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Game Mania

This project simulates a game catalog by consuming the RAWG API for providing data visualization similar to how actual game stores do.


  • Dependencies
  • Design System
  • Project Structure
    • Assets
      • Fonts
    • Data
      • Context
        • [Root Context]
      • Local Storage
        • [Local Db]
      • Requests
        • [Data Request Params]
      • Types
        • [Added By Status]
        • [Data Service Dictionary]
        • [Developer]
        • [Esrb Rating]
        • [Game]
        • [Game Commons]
        • [Games Platform]
        • [Genre]
        • [Image]
        • [index]
        • [Local Db Store]
        • [Parent Platform]
        • [Platform]
        • [Publisher]
        • [Rating]
        • [Recommended]
        • [Screenshots]
        • [Short Screenshot]
        • [Store]
        • [Tag]
    • Middlewares
      • [Api Middleware]
    • Services
      • [Api Service]
      • [Game Service]
      • [Genre Service]
      • [Platform Service]
      • [Publishe Service]
      • [Tag Service]
    • Utils
      • [Local Db Utils]
      • [Parser Utils]
      • [Startup Utils]
      • [Styling Utils]
      • [Type Utils]
    • Views
      • Components
        • [Footer]
        • [Gallery]
        • [Game Card]
        • [Game Panel]
        • [Header]
        • [Image Card]
        • [Search Filter]
        • [Selection]
      • Pages
        • [Error Page]
      • Routes
        • [Game]
        • [Home]
        • [Root]
        • [Search]


This project relies directly on the following dependencies:

Production Dependencies

  • axios: ^1.7.7
  • react: ^18.3.1
  • react-dom: ^18.3.1
  • react-router-dom: ^6.26.2

Development Dependencies

  • @eslint/js: ^9.9.0
  • @types/react: ^18.3.3
  • @types/react-dom: ^18.3.0
  • @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin: ^8.7.0
  • @typescript-eslint/parser: ^8.7.0
  • @vitejs/plugin-react: ^4.3.1
  • eslint: ^9.11.1
  • eslint-plugin-react-hooks: ^5.1.0-rc.0
  • eslint-plugin-react-refresh: ^0.4.9
  • globals: ^15.9.0
  • sass: ^1.79.3
  • typescript: ^5.5.3
  • typescript-eslint: ^8.0.1
  • vite: ^5.4.1
  • vite-tsconfig-paths: ^5.0.1

Design System

This section provides information regarding the visual aspects of the project's layout.


A simple prototype as built using Figma for providing a general look of how the application should be implemented. It can be found on the project's prototype link


Three base colors were chosen for building up the whole user interface. Along with these base colors, many tones for each one were provided for applying transitions, animations, gradients and so on. This palette was generated using the Coolors utility.

$white: hsla(32, 100%, 97%, 1);
$white-d: hsla(34, 37%, 93%, 1);
$white-d1: hsla(34, 23%, 88%, 1);
$white-d2: hsla(34, 17%, 84%, 1);
$white-d3: hsla(32, 12%, 79%, 1);
$white-d4: hsla(37, 10%, 74%, 1);
$white-d6: hsla(35, 8%, 70%, 1);

$cyan: hsla(179, 78%, 52%, 1);
$cyan-d: hsla(179, 72%, 49%, 1);
$cyan-d1: hsla(179, 73%, 47%, 1);
$cyan-d2: hsla(179, 73%, 45%, 1);
$cyan-d3: hsla(179, 73%, 42%, 1);
$cyan-d4: hsla(179, 73%, 40%, 1);
$cyan-d5: hsla(179, 74%, 37%, 1);

$black: #221e22ff;
$black-d: #1d1a1dff;
$black-d1: #181518ff;
$black-d2: #131113ff;
$black-d3: #0d0c0dff;
$black-d4: #080808ff;
$black-d5: #030303ff;

These colors can be visualized in the pictures below:








The entire project typography relies on the RedHat Display Font only, provided under the SIL Open Font license. All rights reserved.


Project Structure

This section covers the logical aspects and implementations of the project through its different layers, for making it work as the expected result.

The Game Mania project's file structure is provided as follows:


Assets are static resources that can be used for multiple purposes within the project. These may include either images, fonts, source text documents etc.


The @src/data namespace is meant for containing pieces of software that are dominant in the aspects of working with data. It is the namespace containing either static data models, like types or interfaces, or data operations such as context, for global state management, and database abstractions.


The @data/context module is responsible for providing global state managements for data that is shared between various UI components of the system.

The existing contexts in the project are:

Root Context

The RootContext is responsible for providing common state management across the whole application, providing data that is likely to be used within any existing UI component, not restricted to a given component or an application route, page or similar.

