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Validators chosen by stake


At a high level a participant that wishes to become a validator will:

  1. start a Vega node as validating node + associated infra
  2. submit a transaction, see below for details, with their keys, saying they want to validate.
  3. self-stake to their validator Vega key at least reward.staking.delegation.minimumValidatorStake.
  4. wait for others to delegate to them.

Note that to be eligible as a potential validator certain criteria need to be met:

  1. Own stake >= reward.staking.delegation.minimumValidatorStake.
  2. Network has verified key ownership (see below).

At the end of each epoch Vega will calculate the unnormalised validator_score, see rewards spec. For validators currently in the Vega validator set it will scale the validator_score by (1+network.validators.incumbentBonus). Note that this number combines own + delegated stake together with performance_score which measures basic node performance.

Vega will sort all current consensus forming (also called Tendermint) validators as [v_1, ..., v_n] with v_1 with the highest and v_n with the lowest score. If for any l,m=1,...,n we have v_l == v_m then we place higher the one who's been validator for longer (so this is a mechanism for resolving ties). Vega will sort all those who submitted a transaction wishing to be validators using validator_score as [w_1, ..., w_k]. These may be ersatz validators (i.e. standby validators who are getting rewards) or others who just submitted the transaction to join.

If empty_slots := network.validators.tendermint.number - n > 0 (we have empty consensus (Tendermint) validator slots) then the top empty_slots from [w_1, ..., w_k] are promoted to consensus (Tendermint) validators. If w_1>v_n (i.e. the highest scored potential validator has more than the lowest score incumbent validator) then in the new epoch w_1 becomes a consensus forming (Tendermint) validator, and the lowest scoring incumbent becomes an ersatz validator. The exception to that rule is if one or more incumbent validators drop below the required ownstake (ownstake < reward.staking.delegation.minimumValidatorStake), either through changing their self-delegation or due to a change of the network parameter. In that case, the validators that have less than the required own stake get a ranking score is 0. If you have two validators with equal ranking score, the one that's been a consensus validator longer will be first in the sorting order (so will be swapped last).

If for any l,m=1,...,k we have w_l == w_m then we resolve this by giving priority to the one who submitted the transaction to become validator earlier (so this is a mechanism for resolving ties). Note that we only do this check once per epoch so at most one validator can be changed per epoch in the case empty_slots == 0.

The same way, if there are free slots for ersatz validators and nodes that have submitted the transaction to join and satisfy all joining conditions, they are added as ersatz validators in the next round.

If a node that submitted the transaction to join and satisfies all other conditions and has a higher score than the lowest scoring ersatz validator (scaled up by the incumbent factor), then (assuming it did not just become a Tendermint validator), it becomes an ersatz validator and the lowest scoring ersatz validator is demoted to pending (also referred to as candidate) validator. The 'transaction to join' of a validator demoted this way remains active until the delegated stake drops below the required minimum

As both these checks are done between epochs, it is possible for a validator to be demoted first from a consensus forming (Tendermint) validator to an ersatz validator, and then from an ersatz validator to a pending validator.

Becoming validator transaction

All keys mentioned here are understood to match the node configuration.

This will include (all as strings):

  • node id (which is the master key) id
  • Vega public key vega_pub_key
  • Tendermint key tm_pub_key
  • Ethereum address ethereum_address
  • name, info_url, avatar_url,
  • starting epoch number: number of epoch from start of which they are expected to perform

for example:

        "id": "126751c5830b50d39eb85412fb2964f46338cce6946ff455b73f1b1be3f5e8cc",
        "vega_pub_key": "a6e6f7daf8610f9242ab6ab46b394f6fb79cf9533d48051ca7a2f142b8b700a8",
        "ethereum_address": "0x14174f3c9443EdC12685578FE4d165be5f57fBd3",
        "tm_pub_key": "0ShTSZ9Ss8AFHuDz1nIGMrGucjXhFdJyUTT7Eqibjq8=",
        "info_url": "",
        "country": "Germany",
        "name": "Greenfield One",
        "avatar_url": ""

Removing non-performing pending validators

Nodes that submitted the transaction to become "pending" nodes (with the aim of joining the ersatz or even the validator set) will be removed from the pending set if either:

  • They have fewer self-owned governance tokens than reward.staking.delegation.minimumValidatorStake at the start of an epoch
  • The node has performance performance score == 0 at the end of an epoch.

