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Spatial.lua is a spatial hashing library for lua

Basic usage

spatial = require "spatial"
myStuff = spatial()
myThing = {x = 0, y = 0, width = 32, height = 32, color = {0, 1, 1}}
myStuff:insert(myThing, myThing.x, myThing.y, myThing.width, myThing.height)

local someOfMyStuff, len = myStuff:queryRect(0, 0, 800, 600)


Creating a spatial hash

myHash =


myHash = spatial(cellSize)
  • cellSize is the size of the cells in the underlying grid. The default is 64.

Returns a spatial hash object.

Adding, Removing and managing items

myHash:insert(item, x, y, width, height)
  • item must be a table.
  • x, y, width, height: The bounding box for the item

Returns item.

  • item: Reference to the item to be removed.

Return true if an item was removed.

myHash:update(item, x, y, width, height)
  • item: Reference to the item to be removed.
  • x, y, width, height: The new bounding box for the item.

You should call this every time an item in your game moves.

Querying the hash

To get items back out of the has, You need to query it. Spatial.lua has 3 (technically speaking 2) methods for this.

myHash:queryRect(x, y, width, height, filter)

This is the main querying function. It will return a list of all items in cells that intersect with a rectangular area.

  • x, y, width, height: The rectangle for the query
  • filter: A function to filter the resulting list, Can be "default", "rect" or your own filter function. If omitted defaults to "default"
myHash:queryPoint(x, y, filter)

Internally this is just a shorthand for queryRect(x, y, 1, 1).


This is the slowest query function, If you have a large amount of items in your hash i'd avoid it. If no filter is provided, It will return every item currently in the hash.

About filter functions

Spatial.lua has 2 built in filter functions.

  • "default": This is the default one. It just returns true. Therefore it doesn't actually filter anything.
  • "rect": Only returns items that actually intersect with the query rectangle. For it to work your items need to have the following values in the root of the item table: x, y, width, height

You can also provide your own filter function. The filter function is called for every item a query would return. The item will only be added to the list if the filter function returns true. The filter function is called with the following arguments

filter(item, x, y, width, height)

where x, y, w, h refer to the query rectangle, And item refers to the current item.

Other stuff

_SPATIAL table

Spatial.lua adds a table to every item added to the hash called _SPATIAL. It contains the following:

  • cells: A list of references to cells where the item exists. (items can exist simultaneously in multiple cells, But duplicates are filtered out in queries)
  • spatial: A reference to the spatial module

Adding custom filters

You can add your own filters to Spatial.lua's internal filter list via this function

spatial:newFilter(name, filter)

where name is a string used to refer to the filter in queries, and filter is the function.

Internal functions

Spatial has some functions it uses internally. You can use them too if you really want.

myHash:getCells(x, y, width, height)

returns a list of cells that intersect with a rectangle. The cells are simple lists of items.

cell = {
  -- etc...
myHash:addToCell(item, cellX, cellY)

Adds item to a cell at cellX x cellY. Also creates the cell if it does not exist yet.


Calls function func for each item in the hash. func is called with the follwing arguments:

  • item: The current item.
  • cell: The cell the item is in.
  • index: The items index in its cell

Note that this function does not account for duplicates. So if an item exists in say 3 cells, func will be called 3 times for that item.