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This library contains all the base interfaces, classes and logic to create provision category and provider classes, and register them for use in a laravel application.


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Upmind Provision Provider Base

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To see an example of this library in action, check out upmind/provision-workbench

This library contains all the base interfaces, classes and logic to create provision category and provider classes, and register them for use in a laravel application.

Normally this library will not be used standalone, as it will be installed as a sub-dependency of a provision category/provider library such as upmind/provision-provider-shared-hosting.


composer require upmind/provision-provider-base


The package provides samples of Dockerfile files to support local development and testing.

To use them, you need to have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your machine.

A Makefile is provided to simplify the usage of the docker-compose files.

  • make setup-php82 sets up the PHP 8.2 development environment.
  • make static-analysis runs the static analysis.


The sections below describe how to create Provision Categories and Provider classes. Very simply, a provision Category is an abstract class which declares provision functions as abstract public methods. Provider classes extend their parent Category class, and must therefore implement each abstract provision function declared for the Category.

This library makes use of self-validating DataSets, which are explained below.

Create a Category

Provision categories are abstract classes which MUST implement CategoryInterface. For convenience, a BaseCategory exists which can be extended so that all Providers will have access to some common methods which aid in producing provision function results.

Category classes act as the provision 'contract' and are responsible for 2 key things:

  1. Defining AboutData which contains the human-readable name and description and other metadata about the category, by implementing CategoryInterface::aboutCategory().
  2. Defining abstract public methods which make up the available provision functions of this category. These abstract methods should define their parameters by type-hinting a single DataSet class and their return values by return-typing a ResultData class, if parameters or return values are needed for any given function.
Example Category


namespace Upmind\ProvisionExample\Category\HelloWorld;

use Upmind\ProvisionBase\Provider\BaseCategory;
use Upmind\ProvisionBase\Provider\DataSet\AboutData;
use Upmind\ProvisionExample\Category\HelloWorld\Data\Greeting;
use Upmind\ProvisionExample\Category\HelloWorld\Data\PersonData;

 * A simple category for 'Hello World' provider implementations. All Providers
 * of this Category must implement the 'greeting' function, using the single
 * parameter 'name'.
abstract class HelloWorldCategory extends BaseCategory
    public static function aboutCategory(): AboutData
        return AboutData::create()
            ->setName('Hello World')
            ->setDescription('A demonstration category that doesn\'t actually do anything');

     * Greet the user by name.
    abstract public function greeting(PersonData $person): Greeting;

Create a Provider

Provision providers are classes which MUST extend their parent category class, and also MUST implement ProviderInterface. Since each provider in a category abides by the same 'contract', they receive and must return the same data according to the DataSet type/return hints defined in the abstract category functions.

Each provider represents a different implementation of a category and may therefore require different data to configure them, such as API credentials etc. This is supported by means of the provider class constructor, where the required configuration data is defined by type-hinting a single DataSet parameter.

Provider classes are the instantiable class implementations of provision categories and are responsible for 3 main things:

  1. Defining AboutData which contains the human-readable name and description and other metadata about the provider, by implementing ProviderInterface::aboutProvider().
  2. Optionally defining a constructor which type-hints the DataSet required to 'configure' (instantiate) instances of the class.
  3. Implementing each provision function defined by the category
Example Provider


namespace Upmind\ProvisionExample\Category\HelloWorld;

use Upmind\ProvisionBase\Provider\Contract\ProviderInterface;
use Upmind\ProvisionBase\Provider\DataSet\AboutData;
use Upmind\ProvisionExample\Category\HelloWorld\Data\FooConfiguration;
use Upmind\ProvisionExample\Category\HelloWorld\Data\PersonData;
use Upmind\ProvisionExample\Category\HelloWorld\Data\Greeting;

 * This HelloWorld Provider 'Foo' provides its own implementation of the
 * 'greeting' provision function.
class ProviderFoo extends HelloWorldCategory implements ProviderInterface
     * @var FooConfiguration
    protected $configuration;