The data provided by the RootContext is defined within the IRootContext interface:

interface IRootContext {
	games?: Game[]
	genres?: Genre[]
	platforms?: Platform[]
	publishers?: Publisher[]
	selectedGame?: Game
	setGames: Dispatch<SetStateAction<Game[] | undefined>>
	setGenres: Dispatch<SetStateAction<Genre[] | undefined>>
	setPlatforms: Dispatch<SetStateAction<Platform[] | undefined>>
	setPublishers: Dispatch<SetStateAction<Publisher[] | undefined>>
	setSelectedGame: Dispatch<SetStateAction<Game | undefined>>
	setTags: Dispatch<SetStateAction<Tag[] | undefined>>
	tags?: Tag[],
	apiMiddleware?: IApiMiddleware

Local Storage

The @data/local-storage module is responsible for providing client-side database operations. This module actually relies on the IndexedDB API implementation of browsers, and is likely to be described as an abstraction layer for simplifying access to the API.

The main representation of the module is the LocalDb class, which is an implementation of the ILocalDb interface, providing a set of abstractions for working more effectively with the IndexedDB API.

This abstraction was required due to the fact that the IndexedDB API was specified within an era where Javascript Promises didn't exist and, due to such context, it relies on many callbacks for each internal request for the database. Dealing with that API directly is not recommended, and may lead to inconsistencies within the application.

The ILocalDb interface defines the behaviors implemented by the LocalDb class, as follows:

interface ILocalDb<T> {
	openObjectStore(storageName: string,
					mode: IDBTransactionMode
	): Promise<IDBObjectStore>

	create<T extends ApiData[]>(storages: { [K in keyof T]: LocalDbStore<T[K]> }): void

	getObjectById(storageName: string, key: number): Promise<T>

	getAll(storageName: string, params?: DataRequestParams): Promise<T[]>

	addObject(storageName: string, object: T): Promise<boolean>

	addBulk(storageName: string, objects: T[]): Promise<ApiData[]>

	removeObject(storageName: string, key: keyof T): Promise<boolean>

	updateObject(storageName: string,
				 key: keyof T,
				 newObject: T
	): Promise<boolean>

	isCreated(): boolean

	reset(): void










Request Parameters

Request parameters define the structure of the query parameters sent to the API for retrieving data. These parameters are defined within the @data/requests module.

At the moment, the existing request parameters are:

Data Request Params

The DataRequestParams type defines the overall structure of the query parameters sent to the API for retrieving data. It is not meant for production, given most of its properties are only valid for the games endpoint of the API, thus it is likely to be changed in the future.

type DataRequestParams = {
	page?: number
	pageSize?: number
	search?: string
	searchPrecise?: boolean
	searchExact?: boolean
	parentPlatforms?: string
	platforms?: string
	stores?: string
	developers?: string
	publishers?: string
	genres?: string
	tags?: string
	creators?: string
	dates?: string
	updated?: string
	platformsCount?: number
	metacritic?: string
	excludeCollection?: number
	excludeAdditions?: boolean
	excludeParents?: boolean
	excludeGameSeries?: boolean
	excludeStores?: string
	ordering?: 'name' | 'released' | 'added' | 'created' | 'updated' | 'rating' | 'metacritic'


The @data/types module is responsible for providing the data models used within the project. These are meant to match either data provided directly by API endpoints or internal data structures of such data.

The existing types in the project are, in alphabetical order:

Added By Status

The AddedByStatus type defines the structure of the added_by_status property from games endpoint responses.

type AddedByStatus = {
	yet: number
	owned: number
	beaten: number
	toplay: number
	dropped: number

Data Service Dictionary

The DataServiceDictionary type defines the structure of the dictionary used for implementing the dynamic behavior of the ApiService class.

type DataServiceDictionary = {
	games: IGameService
	genres: IDataService<Genre>
	platforms: IDataService<Platform>
	publishers: IDataService<Publisher>
	tags: IDataService<Tag>


The Developer type defines the structure of the developer property from games endpoint responses.

type Developer = {
	id: number
	name: string
	slug: string
	gamesCount: number
	imageBackground: string

Esrb Rating

The EsrbRating type defines the structure of the esrb_rating property from games endpoint responses.

type EsrbRating = {
	id: number
	name: string
	slug: string


The Game type defines the structure of the games/{id} endpoint responses.

