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LaunchDarkly Relay Proxy

What is it?

The LaunchDarkly Relay Proxy establishes a connection to the LaunchDarkly streaming API, then proxies that stream connection to multiple clients.

The relay proxy lets a number of servers connect to a local stream instead of making a large number of outbound connections to

The relay proxy can be configured to proxy multiple environment streams, even across multiple projects. It can also be used as a local proxy that forwards events to This can be useful if you are load balancing LDR instances behind a proxy that times out HTTP connections (e.g. Elastic Load Balancers).

When should it be used?

In most cases, the relay proxy is not required. However, there are some specific scenarios where we recommend deploying the proxy to improve performance and reliability:

  1. PHP-- PHP has a shared-nothing architecture that prevents the normal LaunchDarkly streaming API connection from being re-used across requests. While we do have a supported deployment mode for PHP that does not require the relay proxy, we strongly recommend using the proxy in daemon mode (see below) if you are using PHP in a high-throughput setting. This will offload the task of receiving feature flag updates to the relay proxy. We also recommend using the relay to forward events to, and configuring the PHP client to send events to the relay synchronously. This eliminates the curl / fork method that the PHP SDK uses by default to send events back to LaunchDarkly asynchronously.

  2. Reducing outbound connections to LaunchDarkly-- at scale (thousands or tens of thousands of servers), the number of outbound persistent connections to LaunchDarkly's streaming API can be problematic for some proxies and firewalls. With the relay proxy in place in proxy mode, your servers can connect directly to hosts within your own datacenter instead of connecting directly to LaunchDarkly's streaming API. On an appropriately spec'd machine, each relay proxy can handle tens of thousands of concurrent connections, so the number of outbound connections to the LaunchDarkly streaming API can be reduced dramatically.

  3. Reducing redundant database traffic-- if you are using Redis or another supported database as a shared persistence option for feature flags, and have a large number of servers (thousands or tens of thousands) connected to LaunchDarkly, each server will attempt to update the database when a flag update happens. This pattern is safe but inefficient. By deploying the relay proxy in daemon mode, and setting your LaunchDarkly SDKs to daemon mode, you can delegate flag updates to a small number of relay proxy instances and reduce the number of redundant update calls to the database.

Quick setup

  1. Make sure go 1.6+ is installed. Follow the instructions provided in Go's documentation

  2. Build and install the binary in your $GOPATH:

go get -u
  1. Create LD Relay configuration file. Create a new filed called ld-relay.conf containing the text:
    streamUri = ""
    baseUri = ""
[environment "<NAME-OF-YOUR-ENVIRONMENT>"]
  1. Run the binary by entering the following command in your terminal:
$GOPATH/bin/ld-relay --config ./ld-relay.conf
  1. Validate functionality. This can be done two different ways.
  • Update your SDKs configuration. When initializing the SDK, set configuration attribute streamUri to the host and port of your relay proxy instance. Note: Your SDK must not be set to polling mode. You must leave streaming enabled to use LD-Relay.
  • Manually curl the relay. Run the following command in your terminal:
curl -X REPORT localhost:8030/sdk/eval/user -H "Authorization: YOUR_SDK_KEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"key": "a00ceb", "email":"[email protected]"}'

Command-line arguments

argument default description
config /etc/ld-relay.conf configuration file location

Configuration file format

LD Relay uses INI-style configuration files. You can read more about the syntax here.

There are three primary section types: Main, Events, and Environments. The optional Redis, DynamoDB, and Consul sections are for configuring the desired database, if any. In addition to these, there are three supported sections for configuring exporters for exporting metrics and route traces: Datadog, Stackdriver, and Prometheus.