     * Providers always receive their configuration passed to their constructor.
     * @param array $configuration
    public function __construct(FooConfiguration $configuration)
        $this->configuration = $configuration;

    public static function aboutProvider(): AboutData
        return AboutData::create()
            ->setName('Hello Foo')
            ->setDescription('A demonstration of a provision function success case');

    public function greeting(PersonData $person): Greeting
        $apiKey = $this->configuration->api_key;
        $apiSecret = $this->configuration->api_secret;

        // $this->authenticateWithSomeApi($api_key, $api_secret);
        // do something with configuration data

        return Greeting::create()
            ->setMessage('Greeting generated successfully')
            ->setSentence(sprintf('Hello %s! From your friend, Foo.', $person->name));

Registering Categories and Providers

Categories and Providers are registered in a laravel application in the boot() method of a Service Provider. Your service provider should extend this library's ProvisionServiceProvider which gives it access to the 2 methods bindCategory() and bindProvider(). Each provision category registered in an application must have a unique identifier specified in the first argument of bindCategory(), and each provider must have a unique identifier within their category specified in the second argument of bindProvider().

Example Service Provider


namespace Upmind\ProvisionExample\Category\HelloWorld\Laravel;

use Upmind\ProvisionBase\Laravel\ProvisionServiceProvider;
use Upmind\ProvisionExample\Category\HelloWorld\HelloWorldCategory;
use Upmind\ProvisionExample\Category\HelloWorld\ProviderFoo;
use Upmind\ProvisionExample\Category\HelloWorld\ProviderBar;

class ServiceProvider extends ProvisionServiceProvider
     * Bind the HelloWorld Category and its Providers.
    public function boot()
        $this->bindCategory('hello-world', HelloWorldCategory::class);

        $this->bindProvider('hello-world', 'foo', ProviderFoo::class);
        $this->bindProvider('hello-world', 'bar', ProviderBar::class);

Using the Provision Registry

The provision Registry uses reflection to inspect and verify each category and provider registration, enumerate their AboutData and available provision functions and respective data sets and validation rules.

Using the above HelloWorld category example, the below code snippet shows how to obtain the validation rules of the "greeting" function's parameter and return data sets:


$registry = Upmind\ProvisionBase\Registry\Registry::getInstance();

$greetingRegister = $registry->getCategory('hello-world')
// => Instance of Upmind\ProvisionBase\Registry\Data\FunctionRegister

$parameterRules = $greetingRegister->getParameter()
// => Array of portable laravel validation rules:
// [
//     'name' => [
//         'required',
//         'string'
//     ]
// ]

$returnRules = $greetingRegister->getReturn()
// => Array of portable laravel validation rules:
// [
//     'sentence' => [
//         'required',
//         'string'
//     ]
// ]

Using the above Foo provider example, the below code snippet shows how to obtain the validation rules of the provider's constructor data set:


use Upmind\ProvisionBase\Registry\Registry;

$registry = Upmind\ProvisionBase\Registry\Registry::getInstance();

$fooRegister = $registry->getCategory('hello-world')
// => Instance of Upmind\ProvisionBase\Registry\Data\ProviderRegister

$fooConfigurationRules = $fooRegister->getConstructor()
// => Array of portable laravel validation rules:
// [
//     'api_key' => [
//         'required',
//         'string'
//     ],
//     'api_secret' => [
//         'required',
//         'string'
//     ]
// ]

Caching the Provision Registry

Since the operations required to verify/enumerate each category and provider are relatively expensive, its possible to cache the registry to reduce overhead.

If the registry is cached, attempts to register new categories/providers will instead be transparently pushed to a buffer so that this doesnt impact the performance of the laravel application.

When caching the registry, buffered registers will then be evaluated, verified and enumerated before the serialized form of the registry is returned.