Running a pending validator node

Start node as a validator node.

From now we assume that the transaction has been submitted and the node started.

Minimum performance criteria

Basic vega chain liveness criteria is covered in their performance score.

Verifying Ethereum (and later other chain) integration

In order to be considered for promotion from ersatz validator to Tendermint validator, an ersatz validator must prove itself to be reliable. This is measured by ensuring their reliability in forwarding Chain events. A network parameter, network.validators.minimumEthereumEventsForNewValidator, is used to set the acceptable minimum count of times that an ersatz validator was the first to forward a subsequently accepted Ethereum event at least network.validators.minimumEthereumEventsForNewValidator times. An ersatz node will have to forward this number of events for each bridge.

Multisig updates (and multisig weight updates if those are used)

Vega will know the initial multisig signer list (and weights) and watch for signer added and signer removed events to track which ethereum keys are present on the multisig on every registered EVM/ERPC chain.

Once (if) the multisig contracts supports validator weights the vega node will watch for Ethereum events announcing the weight changing. Thus for each validator that is on each multisig contract it will know the validator score (weight) the multisig is using.

We will have network.validators.multisig.numberOfSigners represented on each multisig. Note that network.validators.multisig.numberOfSigners must always be less than or equal to network.validators.tendermint.number.

In the reward calculation for the top network.validators.multisig.numberOfSigners by validator_score (as seen on VEGA) use min(validator_score, chain_1_multisig_weight, ..., chain_n_multisig_weight), with n representing the number of registered EVM/ERPC chains for assets, when calculating the final reward with 0 for those who are in the top network.validators.multisig.numberOfSigners by score but missing from the multisig contract on any of the n registered asset chains.

Thus a validator who is not there but should be has incentive to pay gas to update each multisig. Moreover a validator who's score has gone up substantially will want to do so as well.

As a consequence, if a potential validator joined the Vega chain validators but has not updated the Multisig members (and/or weights) for each bridge, then at the end of the epoch their score will be 0. They will not get any rewards.

In the case where a node is removed due reduced delegation, or due to not meeting self-delegation criteria, or due to lack of performance, or due to a reduction in the value of network.validators.tendermint.number, the onus is on all of the remaining validators and the community to remove the demoted member from all Multisig contracts. They are incentivised to do so by all receiving a validator_score of 0 in the reward calculation until the excess member is removed from each bridge. Bear in mind that currently in this situation the unpaid rewards stay in the reward pool and eventually everything gets distributed at the end of any epoch where the multisig is updated.

Note that this could become obsolete if a future version of the protocol implements threshold signatures or another method that allows all validators to approve Ethereum actions.

Issuing signatures bundles to update Multisig contracts

When a nodes is promoted or demoted from the tendermint validator set the multisig control contracts on each bridge should be updated to reflect the new set. To be able to update the signers on the multisig control contract a signature bundle authorising the addition or removal of a signer is required containing a quorum of signatures from those already on the multisig control contract.

As rewards are withheld from all parties who have staked and delegated to the Vega network, any party is allowed to request a signature bundle to resolve the multisig contract and continue receiving rewards. This can be done by sending in a transaction to the network containing the following information:

    "submitter": "abc",   # the Ethereum address that will submit the transaction to the multisig contract
    "node_id": "xyz",     # the node ID who needs to be added or removed
    "type": "add/remove", # whether the node needs to be added or removed
    "chain_id": "1",      # the ID of the EVM chain the signature bundle is for

Then result from a successful submission will be the generation of a signature bundle made available via a data node.