variable name type default description
streamUri URI Required. URI from which the relay will stream flag configurations
baseUri URI Required. URI from which the relay will poll for some information
exitOnError Boolean false Close the relay if it encounters any error during initialization
ignoreConnectionErrors Boolean false Ignore any initial connectivity issues with LaunchDarkly. Best used when network connectivity is not reliable.
port Number 8030 Port the LD Relay should listen on
heartbeatIntervalSecs Number 0 If > 0, sends heartbeats to connected clients at this interval


variable name type default description
eventsUri URI Required to proxy back-end analytic events.
sendEvents Boolean false When enabled, LD-Relay will send analytic events it receives to LaunchDarkly
flushIntervalSecs Number 5 Controls how long the SDK buffers events before sending them back to our server. If your server generates many events per second, we suggest decreasing the flush_interval and / or increasing capacity to meet your needs.
samplingInterval Number 0 Sends every one out of every samplingInterval events
capacity Number 1000 Maximum number of events in queue before events are automatically flushed
inlineUsers Boolean false When enabled, all non-private user attriutes will be sent in events. Otherwise, only the user's key is sent in events


variable name type default description
host string Hostname of the Redis database
port Number Port of the Redis database
url string URL of the Redis database (overrides host & port)
localTtl Number 30000 Length of time (in milliseconds) that database items can be cached in memory


variable name type default description
enabled Boolean Set this to true if you are using DynamoDB
tableName string DynamoDB table name, if you are using the same table for all environments; otherwise, omit this and specify it in each environment section. (Note, credentials and region are controlled by the usual AWS environment variables and/or local AWS configuration files.)
localTtl Number 30000 Length of time (in milliseconds) that database items can be cached in memory


variable name type default description
host string Hostname of the Consul server
localTtl Number 30000 Length of time (in milliseconds) that database items can be cached in memory


variable name type description
sdkKey SDK Key SDK key for the environment. Required to proxy back-end SDK functionality
mobileKey Mobile Key Mobile key for the environment. Required to proxy mobile SDK functionality
envId Client-side ID Client-side ID for the environment. Required to proxy front-end SDK functionality
prefix String If using a Redis, Consul, or DynamoDB feature store, this string will be added to all database keys to distinguish them from any other environments that are using the database.
tableName String If using DynamoDB, you can specify a different table for each environment. (Or, specify a single table in the [DynamoDB] section and use prefix to distinguish the environments.)
allowedOrigin URI If provided, adds CORS headers to prevent access from other domains. This variable can be provided multiple times per environment
insecureSkipVerify Boolean If true, TLS accepts any certificate presented by the server and any host name in that certificate.


variable name type description
enabled Boolean If true, enabled exporting to Datadog.
statsAddr URI URI of the DogStatsD agent. If not provided, stats will not be collected. Example: localhost:8125
traceAddr URI URI of the Datadog trace agent. If not provided, traces will not be collected. Example: localhost:8126
tag string A tag to be applied to all metrics sent to datadog. This variable can be provided multiple times. Must be of the form key:value. Example: instance:blue-jaguar
prefix string The metrics prefix to be used by Datadog.


variable name type description
enabled Boolean If true, enabled exporting metrics and traces to Stackdriver.
projectID string Google cloud project ID.
prefix string The metrics prefix to be used by Stackdriver.


variable name type description
enabled Boolean If true, enabled exporting traces to Prometheus.
port Number The port that ld-relay will listen to /metrics on.
prefix string The metrics prefix to be used by Prometheus.
    streamUri = ""
    baseUri = ""
    exitOnError = true
    heartbeatIntervalSecs = 15

[environment "Spree Project Production"]
    sdkKey = "SPREE_PROD_API_KEY"

[environment "Spree Project Test"]
    sdkKey = "SPREE_TEST_API_KEY"

[environment "Shopnify Project Production"]

[environment "Shopnify Project Test"]

Mobile and client-side flag evaluation

LDR may be optionally configured with a mobile SDK key, and/or an environment ID to enable flag evaluation support for mobile and client-side LaunchDarkly SDKs (Android, iOS, and JavaScript).

[environment "Spree Mobile Production"]

[environment "Spree Webapp Production"]
    allowedOrigin = ""
    allowedOrigin = ""

Once a mobile key or environment ID has been configured, you may set the baseUri parameter to the host and port of your relay proxy instance in your mobile/client-side SDKs. If you are exposing any of the client-side relay endpoints externally, https should be configured with a TLS termination proxy.

