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File metadata and controls

189 lines (158 loc) · 7.69 KB

How to use jdeb with Ant

Attribute Description Required
destfile The debian package to be generated Yes
control The directory containing the control files Yes
compression Compression method for the data file (gzip, bzip2, xz or none) No; defaults to gzip
verbose Print detailed info during the package generation No; defaults to false
keyring The file containing the PGP keys No
key The name of the key to be used in the keyring No
passphrase The passphrase to use the key No
changesIn The changes to add No
changesOut The changes file generated No
changesSave The merged changes file No

The jdeb Ant task can package up a directory as Debian package. You have to provide the control files defining meta information about the package (except the md5sums which gets created automatically). It creates the archive and if you want even a signed changes file.

    <target name="package">
      <taskdef name="deb" classname="org.vafer.jdeb.ant.DebAntTask"/>
      <copy todir="${deb}/control">
        <fileset dir="src/main/resources/deb/control"/>
        <filterset begintoken="[[" endtoken="]]">
          <filter token="version" value="${version}"/>
          <filter token="name" value="${}"/>
      <deb destfile="jdeb.deb" control="${deb}/control">
        <data src="src/main/resources/deb/data" type="directory">
          <exclude name="**/.svn"/>

For cross platform builds it might be important to retain permissions, ownerships and links. When you provide the original tar as input the meta data will be kept intact gets included directly into the deb. You can apply simple modifications like prefixing or stripping of paths though.

    <deb destfile="jdeb.deb" control="${deb}/control">
      <data src="src/release.tgz" type="archive">
        <mapper type="perm" strip="1" prefix="/somewhere/else"/>
        <exclude name="**/.svn"/>

For more complex permission and ownership adjustments you can use a "ls" mapper. It allows you to define permissions and ownerships in a text file and even under Windows you will be able to build your debian package.

    <deb destfile="jdeb.deb" control="${deb}/control">
      <data src="src/release.tgz" type="archive">
        <mapper type="ls" src="mapping.txt" />

The mapper will apply the output of an "ls -laR > mapping.txt" command that should look like this

total 176
drwxr-xr-x   23 tcurdt  tcurdt   782 Jun 25 03:48 .
drwxr-xr-x    3 tcurdt  tcurdt   102 Jun 25 03:48 ..
-rw-r--r--    1 tcurdt  tcurdt  2934 Jun 25 03:48 DependenciesTestCase.class
-rw-r--r--    1 tcurdt  tcurdt  2176 Jun 25 03:48 WarTestCase.class
drwxr-xr-x    4 tcurdt  tcurdt   136 Jun 25 03:48 classes

It's also possible to use a fileset or even a tarfileset to specify the set of files to include with their permissions :

    <deb destfile="jdeb.deb" control="${deb}/control">
      <tarfileset dir="src/main/resources/deb/data"

Links can be added by specifying a link element:

    <deb destfile="jdeb.deb" control="${deb}/control">
      <link name="/usr/share/java/foo.jar" target="/usr/share/java/foo-1.0.jar"/>

Here are the supported attributes on the link element:

Attribute Description Required
name The path of the link Yes
target The target of the link Yes
symbolic The type of the link (true: symbolic, false: hard) No; defaults to true
uid Numerical uid No; defaults to 0
gid Numerical gid No; defaults to 0
user User name No; defaults to "root"
group User group No; defaults to "root"
mode Permissions as octet No; deftauls to 777

Changes file

In order to also create a changes file you will need to provide the input and output of the changes. The input file is a much simpler file where you should list your changes. Every change should be starting with the " * " and one line only.

* changes for the next release
release distribution=staging, date=20:13 17.08.2007,version=1.4+r89114,urgency=low,by=Torsten Curdt <[email protected]>
* debian changes support

When you do a release jdeb will add (or complete!) the release line and create a debian format standard changes file for you. (Don't forget to commit changes jdeb did to the file.) From Ant you have to call jdeb like this

    <deb destfile="jdeb.deb"
      <data src="some/dir"/>

If you also provide a changesSave attribute the jdeb will add release information to the original input and write out the new file.

    <deb destfile="jdeb.deb"
      <data src="some/dir"/>

Signing changes

To have the changes be signed, make sure you have the BouncyCastle OpenPGP/BCPG jar in your classpath (just copy it into the $ANT_HOME/lib folder - next to jdeb). Then you can sign your changes file with:

    <deb destfile="jdeb.deb"
      <data src="some/dir"/>

Security Note: Hard coding the passphrase in the <deb> task can be a serious security hole. Consider using variable substitution and asking the passphrase to the user with the <input> task, or retrieving it from a secured .properties file.

Conffiles file

If you package up a directory as Debian package you can also add the affected files to the conffiles file. You only have to set the conffile attribute to true.

    <target name="package">
      <taskdef name="deb" classname="org.vafer.jdeb.ant.DebAntTask"/>
      <deb destfile="jdeb.deb" control="${deb}/control">
        <data src="src/main/resources/deb/data" type="directory" conffile="true">
          <exclude name="**/.svn"/>

Reproducible builds

Starting with version 1.9, the jdeb supports reproducible builds. You can use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable, containing int representing seconds since the epoch.