See the below example of how to cache the registry in a laravel application, which could be implemented as an artisan command for example:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
use Upmind\ProvisionBase\Registry\Registry;

$cacheKey = 'upmind-provision-registry';
$serializedRegistry = serialize(Registry::getInstance());

Cache::forever($cacheKey, $serializedRegistry);

See the below example of how to resolve the registry from cache and bind it to the service container as a singleton in a laravel service provider:



namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
use Upmind\ProvisionBase\Registry\Registry;

 * Bind the Provision Registry to the container
class ProvisionRegistryServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * @var string
    public const REGISTRY_CACHE_KEY = 'upmind-provision-registry';

     * Indicates if loading of the provider is deferred.
     * @var bool
    protected $defer = true;

     * Bootstrap any application services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()

     * Load the Provision Registry from cache, or obtain a fresh instance and bind
     * the Registry to the container.
     * @return void
    public function register()
        // Attempt to set the Registry instance from cache
        if ($cachedRegistry = Cache::get(self::REGISTRY_CACHE_KEY)) {
            $registry = unserialize($cachedRegistry);

            if ($registry instanceof Registry) {

        // Bind registry as singleton to container
        $this->app->singleton(Registry::class, function () {
            return Registry::getInstance();

     * Get the services provided by the provider.
     * @return array
    public function provides()
        return [Registry::class];

Executing Provision Functions

Some convenience classes are provided to ease the instantiation of provider objects, and execute provision functions in exchange for a normalized provision Result object.

A Factory is available to create a Provider instance wrapper, which can then create a ProviderJob object which encapsulates the execution of a provision function.

See the below example for the Foo provider:


use Upmind\ProvisionBase\ProviderFactory;
use Upmind\ProvisionBase\Registry\Registry;

$fooConfiguration = [
    'api_key' => 'foo api key here',
    'api_secret' => 'foo api secret here',

$factory = new ProviderFactory(Registry::getInstance());
$foo = $factory->create('hello-world', 'foo', $fooConfiguration);
// => Instance of Upmind\ProvisionBase\Provider

$greetingParameters = [
    'name' => 'Harry',
$greeting = $foo->makeJob('greeting', $greetingParameters);
// => Instance of Upmind\ProvisionBase\ProviderJob

$greetingResult = $greeting->execute();
// => Instance of Upmind\ProvisionBase\Result\ProviderResult

$data = $greetingResult->getData();
// Greeting result data:
// [
//     'sentence' => 'Hello Harry! From your friend, Foo.'
// ]

Data Sets

Provision function parameter and return values, as well as provision provider configuration values, are described and encapsulated within self-validating data set objects.

These are classes which extend the base DataSet and must simply implement the abstract public static rules() method, returning a Rules object.

Data sets validate themselves before any data can be returned from them, thus ensuring that any given DataSet instance always contains valid data. If a data set contains invalid data at the point which any values are attempted to be taken from them, an InvalidDataSetException will be thrown, containing validation errors in the usual laravel format.

It is not necessary to call ->validate() on data sets within your provider code yourself, because this will be done in the ProviderFactory and ProviderJob objects before the data sets are fed into your provider class/code.

See the example below defining PersonData which contains the parameters for the HelloWorld::greeting() provision function. The same approach can be used to define the structure of a provider's configuration data:

Example Parameter Data Set


namespace Upmind\ProvisionExample\Category\HelloWorld\Data;

use Upmind\ProvisionBase\Provider\DataSet\DataSet;
use Upmind\ProvisionBase\Provider\DataSet\Rules;

 * Data set encapsulating a person.
 * @property-read string $name Name of the person
class PersonData extends DataSet
    public static function rules(): Rules
        return new Rules([
            'name' => ['required', 'string'],

For provision function return data, there is an alternative base ResultData class you can extend from which provides convenience methods for optionally setting a Result success message and/or debug data which you can see in action in the Foo provider above.

See the example below defining Greeting which contains the return data of the HelloWorld::greeting() provision function:

Example Return Data Set


namespace Upmind\ProvisionExample\Category\HelloWorld\Data;

use Upmind\ProvisionBase\Provider\DataSet\ResultData;
use Upmind\ProvisionBase\Provider\DataSet\Rules;

 * Data set encapsulating a greeting.
 * @property-read string $sentence Greeting sentence
class Greeting extends ResultData
    public static function rules(): Rules
        return new Rules([
            'sentence' => ['required', 'string'],

    public function setSentence(string $sentence): self
        $this->setValue('sentence', $sentence);
        return $this;


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This library contains all the base interfaces, classes and logic to create provision category and provider classes, and register them for use in a laravel application.







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