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Maxim Atanasov edited this page May 8, 2019 · 6 revisions

wicked-charts 3.2.1 (2019-05-08)

  • Compatability with Java 6/7

wicked-charts 3.2.0 (2019-05-05)

  • ChartConfiguration implements Serializable
  • Updated Wicket versions
  • Fixed minor issue with jar packaging
  • minSize and maxSize now part of PlotOptions
  • CSV now part of exporting options

wicked-charts 3.1.0 (2018-07-15)

  • added support for Chart.js in Wicket 1.4, Wicket 1.5 and Wicket 6.
  • added support for Wicket 8.

wicked-charts 3.0.0 (2018-02-15)

  • issue 128: chart.js - enum Position
  • issue 126: Complete & Verify model
  • issue 125: Font Styling
  • issue 124: Publish to local maven repository
  • issue 123: Hex-Colors
  • issue 121: chart.js - tests for chart options
  • issue 120: removed pom.xml's
  • issue 117: Different HTML markup for different charts
  • issue 116: Better inclusion of css and js files
  • issue 114: TimeLine Combo Chart
  • issue 112: Replace "GoogleCode" with "Github" in showcases
  • issue 109: Data Labelling
  • issue 108: Progress Bar
  • issue 106: Scale Options - Non Numeric Y Axis
  • issue 105: Point Style
  • issue 104: Radar Chart
  • issue 103: AreaCharts - Boundaries(Line)
  • issue 102: Line Charts - Stepped
  • issue 100: chart.js - Dataset - data needs new Datatype
  • issue 99: chart.js - Bubble Chart
  • issue 98: chart.js - logarithmic charts
  • issue 97: chart.js - point styles
  • issue 95: chart.js Bar Chart - Multiple Axis
  • issue 94: chart.js line chart - Multiple Axis
  • issue 90: chart.js stacked bar chart
  • issue 89: chart.js legend positioning
  • issue 88: chart.js combo line and bar chart
  • issue 86: chart.js time scale line chart
  • issue 85: chart.js basic line chart
  • issue 84: chart.js Vertical Bar Chart
  • issue 83: extend wicked-charts-showcase-wicket7 with a page for chart.js
  • issue 82: set up chartjs-wrapper
  • issue 77: Change options object and update JSD Chart (thanks to Klenkes1900 for the contribution)
  • issue 74: How to use wicket-charts with Spring MVC (thanks to winterspan for the contribution)
  • issue 72: Add support for the "category" axis type (thanks to sgologuzov for the contribution)
  • issue 71: client side export: offline mode (thanks to dermitdemwolftanzt for the contribution)
  • issue 70: PR to Maven Central (thanks to frankreno for the contribution)
  • issue 68: Chart/ Chart is doubled (thanks to ml007r for the contribution)

wicked-charts 2.0.1 (2016-08-09)

  • issue 67: updated dependency to jackson library to version 2.8.1
  • issue 66: removed special treatment of turkish characters, instead rendering enums with english locale into JSON

wicked-charts 2.0.0 (2015-12-14)

  • issue 59: Add support for Wicket 7 (thanks to Martin Grigorov for the contribution)
  • issue 42: Axis miss the minTickInterval attribute
  • issue 41: JavaScriptParameters don't parse escaped double quotes
  • issue 37: Theme element in highchart API (thanks to jpimag for the contribution)
  • issue 31: Serialize Point.y when null
  • issue 30: TimeZone
  • issue 29: SeriesTypes that contain I does not render on Turkish locale
  • issue 27: Add support for "itemDistance" setting
  • issue 26: Add support for "format" setting
  • issue 25: Add support for tickPositions
  • issue 24: Not valid JSON
  • issue 17: "Print chart" option in context menu is not localized
  • issue 16: Add boxplot chart type (thanks to santoczno for the contribution)
  • issue 13: Add support for staggerLines on Axis Labels
  • issue 12: Add support for maxStaggerLines
  • issue 40: Add error bars as a SeriesType (also added areasplinerange, errorbar, funnel, heatmap and pyramid)
  • issue 33: Include Highcharts 4.0 features

wicked-charts 1.5.0 (2013-06-12)

  • issue 31: added support for Wicket 1.4 (thanks to Damiano Bolzoni for contributing the code). See the new maven artifact wicked-charts-wicket14.
  • issue 29 / issue 30: fixed a NullPointerException
  • issue 32: added a meaningful runtime exception if an unsupported feature was used
  • issue 28: fixed javascript error when clicking on "reset zoom" button.
  • issue 26: added "enabled" flag to Labels-option
  • updated the Wicket dependency of wicked-charts-wicket6 to the current version 6.8.0
  • issue 25: updated the default Highcharts dependency to version 3.0.2 (can be changed via JavaScriptResourceRegistry)

wicked-charts 1.4.3 (2013-03-03)

  • issue 19 / issue 24 (Wicket 6) - API Break: LiveDataSeries.update() is passed a LiveDataUpdateEvent object containing the Wicket 6 AjaxRequestTarget to support Ajax-Updates. See Guide at [LiveUpdatingCharts]
  • issue 20 - JSON is now always created in english locale to avoid locale problems
  • issue 21 - added support for ResetZoomButton options
  • issue 22 (Wicket 6) - re-organized javascript imports so that by default the JQuery version provided by Wicket is loaded. Also, highcharts-more.js will now be loaded from highcharts 2.3.5.

wicked-charts 1.4.2 (2013-01-27)