type Game = GameCommons & {
	nameOriginal: string
	description: string
	metacriticPlatforms: unknown[]
	backgroundImageAdditional: string
	website: string
	screenshotsCount: number
	moviesCount: number
	creatorsCount: number
	achievementsCount: number
	parentAchievementsCount: number
	redditUrl: string
	redditName: string
	redditDescription: string
	redditLogo: string
	redditCount: number
	twitchCount: number
	youtubeCount: number
	alternativeNames: string[]
	metacriticUrl: string
	parentsCount: number
	additionsCount: number
	gameSeriesCount: number
	developers: Developer[]
	publishers: Publisher[]
	descriptionRaw: string
	shortScreenshots?: ShortScreenshot[]

Game Commons

The GameCommons type defines the common structure of the games endpoint shared across both games and games/{id} responses.

type GameCommons = {
	rating: number
	ratingTop: number
	ratings: Rating[]
	added: number
	addedByStatus: AddedByStatus
	playtime: number
	released: string
	tba: boolean
	updated: string
	backgroundImage: string
	id: number
	slug: string
	name: string
	metacritic: unknown
	reviewsTextCount: number
	ratingsCount: number
	suggestionsCount: number
	userGame: unknown
	reviewsCount: number
	saturatedColor: string
	dominantColor: string
	parentPlatforms: ParentPlatform[]
	platforms: GamesPlatform[]
	stores: Store[]
	genres: Genre[]
	tags: Tag[]
	esrbRating: EsrbRating
	clip: unknown

Games Platform

The GamesPlatform type defines the structure of records of data within the platforms property from games endpoint responses.

type GamesPlatform = {
	platform: Platform
	releasedAt: string
	requirements: unknown


The Genre type defines the structure of or more records of the genres endpoint responses.

type Genre = {
	id: number
	name: string
	slug: string
	gamesCount: number
	imageBackground: string


The Image type defines the structure of one or more data records within the results property from games/{id}/screenshots endpoint responses.

type Image = {
	id: number
	image: string
	hidden: boolean
	width: number
	height: number

Local Db Store

The LocalDbStore type defines the structure of the options used for creating object stores within the LocalDb class.

type LocalDbStore<T> = {
	name: string
	keyPath: keyof T
	autoIncrement?: boolean
	indices: StoreIndex<T>[]

Parent Platform

The ParentPlatform type defines the structure of one or more data records of the parent_platforms property from games endpoint responses.

export type ParentPlatform = {
	platform: {
		id: number
		name: string
		slug: string


The Platform type defines the structure of the platforms endpoint responses.

type Platform = {
	id: 1
	name: string
	slug: string
	image: string
	yearEnd: unknown
	yearStart: unknown
	gamesCount: number
	imageBackground: string


The Publisher type defines the structure of either one or more data records of the publishers endpoint responses or the publishers property from games endpoint responses.

type Publisher = {
	id: number
	name: string
	slug: string
	gamesCount: number
	imageBackground: string


The Rating type defines the structure of the ratings property from games

type Rating = {
	count: number
	id: number
	percent: number
	title: string


The Recommended type defines the structure of the project's recommendations system

type Recommended = {
	recent: Game
	daily: Game
	recentScreenshots: Screenshots
	dailyScreenshots: Screenshots


The Screenshots type defines the structure of the games/{id}/screenshots endpoint responses.

type Screenshots = {
	count: number
	next?: string
	previous?: string
	results: Image[]

Short Screenshot

The ShortScreenshot type defines the structure of the short_screenshots property from games/{id} endpoint responses.

type ShortScreenshot = {
	id: number
	image: string


The Store type defines both the structure of one or more data records of the stores property from games endpoint responses and the stores endpoint responses.

type Store = {
	id: number
	url: string
	store: {
		id: number
		name: string
		slug: string
		domain: string
		gamesCount: number
		imageBackground: string

Store Index

The StoreIndex type defines the structure of the indices used for creating object stores within the LocalDb class.

type StoreIndex<T> = {
	index: keyof T
	options: IDBIndexParameters


The Tag type defines the structure of both one or more data records of the tags property from games endpoint responses and the tags endpoint responses.

type Tag = {
	id: number
	name: string
	slug: string
	language: string
	gamesCount: number
	imageBackground: string


The @src/middlewares module is responsible for providing middleware functions for the application.

The existing middlewares in the project are:

Api Middleware

The ApiMiddleware class is responsible for providing a middleware for intercepting API requests and responses, providing a set of behaviors for selecting between data provided locally or from the API.

The behavior of the ApiMiddleware class is defined within the IApiMiddleware interface:

export interface IApiMiddleware {
	getAll(route: keyof DataServiceDictionary,
		   params?: DataRequestParams
	): Promise<ApiData[]>

	getById(route: keyof DataServiceDictionary, id: number): Promise<ApiData>

	getRecommendations(): Promise<Recommended>


The @src/services module is responsible for providing services that handle more logical aspects for the application, such as API connections.