Event forwarding

LDR can also be used to forward events to When enabled, the relay will buffer and forward events posted to /bulk to The primary use case for this is PHP environments, where the performance of a local proxy makes it possible to synchronously flush analytics events. To set up event forwarding, add an events section to your configuration file:

    eventsUri = ""
    sendEvents = true
    flushIntervalSecs = 5
    samplingInterval = 0
    capacity = 1000
    inlineUsers = false

This configuration will buffer events for all environments specified in the configuration file. The events will be flushed every flushIntervalSecs. To point our SDKs to the relay for event forwarding, set the eventsUri in the SDK to the host and port of your relay instance (or preferably, the host and port of a load balancer fronting your relay instances). Setting inlineUsers to true preserves full user details in every event (the default is to send them only once per user in an "index" event).

Persistent storage

You can configure LDR nodes to persist feature flag settings in Redis, DynamoDB, or Consul. This provides durability in case of (e.g.) a temporary network partition that prevents LDR from communicating with LaunchDarkly's servers. See Using a persistent feature store.

# Redis example
    host = "localhost"
    port = 6379
    localTtl = 30000

# DynamoDB example
    tableName = "my-feature-flags"
    localTtl = 30000

# Consul example
    host = "localhost"
    localTtl = 30000

Relay proxy mode

LDR is typically deployed in relay proxy mode. In this mode, several LDR instances are deployed in a high-availability configuration behind a load balancer. LDR nodes do not need to communicate with each other, and there is no master or cluster. This makes it easy to scale LDR horizontally by deploying more nodes behind the load balancer.

LD Relay with load balancer

Daemon mode

Optionally, you can configure our SDKs to communicate directly to the persistent store. If you go this route, there is no need to put a load balancer in front of LDR-- we call this daemon mode. This is the preferred way to use LaunchDarkly with PHP (as there's no way to maintain persistent stream connections in PHP).

LD Relay in daemon mode

In this example, the persistent store is in Redis. To set up LDR in this mode, provide a Redis host and port, and supply a Redis key prefix for each environment in your configuration file:

    host = "localhost"
    port = 6379
    localTtl = 30000


[environment "Spree Project Production"]
    prefix = "ld:spree:production"
    sdkKey = "SPREE_PROD_API_KEY"

[environment "Spree Project Test"]
    prefix = "ld:spree:test"
    sdkKey = "SPREE_TEST_API_KEY"

(The per-environment prefix setting can be used the same way with Consul or DynamoDB. Alternately, with DynamoDB you can use a separate tableName for each environment.)

You can also configure an in-memory cache for the relay to use so that connections do not always hit redis. To do this, set the localTtl parameter in your redis configuration section to a number (in milliseconds).

If you're not using a load balancer in front of LDR, you can configure your SDKs to connect to Redis directly by setting use_ldd mode to true in your SDK, and connecting to Redis with the same host and port in your SDK configuration.

Flag evaluation endpoints

If you're building an SDK for a language which isn't officially supported by LaunchDarkly, or would like to evaluate feature flags internally without an SDK instance, the relay provides endpoints for evaluating all feature flags for a given user. These endpoints support the GET and REPORT http verbs to pass in users either as base64url encoded path parameters, or in the request body, respectively.

Example cURL requests (default local URI and port):

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: YOUR_SDK_KEY" localhost:8030/sdk/eval/users/eyJrZXkiOiAiYTAwY2ViIn0=

curl -X REPORT localhost:8030/sdk/eval/user -H "Authorization: YOUR_SDK_KEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"key": "a00ceb", "email":"[email protected]"}'

Performance, scaling, and operations

We have done extensive load tests on the relay proxy in AWS / EC2. We have also collected a substantial amount of data based on real-world customer use. Based on our experience, we have several recommendations on how to best deploy, operate, and scale the relay proxy:

  • Networking performance is paramount. Memory and CPU are not as critical. The relay proxy should be deployed on boxes with good networking performance. On EC2, we recommend using an instance with Moderate to High networking performance such as m4.xlarge. On an m4.xlarge instance, a single relay proxy node can easily manage 20,000 concurrent connections.

