the compiled translations for each language are written to a separate file

i18nCompile(['src/**/*.yaml'], 'dest/translations-.json');

The language id is by default inserted right before the last . of the file name.
So if we have the languages en and bg, the resulting files will be:


If there is no . present then the language id is inserted at the end of the file name:

i18nCompile(['src/**/*.yaml'], 'dest/translations-');

Placement of language id

In this example, the language id is placed at a custom location in the output file path

i18nCompile(['src/**/*.yaml'], 'dest/path/<lang>-translations.json', {langPlace: '<lang>'});

So if we have the languages en and bg, the resulting files will be


Merge translations in one file

With merge set to true the compiled translations for all languages are merged into a single file

i18nCompile(['src/**/*.yaml'], 'dest/translations.json', {merge: true});

Using the fromString method


var i18nCompile = require('i18n-compile');

var translations = i18nCompile.fromString(<input>, [<filename>]);
  • input

    Type: String

    yaml content as string.

  • filename

    Type: String

    File path to use when displaying errors.

Return value

A javascript object mapping each language name to the translations object for that language.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality.


NodeJS module for assembling JSON translation files from language-merged YAML input files








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