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teos-client is an example command line client to interact with the Eye of Satoshi watchtower server, written in Python3. It has commands to register a user to the watchtower (generating user keys if necessary), to add an appointment and to retrieve information about appointments.


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Refer to


teos-client [global options] command [command options] [arguments]

Global options

  • --apiconnect: API server where to send the requests. Defaults to 'localhost' (modifiable in conf file).
  • --apiport : API port where to send the requests. Defaults to '9814' (modifiable in conf file).
  • -h --help: shows a list of commands or help for a specific command.


The client has four commands:

  • register: registers your user with the tower.
  • add_appointment: sends a json formatted appointment to the tower.
  • get_appointment: gets json formatted data about an appointment from the tower.
  • help: shows a list of commands or help for a specific command.


This commands serves as registration. It sends your public key to the tower to create a subscription (free at the moment) and returns a number of available appointment slots in the tower. Topping up the subscription can be done by simply sending a register message again.

Notice that you need to be registered before sending any other type of request to the tower.


teos-client register tower_id


This command is used to send appointments to the watchtower. Appointments must be json encoded, and match the following format:

{ "tx": tx,
  "tx_id": tx_id,
  "to_self_delay": d }

tx must be the raw penalty transaction that will be encrypted before being sent to the watchtower. type(tx) = hex encoded str

tx_id must match the commitment transaction id, and will be used to encrypt the penalty transaction and generate the locator. type(tx_id) = hex encoded str

to_self_delay is the time the watchtower would have to respond with the penalty transaction once the dispute transaction is seen in the blockchain. d must match with the OP_CSV specified in the dispute transaction. If the to_self_delay does not match the OP_CSV, the watchtower will try to respond with the penalty transaction anyway, but success is not guaranteed. d is measured in blocks and should be at least 20. type(d) = int

The API will return a application/json HTTP response code 200/OK if the appointment is accepted, with the locator encoded in the response text, or a 400/Bad Request if the appointment is rejected, with the rejection reason encoded in the response text.


teos-client add_appointment [command options] <appointment>/<path_to_appointment_file>

if -f, --file is specified, then the command expects a path to a json file instead of a json encoded string as parameter.


  • -f, --file path_to_json_file loads the appointment data from the specified json file instead of command line.


This command is used to get information about a specific appointment from the Eye of Satoshi.

Appointment can be in three states:

  • not_found: meaning the locator is not recognised by the tower. This can either mean the locator is wrong, or the appointment has already been fulfilled (the tower does not keep track of completed appointments for now).
  • being_watched: the appointment has been accepted by the tower and it's being watched at the moment. This stage means that the dispute transaction has not been seen yet, and therefore no penalty transaction has been broadcast.
  • dispute_responded: the dispute was found by the watcher and the corresponding penalty transaction has been broadcast by the node. In this stage the tower is actively monitoring until the penalty transaction reaches enough confirmations and making sure no fork occurs in the meantime.

Response formats


	"locator": l,
	"status": "not_found"


	"locator": l,
	"status": "being_watched",
			"encrypted_blob": eb,
			"locator": appointment_locator,
			"status": "being_watched",
			"to_self_delay": d


	"locator": l,
	"status": "dispute_responded",
			"dispute_txid": dispute_txid,
			"locator": appointment_locator,
			"penalty_rawtx": penalty_rawtx,
			"penalty_txid": penalty_txid,
			"status": "dispute_responded"


teos-client get_appointment <appointment_locator>


This command is used to get information about a user's subscription from the Eye of Satoshi. get_subscription_info will return number of slots remaining, when the subscription is set to expire, and user's existing appointments.

A user needs to be registered before he or she can use this command.


    teos-client get_subscription_info 


  1. Register with the tower. A tower with the given id should be running (replace the id with the one you'll be using).
teos-client register 03a3a3e196def1950f332556d046648d960102da33f61665a910febe38a1c3f825
  1. Generate a new dummy appointment. Note: this appointment will never be fulfilled (it will eventually expire) since it does not correspond to a valid transaction. However it can be used to interact with the Eye of Satoshi's API.

    echo '{"tx": "4615a58815475ab8145b6bb90b1268a0dbb02e344ddd483f45052bec1f15b1951c1ee7f070a0993da395a5ee92ea3a1c184b5ffdb2507164bf1f8c1364155d48bdbc882eee0868ca69864a807f213f538990ad16f56d7dfb28a18e69e3f31ae9adad229e3244073b7d643b4597ec88bf247b9f73f301b0f25ae8207b02b7709c271da98af19f1db276ac48ba64f099644af1ae2c90edb7def5e8589a1bb17cc72ac42ecf07dd29cff91823938fd0d772c2c92b7ab050f8837efd46197c9b2b3f", "tx_id": "0b9510d92a50c1d67c6f7fc5d47908d96b3eccdea093d89bcbaf05bcfebdd951", "to_self_delay": 20}' > dummy_appointment_data.json

    That will create a json file that follows the appointment data structure filled with dummy data and store it in dummy_appointment_data.json.

  2. Send the appointment to the tower API. Which will then start monitoring for matching transactions.

    teos-client add_appointment -f dummy_appointment_data.json

    This returns an appointment locator that can be used to get updates about this appointment from the tower.

  3. Test that the tower is still watching the appointment by replacing the appointment locator received into the following command:

    teos-client get_appointment <appointment_locator>

Try our live instance

By default, teos-client will connect to your local instance (running on localhost). There are also a couple of live instances running, one for mainet and one for testnet:

  • testnet endpoint =
  • mainnet endpoint = or
  • tower_id is 03a3a3e196def1950f332556d046648d960102da33f61665a910febe38a1c3f825 for both.

Connecting to the mainnet instance

Add --apiconnect --apiport 443 to your calls, for example:

teos-client --apiconnect= --apiport=443 add_appointment   -f dummy_appointment_data.json 

You can also change the config file to avoid specifying the server every time:

api_connect =
api_port = 443