A transaction to issue signatures must fail if:

  • the request does not correspond to a validator the needs adding/removing from the contract
  • the given chain-id does not belong to any bridge

Once a validator who needs adding/removing from the contract has been added/removed (or no longer needs to be added or removed) it must not be possible to request more signature bundles for it.

All signature bundles for a particular adding/removal event must use the same nonce. For example if validator v is promoted and needs to be added to the contract, when three different parties submit transactions to issue signatures, each of their bundles should use the same nonce. This necessary so that ones one bundle has been used, the other 2 are now defunct.

Ersatz/Standby validators

In addition to the normal validators, there is an additional set of Ersatz validators (also referred to as Standby Validators) as defined by the corresponding network parameter. These are validators that do not contribute to the chain, but are on standby to jump in if a normal validator drops off. The network will have

n' := floor(network.validators.multipleOfTendermintValidators x network.validators.tendermint.number)

ersatz validators. The value range for the decimal network.validators.multipleOfTendermintValidators is 0.0 to infinity. Reasonable values may be e.g. 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0.

Like the other validators, Ersatz validators are defined through own + delegated stake, being the validators with the scores below the Tendermint ones; is NumberOfTendermintValidators is n and NumberOfErsatzValidators is n', then these are the validators with scores n+1 to n+n'.

Performance of Ersatz validators

Ersatz validators are required to run a validator Vega node with all the related infrastructure (Ethereum forwarder, data node etc.) at all times, see the section on performance for validator nodes in 0064-VALP.

Their performance is also defined by the number of heartbeats they sent out of the last 10 expected heartbeats.

Rewards for Ersatz validators

In terms of rewards, Ersatz validators are treated in line with Tendermint validators, see details in validator rewards spec and performance measurement. However network.validators.ersatz.rewardFactor in [0,1] is taken into account to scale their rewards. Also, the same scoring function is applied as for the normal validators, so anti-whaling rules apply for Ersatz validators as well. An Ersatz validator being affected by the whaling rule (i.e., getting sufficient stake to have their reward lowered by the anti-whaling rule) is a out-of-the ordinary event and should be logged.

Multisig for Ersatz validators

At this point, Ersatz validators are not part of any Multisig.

Network Parameters

Property Type Example value Description
network.validators.tendermint.number String (integer) 13 The optimal number of validators that should be in the Tendermint validator set
network.validators.incumbentBonus String (float) 0.1 When comparing the stake of existing validators to ersatz validators, this is the bonus that existing validators earn
network.validators.miniumEthereumEventsForNewValidator String (integer) 100 Ersatz validators must have reported or confirmed this many Ethereum events to be considered for promotion
network.validators.multisig.numberOfSigners String (integer) 9 Currently set to the number of validators on the network. In future will be used to scale multisig Validator participation.
network.validators.ersatz.rewardFactor String (float) 0.2 Scales down the rewards of ersatz validators relative to actual validators
network.validators.ersatz.multipleOfTendermintValidators String (integer) 2 Used to calculate the number of ersatz Validators that will earn rewards String (integer) 5 Minimum number of staked tokens a party must have to be able to submit a transaction to issue signatures String (integer) 5 Maximum number of times per epoch a party can submit a transaction to issue signatures

Acceptance criteria

Joining / leaving VEGA chain (0069-VCBS-001)

  1. A running Vega node which isn't a "pending" or "ersatz" or "validator" node already can submit a transaction to become a validator.
  2. Their performance score will be calculated. See performance score.
  3. If they meet the Ethereum verification criteria and have enough stake they will become part of the validator set at the start of next epoch. See about verifying ethereum integration.
  4. Hence after the end of the current epoch the node that got "pushed out" will no longer be a validator node for Tendermint.