The existing services in the project are:

Api Service

The ApiService class is responsible for providing a service for providing the actual API connection for the application.

The behavior of the ApiService class is defined within the IApiService interface:

interface IApiService {
	createRouteUrl(route: string): string

	gameApi: AxiosInstance

Data Service

The DataService implementations are responsible for providing a service for handling data operations for the application.

The behavior of a DataService class is defined within the IDataService interface:

interface IDataService<T> {
	getAll(params: DataRequestParams): Promise<T[]>

	getById(id: number): Promise<T>

Game Service

The GameService class is an implementation of IDataService responsible for providing a service for handling Game data operations for the application. Game data is provided by the games endpoint of the API.

The behavior of the GameService class is defined within the IGameService, extending the IDataService interface:

interface IGameService extends IDataService<Game> {
	getScreenshots(id: number): Promise<Screenshots>

Genre Service

The GenreService class is an implementation of IDataService responsible for providing a service for handling Genre data operations for the application. Genre data is provided by both the genres endpoint of the API or as a property of the games endpoint response.

Platform Service

The PlatformService class is an implementation of IDataService responsible for providing a service for handling Platform data operations for the application. Platform data is provided by both the platforms endpoint of the API or as a property of the games endpoint response.


The @src/utils module is responsible for providing utility functions for the application. These functions are meant to be used for providing common behaviors across the application, or functionalities that are not directly related to the business logic of the application.

The existing utilities in the project are:

Local Db Utils

The LocalDbUtils class is responsible for providing utility functions for the LocalDb class.

The behavior of the LocalDbUtils class is defined within the ILocalDbUtils interface:

interface ILocalDbUtils {
	filterObjects(idbCursorRequest: IDBRequest,
				  resolve: (value: (ApiData[] | PromiseLike<ApiData[]>)) => void,
				  results: ApiData[],
				  params?: DataRequestParams
	): void

Parser Utils

The ParserUtils class is responsible for providing utility functions for parsing data either from or to the API. These functions are meant for providing a more consistent behavior for the application, as the API may provide data in different formats.

The behavior of the ParserUtils class is defined within the IParserUtils interface:

interface IParserUtils {
	mapToCamelCase(data: any): unknown
	mapToSnakeCase(data: any): unknown
	toCamelCase(snakeText: string): string
	toSnakeCase(camelText: string): string

Startup Utils

The StartupUtils class is responsible for providing utility functions for starting up the application. These functions are meant for setting up the initial state of the application, such as initializing the database, etc.

The behavior of the StartupUtils class is defined within the IStartupUtils interface:

interface IStartupUtils {
	initializeDb(db: LocalDb): void

Styling Utils

The StylingUtils class is responsible for providing utility functions for the styling of the application. These functions are meant for providing a more flexible way of styling the application, as some styles may be dependent on the application's state, which can't be defined statically.

The behavior of the StylingUtils class is defined within the IStylingUtils interface:

interface IStylingUtils {
	getInlineBanner(game?: Game): InlineBannerStyle

Type Utils

The TypeUtils class is responsible for providing utility functions for the type system of the application. These functions are meant for providing a more consistent behavior for the application, as the type system may be complex and require some additional behaviors for working effectively.

The behavior of the TypeUtils class is defined within the ITypeUtils interface:

interface ITypeUtils {
	mapToGame(data: any): Game
	mapToStores(stores: Store[]): Store[]
	mapToGamesPlatforms(platforms: GamesPlatform[]): GamesPlatform[]


The @src/views module is responsible for providing the views of the application. These views are meant for providing the actual user interface of the application, and are composed of TSX functional components.

The views are divided into three main categories:

  • Components: Reusable components that can be used across multiple pages.
  • Pages: Components that represent a single page of the application.
  • Routes: Components that represent a single route of the application.


The @src/views/components module is responsible for providing reusable components that can be used across multiple pages of the application. These are highly dependent on the application's state, meaning that they make no sense by themselves, but only when used within a page/route.

The existing components in the project are:


The @src/views/pages module is responsible for providing components that represent a single page of the application. These components are independent of the application's state, meaning that they can be used by themselves at any given route.

The existing pages in the project are:


The @src/views/routes module is responsible for providing components that represent a single route of the application. These components are the main containers for both components and pages, and are meant for providing the actual user interface of the application. Routes are highly dependent on the application's state, but different from components, they are meant for dealing directly with the application's state, usually by using React's context API.

The existing routes in the project are: