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Haskell Basics

1 What is Haskell? Haskell is a purely functional programming language
  • Variables cannot change state
  • Functions have no side-effects: as in only io
    • Referential Transparency: Calling the same function with the same inputs and receiving the same outputs
Haskell is lazy
  • Unless told otherwise, it won't execute a function unless "it really has to"

Combining Referential Transparency and Laziness lets you think about programming as a series of Transformations on Data. This is allegedly cool because it allows for infinite data structures!

Haskell is Statically Typed Language
  • Errors are caught at compile time
  • Haskell has good Type Inference, or the abillity to infer the type of the variable used, thus not requiring explicit typing.
2 Haskell Operations
  • Negative numbers are funny. Always wrap them in parenthses.
    • NOT OKAY: 5 * -3
    • OKAY: 5 * (-3)
  • Boolean Values are Capitalized
    • True/False
  • Negation
    • Boolean: not means negate
    • Arithmetic: /= means not equal to
  • Type Coercion
    • Only exists from int -> float:
  • Infix, Prefix, Suffix operations
    • Infix: *, +, -, /. Put these between numbers
    • Prefix: *, +, -, /. Put these between numbers
  • Function Calls
    • FunctionName param1 param2 param3
    • 2 Parameter Prefix functions can be written as infix functions
      • div 92 10 can be written as 92 `div` 10
3 Haskell Data Structures
  • Lists
    • let or nothing for variable assignment in interpreter (not .hs files)
    • Strings are lists of chars: you can perform list functions on strings. Ex: Concatenation
      • "hello" ++ " " ++ "world" = "hello world"
      • [1,2,3] ++ [4,5,6] = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
      • ['w','o'] ++ ['o','t'] = "woot"
    • Operators
      • ++ - Slower Concatenation, must iterate through entire left side of operator
      • : - Faster Concatenation, appends singletons to front of right structure instantly
        • [1,2,3] == 1:2:3:[]
        • 3:[1,2] == [3,1,2]
      • !! - Selects element at specified index
        • [1,2,3] !! 2 == 3
      • List Comparison: >,<, ==
        • >, < will evaluate heads of lists and move its way down.
          • [1,2,3] > [1, 2, 1] == True
          • [1,2,3] > [1, 2] == True
          • [1,2,3] > [1, 2, 3, 4] == False
          • [1,2,3] > [1, 2, 4] == False
        • == every element must match
    • Other functions
      • head returns the first element in list
        • head [6,5,2] == 6
      • tail returns all but the first element in list
        • tail [6,5,2] == [5,2]
      • last returns last element in list
        • last [6,5,2] == 2
      • init returns all but the last element in list
        • init [6,5,2] == [6,5]
      • DO NOT USE PREVIOUS FNS ON EMPTY LIST these are runtime exceptions as they cannot be caught at compile time
        • tail [] == *** Exception: Prelude.head: empty list
      • length returns length of list
        • length [6,5,2] == 3
      • null returns true if empty, returns false if not
        • null [6,5,2] == False
      • reverse returns a reversed list
        • reverse [6,5,2] == [2,5,6]
      • take returns first n elements from l list
        • take 2 [6,5,2] == [6,5]
      • take returns first n elements from l list
        • take 2 [6,5,2] == [6,5]
      • drop returns remainder of list after "dropping" first n elements
        • take 2 [6,5,2] == [2]
      • maximum returns largest element in list
      • minimum returns smallest element in list
      • sum returns sum of a list
        • sum [6,5,2] == 13
      • product returns product of a list of elements
        • product [6,5,2] == 60
      • elem returns whether or not element exists in a list. usually called as an Infix function
        • 2 `elem` [6,5,2] == True
        • 10 `elem` [6,5,2] == False
        • elem 2 [6,5,2] == True
      • cycle returns an infinitely repeating list. Usually used with take to slice it
        • take 9 (cycle [1,4,5]) == [1,4,5,1,4,5,1,4,5]
        • take 8 (cycle "LOL ") == "LOL LOL "
      • repeat returns an infinitely repeating list of one element. Usually used with take to slice it
        • take 5 (repeat 3) == [3,3,3,3,3]
    • Ranges can be enumerated with numbers and characters. YOU CAN ALSO SPECIFY STEPS (see examples 4 & 5). You cannot specify non-linear steps [1,2,4,8..100] does not exponentially grow. Can do descending ranges
      • [1..20] == [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]
      • ['a'..'z'] == "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
      • ['K'..'Z'] == "KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
      • [2, 4..20] == [2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20]
      • [3, 6..20] == [3,6,9,12,15,18]
      • [6,5..1] == [6,5,4,3,2,1]
      • [8,6..1] == [8,6,4,2]
      • You can do floating point ranges, but on god, just don't. The floating point percision just ain't there.
    • List Comprehensions
      • Standard - transform list range
        • [x*2 | x <- [1..10]] == [2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20]
      • Conditional - decide condition which list to return
        • [x*2 | x <- [1..10], x*2 >= 12]


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