Reward scores for validators joining and leaving

Stake score

Setup a network for each test with 5 Tendermint validators and 2 ersatz validators. Verify the value of the min.validators network parameter is 5. Delegate 1000 tokens to each Tendermint validator and 500 to each ersatz validator (where minimum is defined as 500). Transfer 1000 tokens to the reward account. The test assumes that the validators are already in their state (i.e. 5 are Tendermint, 2 are ersatz).

  1. Base case for Tendermint validators (0069-VCBS-005):
    • Verify that the stakeScore for each of the Tendermint validators is 0.2
  2. Base case for ersatz validators (0069-VCBS-006):
    • Verify that the stakeScore for each of the ersatz validator is 0.5
  3. No antiwhaling for ersatz stakeScore (0069-VCBS-007):
    • Delegate to one of the ersatz validators 4000 more tokens.
    • Run for an epoch with the new delegation (i.e. one ersatz with 500 one with 4500) and transfer 1000 tokens to the reward account.
    • Verify that at the end of the epoch the stake score of the validator with 4500 tokens is 0.9 and the one with 500 tokens is 0.1
  4. Antiwhaling for Tendermint validators (0069-VCBS-008):
    • Additional setup: in addition to the 1000 delegated for each node, delegate 500 more to node 1.
    • Additional setup: ensure that the network parameter for reward.staking.delegation.competitionLevel is set to 1
    • Once it becomes active let it run for a full epoch during which transfer 1000 tokens to the reward account.
    • Verify that at the end of the epoch node 1 should have a stake score of 0.2 where all other nodes get stake score of 0.1818181818
  5. Full antiwhaling for Tendermint validators (0069-VCBS-009):
    • Additional setup: ensure that the network parameter for reward.staking.delegation.optimalStakeMultiplier is set to 3
    • Additional setup: ensure that the network parameter for reward.staking.delegation.competitionLevel is set to 1
    • Additional setup: in addition to the 1000 tokens delegated to each node, delegate 10000 tokens to node1 to get a total delegation of 11000 to it.
    • Once it becomes active let it run for a full epoch during which transfer 1000 tokens to the reward account.
    • Verify that at the end of the epoch all nodes should have a stake score of 0.066666666