  • issue 19 - API Break: LiveDataSeries.update() now returns Point instead of Coordinate so that you can for example define the color of the point. To migrate simply return a Point object with the x and y values you previously defined in the Coordinate object. See [LiveUpdatingCharts].
  • issue 13 - API Break: LiveDataSeries now takes in a JavaScriptParameters object. To migrate, simply ignore this parameter. By calling addJavaScriptParameters() you can now add Javascript expressions that are evaluated on the client side and transmitted to the server side update() method. See [LiveUpdatingCharts].
  • issue 12 - added functionality to react to Highcharts "selection" (zooming) event on the server side. See [ZoomEvent].
  • issue 14 - added color attribute to State

wicked-charts 1.4.1 (2013-01-06)

  • added client/server interaction to evaluate on the server side which point in a chart has been interacted with
  • renamed some internal classes

wicked-charts 1.4.0 (2012-12-27)

  • Attention: the following classes of the public API have moved. You will have to update your imports: ** com.googlecode.wickedcharts.highcharts.Chart (in wicked-charts-wicket15) -> com.googlecode.wickedcharts.wicket15.highcharts.Chart ** com.googlecode.wickedcharts.highcharts.Chart (in wicked-charts-wicket6) -> com.googlecode.wickedcharts.wicket6.highcharts.Chart
  • fixed Issue 8: javascript error "assignment to undeclared variable chart5_drilldownOptions"
  • fixed issue 3: automatically include highcharts-more.js for gauge charts
  • fixed issue 6: added support for global options for wicket15 and wicket6
  • fixed issue 5: LiveDataSeries.update() may return null and thus skip an update interval
  • moved some (internal) classes to other packages to reduce package cycles
  • added chart type "columnrange"
  • added chart type "arearange"
  • added RangeSeries to accomodate for range charts
  • added a couple more charts to the showcase
  • changed Wicket dependency of wicked-charts-wicket6 and showcase to Wicket 6.4.0
  • changed the default Highcharts dependency of wicked-charts-wicket6 and wicked-charts-wicket15 to Highcharts version 2.3.5 (can be overridden by calling JavaScriptResourceRegistry.getInstance().setHighchartsReference())

wicked-charts 1.3.1 (2012-12-06)

  • changed the scope of Wicket dependencies in wicked-charts-wicket6 and wicket-charts-wicket15 to "provided"
  • added percentageSuffix, percentagePrefix, totalSuffix, totalPrefix, totalDecimals to Tooltip
  • fixed a bug that produced 404 errors since "drilldown.js" was not included in the jar
  • added gauge chart type
  • added RedirectFunction as convenience class for creating links to other pages from within a chart

wicked-charts 1.3.0

  • added JSF support, hence the name switched from wicket-charts to wicked-charts
  • Attention: if you used wicket-charts and want to update to this version, you will have to update your code, since the package namespace has changed from com.googlecode.wicketcharts to com.googlecode.wickedcharts!
  • changed the generic type of CoordinatesSeries from List of Numbers to Coordinates<Number, Number> to better match the needs
  • added convenience vararg methods to all series classes
  • included the showcase themes into the library
  • you can define more than one X-Axis and Y-Axis now. Getter Methods in the Options class have been changed to get a list of Axis objects instead of getting a single Axis. Methods addxAxis and addyAxis have been added.
  • added many more charts to the showcase, and with them some more options to support new Highcharts features
  • Split the project up into several more artifacts to better manage the dependencies

wicket-charts 1.2.1

  • Note that this release is not yet published in Maven central, so you have to download it here
  • fixed Issue 64 (Axis Labels were not rendered in JSON)

wicket-charts 1.2.0

Mapping from 1.1.0 classes to 1.2.0 classes

||Class in version 1.1.0||New class in version 1.2.0|| ||com.googlecode.wicketcharts.highcharts.options.Label||com.googlecode.wicketcharts.highcharts.options.Labels|| ||com.googlecode.wicketcharts.highcharts.options.LegendOptions||com.googlecode.wicketcharts.highcharts.options.Legend|| ||com.googlecode.wicketcharts.highcharts.options.NamedPoint||com.googlecode.wicketcharts.highcharts.options.series.Point|| ||com.googlecode.wicketcharts.highcharts.options.NamedPointSeriesOptions||com.googlecode.wicketcharts.highcharts.options.series.PointSeries|| ||com.googlecode.wicketcharts.highcharts.options.PlotBands||com.googlecode.wicketcharts.highcharts.options.PlotBand|| ||com.googlecode.wicketcharts.highcharts.options.PlotLines||com.googlecode.wicketcharts.highcharts.options.PlotLine|| ||com.googlecode.wicketcharts.highcharts.options.PointSeriesOptions||com.googlecode.wicketcharts.highcharts.options.series.CoordinatesSeries|| ||com.googlecode.wicketcharts.highcharts.options.SeriesOptions||com.googlecode.wicketcharts.highcharts.options.series.Series
(the method setSeries has been removed, use addSeries instead)|| ||com.googlecode.wicketcharts.highcharts.options.SimpleSeriesOptions||com.googlecode.wicketcharts.highcharts.options.series.SimpleSeries|| ||com.googlecode.wicketcharts.highcharts.HighChartContainer||com.googlecode.wicketcharts.highcharts.Chart||

wicket-charts 1.1.0

wicket-charts 1.0.0

  • base functionality for including Highcharts charts into a Wicket application
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