  • If using an Elastic Load Balancer in front of the relay proxy, you may need to pre-warm the load balancer whenever connections to the relay proxy are cycled. This might happen when you deploy a large number of new servers that connect to the proxy, or upgrade the relay proxy itself.

Health check

The relay has an additional status endpoint which provides the current status of all of the relay's streaming connections. This can obtained by using access /status with a get request.

Proxied endpoints

The table below describes the endpoints proxied by the LD relay. In this table:

  • user is the base64 representation of a user JSON object (e.g. *"key": "user1"* => eyJrZXkiOiAidXNlcjEifQ==).
  • clientId is the 32-hexdigit Client-side ID (e.g. 6488674dc2ea1d6673731ba2)
Endpoint Method Auth Header Description
/sdk/eval/clientId/users/user GET n/a Returns flag evaluation results for a user
/sdk/eval/clientId/users REPORT n/a Same as above but request body is user json object
/sdk/evalx/clientId/users/user GET n/a Returns flag evaluation results and additional metadata
/sdk/evalx/clientId/users REPORT n/a Same as above but request body is user json object
/sdk/goals/clientId GET n/a For JS and other client-side SDKs
/mobile/events POST mobile For receiving events from mobile SDKs
/mobile/events/bulk POST mobile Same as above
/mobile POST mobile Same as above
/bulk POST sdk For receiving events from server-side SDKs
/events/bulk/clientId POST, OPTIONS n/a For receiving events from JS and other client-side SDKs
/a/clientId.gif?d=events GET, OPTIONS n/a Same as above
/all GET sdk SSE stream for all data
/flags GET sdk Legacy SSE stream for flag data
/ping GET sdk SSE endpoint that issues "ping" events when there are flag data updates
/ping/clientId GET n/a Same as above but with JS and client-side authorization.
/mping GET mobile SSE endpoint that issues "ping" events when flags should be re-evaluated
/meval/user GET mobile SSE stream of "ping" and other events for mobile clients
/meval REPORT mobile Same as above but request body is user json object
/eval/clientId/user GET n/a SSE stream of "ping" and other events for JS and other client-side SDK listeners
/eval/clientId REPORT n/a Same as above but request body is user json object

Exporting metrics and traces

The relay may be configured to export statistics and route traces to Datadog, Stackdriver, and Prometheus. See the configuration section for configuration instructions.

The following metrics are supported:

  • connections: The number of current proxied streaming connections.
  • newconnections: The number of streaming connections created.
  • requests: Number of requests received.

Metrics can be filtered by the following tags:

  • platformCategoryTagKey: The platform a metric was generated by (e.g. server, browser, or client-side).
  • env: The name of the LaunchDarkly environment.
  • route: The request route.
  • method: The http method used for the request.
  • userAgent: The user agent used to make the request, typically a LaunchDarkly SDK version. Example: "Node/3.4.0"

Note: Traces for stream connections will trace until the connection is closed.


Using docker is not required, but if you prefer using a docker container we provide a docker entrypoint to make this as easy as possible.

To build the ld-relay container:

$ docker build -t ld-relay .

In docker, the config file is expected to be found at /ldr/ld-relay.conf unless you are using environment variables to configure the relay.

Docker environment variables

The docker entrypoint uses environment variables to configured the dockerized LD Relay instance.

