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0 Breaking changes

Peter Taoussanis edited this page Oct 4, 2024 · 5 revisions

This page details possible breaking changes and migration instructions for Carmine.

My apologies for the trouble. I'm very mindful of the costs involved in breaking changes, and I try hard to avoid them whenever possible. When there is a very good reason to break, I'll try to batch breaks and to make migration as easy as possible.

Thanks for your understanding - Peter Taoussanis

Carmine v3.2.x to v3.3.x

There are breaking changes to the Carmine message queue API that may affect a small proportion of message queue users.

  • If you DO NOT use Carmine's message queue API, no migration should be necessary.
  • If you DO use Carmine's message queue API, please read the below checklist carefully!!

Migration checklist for message queue users

  1. Please be aware: v3.3 introduces major changes (improvements) to Carmine's message queue architecture and API.

    While the changes have been extensively tested and used for months on private systems, there is always a non-zero chance of unexpected issues when so much code is touched.

    Therefore please carefully test Carmine v3.3 before deploying to production, and please carefully monitor your queues for expected behaviour and performance.

    New tools are provided for queue monitoring. See the API improvements section for details.

  2. enqueue return value has changed.

    This change is relevant to you iff you use the return value of enqueue calls (most users do not). Check your enqueue call sites to be sure.

    The fn previously returned <mid> (message id) on success, or { <message-status>} on error.

    The fn now always returns a map with {:keys [success? mid action error]}.

    See the updated enqueue docstring for details.

  3. queue-status return value has changed.

    This change is relevant to you iff you use the queue-status util.

    The fn previously returned a detailed map of all queue content in O(queue-size) and was rarely used.

    The fn now returns a small map in O(1) with {:keys [nwaiting nlocked nbackoff ntotal]}.

    If you want the detailed map of all queue content in O(queue-size), use the new queue-content util.

  4. The definition of "queue-size" has changed.

    The old definition: total size of queue.
    The new definition: total size of queue, LESS mids that may be locked or in backoff.

    I.e. the new definition now better represents the number of messages awaiting processing.

    Most users won't be negatively affected by this change since the new definition better corresponds to how most users actually understood the term before.

  5. clear-queues has been deprecated.

    This utility is now called queues-clear!! to better match the rest of the API.

  6. Handling order of queued messages has changed.

    To improve latency, queue workers now prioritize handling of newly queued messages before re-visiting old messages for queue maintenance (re-handling, GC, etc.).

    Most users shouldn't be negatively affected by this change since Carmine's message queue has never given any specific ordering guarantees (and cannot, for various reasons).

  7. Queue connections may be held longer.

    To improve latency, queue sleeping is now active rather than passive, allowing Redis to immediately signal Carmine's message queue when new messages arrive.

    This change means that each worker thread (default 1) may now hold a connection open while sleeping. The maximum hold time is determined by :throttle-ms (usu. in the order of ~10-400 msecs).

    So if you have many queues and/or many queue worker threads, you may want to increase the maximum number of connections in your connection pool to ensure that you always have available connections.

Architectural improvements

  • Significantly improved latency (esp. worst-case latency) of handling new messages.

  • Decouple threads for handling and queue maintenance. Thread counts can now be individually customized.

  • Worker end-of-queue backoff sleeps are now interrupted by new messages. So sleeping workers will automatically awaken when new messages arrive.

  • Prioritize requeues (treat as "ready"). So requeues no longer need to wait for a queue cycle to be reprocessed.

  • Smart worker throttling. The :throttle-ms worker option can now be a function of the current queue size, enabling dynamic worker throttling.

    The default :throttle-ms value is now :auto, which uses such a function.

    See the updated worker docstring for details.

  • Worker threads are now auto desynchronized to reduce contention.

API improvements

  • Added enqueue option: :lock-ms to support per-message lock times #223.

  • Added enqueue option: :can-update? to support message updating.

  • Handler fn data now includes :worker, :queue-size keys.

  • Handler fn data now includes :age-ms key, enabling easy integration with Tufte or other profiling tools.

  • Added utils: queue-size, queue-names, queue-content, queues-clear!!, queues-clear-all!!!.

  • Worker object's string/pprint representation is now more useful.

  • Worker object can now be derefed to get state and stats useful for monitoring.

    In particular, the new :stats key contains detailed statistics on queue size, queueing time, handling time, etc.

  • Worker objects can now be invoked as fns to execute common actions.

    Actions include: :start, :stop, :queue-size, :queue-status.

  • Various improvements to docstrings, error messages, and logging output.

  • Improved message queue state diagram.

  • General improvements to implementation, observability, and tests.