environment variable type default description
USE_REDIS Boolean false If set to true or 1, Redis configuration will be added.
REDIS_HOST URI redis Sets the hostname of the Redis server. If linked to a redis container that sets REDIS_PORT to tcp://, REDIS_HOST will use this value as the default.
REDIS_PORT Port 6379 Sets the port of the Redis server. If linked to a redis container that sets REDIS_PORT to REDIS_PORT=tcp://, REDIS_PORT will use this value as the default.
REDIS_TTL Number 30000 Alternate name for CACHE_TTL
USE_DYNAMODB Boolean false If set to true or 1, DynamoDB configuration will be added. You must also specify a table name with either DYNAMODB_TABLE or LD_TABLE_NAME_*env_name* as described below.
DYNAMODB_TABLE String DynamoDB table name, if any; if you are using a different table for each environment, leave this blank
CACHE_TTL Number 30000 Sets the local cache TTL in milliseconds if you are using a database.
USE_EVENTS Number false If set to true or 1, enables event buffering.
EVENTS_HOST URI URI of the LaunchDarkly events endpoint.
EVENTS_FLUSH_INTERVAL Number 5 Sets how often events are flushed, in seconds.
EXIT_ON_ERROR Boolean false
LD_ENV_env_name SDK Key At least one LD_ENV_${environment} variable is recommended. The value should be the SDK key for that specific environment. Multiple environments can be listed.
LD_MOBILE_KEY_env_name Mobile Key The value should be the Mobile key for that specific environment. Multiple environments can be listed.
LD_CLIENT_SIDE_ID_env_name Client-side ID The value should be the environment ID for that specific environment (this is used by the browser JavaScript SDK). Multiple environments can be listed.
LD_PREFIX_env_name String Configures a database key prefix for that specific environment (with Redis, Consul, or DynamoDB). Multiple environments can be listed.
LD_TABLE_NAME_env_name String Configures a database table name for that specific environment (with DynamoDB only). Multiple environments can be listed.
USE_DATADOG Number 0 If set to 1, enables metric exports to DataDog.
DATADOG_STATS_ADDR String localhost:8125 URI of the DataDog stats agent.
DATADOG_TRACE_ADDR String localhost:8126 URI of the DataDog trace agent.
DATADOG_PREFIX String Configure a prefix for DataDog metric names.
DATADOG_TAG_tag_name String Configure tags to be associated with DataDog metrics.
USE_STACKDRIVER Number 0 If set to 1, enables metric exports to Stackdriver.
STACKDRIVER_PROJECT_ID String Stackdriver project id. Required to successfully export metrics to Stackdriver.
STACKDRIVER_PREFIX String Configure a prefix for Stackdriver metric names.
USE_PROMETHEUS Number 0 If set to 1, enables metric exports to Prometheus.
PROMETHEUS_PREFIX String Configure a prefix for Prometheus metric names.
PROMETHEUS_PORT Number 8031 The port that ld-relay will listen to /metrics on.

Docker examples

To run a single environment, without Redis:

$ docker run --name ld-relay -e LD_ENV_test="sdk-test-sdkKey" ld-relay

To run multiple environments, without Redis:

$ docker run --name ld-relay -e LD_ENV_test="sdk-test-sdkKey" -e LD_ENV_prod="sdk-prod-sdkKey" ld-relay

To run a single environment, with Redis:

$ docker run --name redis redis:alpine
$ docker run --name ld-relay --link redis:redis -e USE_REDIS=1 -e LD_ENV_test="sdk-test-sdkKey" ld-relay

To run multiple environment, with Redis:

$ docker run --name redis redis:alpine
$ docker run --name ld-relay --link redis:redis -e USE_REDIS=1 -e LD_ENV_test="sdk-test-sdkKey" -e LD_PREFIX_test="ld:default:test" -e LD_ENV_prod="sdk-prod-sdkKey" -e LD_PREFIX_prod="ld:default:prod" ld-relay


To register ld-relay as a service, run a command prompt as Administrator

$ sc create ld-relay DisplayName="LaunchDarkly Relay Proxy" start="auto" binPath="C:\path\to\ld-relay.exe -config C:\path\to\ld-relay.conf"

Integrating LD Relay into your own application

You can also use relay to handle endpoints in your own application if you don't want to use the default ld-relay application. Below is an example using Gorilla of how you might instantiate a relay inside your web server beneath a path called "/relay":

router := mux.NewRouter()
configFileName := "path/to/my-config-file"
cfg := relay.DefaultConfig
if err := relay.LoadConfigFile(&cfg, configFileName); err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error loading config file: %s", err)
r, err := relay.NewRelay(cfg, relay.DefaultClientFactory)
if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error creating relay: %s", err)


You can set up your development environment by installing go and running make init to install the linter. To run lint and unit tests, run make test. To run integration runs, run make integration-test.


LaunchDarkly Relay Proxy







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  • Go 95.1%
  • Shell 3.1%
  • Makefile 1.1%
  • Dockerfile 0.7%