Multisig score

  1. Verify that for all ersatz validators their multisig score is 1 (0069-VCBS-010)
  2. Tendermint validators excess signature (0069-VCBS-011):
    • Setup a network with 5 Tendermint validators but with only 4 validators that have sufficient self-delegation. Call the one without enough self-delegation Bob.
    • Announce a new node (Alice) and self-delegate to them, allow some time to replace the validator with no self-delegation (Bob) as a Tendermint validator by Alice. Note: At this point the signature of Bob IS still on all the multisig contracts.
    • Transfer 1000 tokens to the VEGA reward account.
    • Verify that at the end of the epoch all of the Tendermint validators should have a multisig score = 0 since Bob is still on all contracts.
  3. Tendermint validators missing signature test 1 (0069-VCBS-012):
    • Setup a network with 4 Tendermint validators with self-delegation and number of Tendermint validators network parameter set to 5.
    • Additional setup: ensure that the network parameter network.validators.multisig.numberOfSigners is set to 5.
    • Announce a new node and self-delegate to it 1000 tokens.
    • Allow some time for the performance score to be greater than 0. Note: When this happens the validator will be promoted to Tendermint validator at the beginning of the following epoch.
    • When the validator has been promoted to a Tendermint validator, transfer 1000 tokens to the reward account.
    • Verify that the joining validator has a multisig score of 0 and therefore would not get a reward.
  4. Tendermint validators missing signature test 2 (0069-VCBS-013):
    • Setup a network with 4 Tendermint validators with self-delegation and number of Tendermint validators network parameter set to 5.
    • Additional setup: ensure that the network parameter network.validators.multisig.numberOfSigners is set to 4.
    • Announce a new node and self-delegate to it 10000 tokens.
    • Allow some time for the performance score to become 1. Note: When this happens the validator will be promoted to Tendermint validator at the beginning of the following epoch.
    • When the validator has been promoted to a Tendermint validator, transfer 1000 tokens to the reward account.
    • Assert that the new validator has a score (stake score x performance score) in the top 4 - this can be verified in data node with: rewardScore.stakeScore x rewardScore.performanceScore.
    • Verify that the joining validator would have a multisig score of 0 and therefore would not get a reward.
  5. Tendermint validators missing signature test 3 (0069-VCBS-050):
    • Setup a network with 4 Tendermint validators with self-delegation and number of Tendermint validators network parameter set to 5.
    • Additional setup: ensure that the network parameter network.validators.multisig.numberOfSignersis set to 4.
    • Delegate 10000 to the existing validators (can be self or party delegation)
    • Announce a new node and self-delegate to it 1000 tokens.
    • Do not wait for the performance of the node to improve, we actually want for this test the performance score to be as low as possible.
    • When the validator has the delegation set up it will be promoted to tendermint status.
    • When the validator has been promoted to a Tendermint validator, transfer 1000 tokens to the reward account.
    • Assert that the new validator has a score (stake score x performance score) NOT in the top 4 - this can be verified in data node with: rewardScore.stakeScore x rewardScore.performanceScore.
    • Verify that the joining validator would have a multisig score of 1 and therefore gets a reward.
  6. One of the top validators is not registered with the multisig contract (0069-VCBS-051):
    • Run a Vega network where a validator joins and gets a lot delegated in order for it to become one of the top network.validators.multisig.numberOfSigners
    • Ensure its ethereum key is NOT put on any of the multisig contract.
    • Verify the validator has 0 for their multisig score and receives no staking reward.
  7. All multisig contracts must be updated for non-zero multisig scores (0069-VCBS-092)
    • Arrange a network with N validators and 1 ersatz validator.
    • Set network.validators.multisig.numberOfSigners = N.
    • Arrange for one of the validators to be demoted and the ersatz validator to be promoted.
    • Assert that since the demoted validator is still on the multisigs, all tendermint validators should have a multisig score of 0
    • Remove the demoted validator from only one multisig contracts
    • Assert that all tendermint validators have a multisig score of 0
    • Remove the demoted validator the remaining multisig contracts
    • Assert that all tendermint validators except the promoted validator should have a multisig score of 1
    • Add the promoted validator to only one of the multisig contracts
    • Assert that the promoted validator still has a multisig score of 0
    • Add the promoted validator to all of the multisig contracts
    • Assert that the promoted validator now has a multisig score of 1

Validator Score

  1. Verify that the validator score is always equal to the stakeScore x perfScore x multisigScore when the validator is a Tendermint validator (0069-VCBS-014)
  2. Verify that the validator score is always equal to the stakeScore x perfScore when the validator is an ersatz validator (0069-VCBS-015)

Normalised Score

  1. The sum of normalised scores must always equal 1 (0069-VCBS-016)
  2. The normalised score for validator i must equal validatorScore_{i} / total_validator_score. Note: the total validator score is calculated over the relevant set separately (i.e. Tendermint and ersatz) (0069-VCBS-017)

Rewards split between tendermint and ersatz validators

  1. Base scenario (0069-VCBS-018):
    • There are no ersatz validators in the network.
    • Verify that, regardless of ersatzRewardFactor value, all rewards are being paid out to the validators as expected given the reward scores.
  2. Ersatz validators where ersatz reward factor equals 0 (0069-VCBS-019):
    • Ensure that the ersatzRewardFactor is set to 0
    • Setup an ersatz validator with delegation greater than the minimum. The delegation can be equal to the delegation of the other Tendermint validators
    • Verify the ersatz validators and their delegators get no rewards.
  3. Ersatz validators where reward factor equals 1 (0069-VCBS-020):
    • Setup an ersatz validator with self and party delegation making them eligible for reward for a whole epoch. For example, such that the total delegation to each node is 1000 Vega. (3 Tendermint validators, 1 ersatz validator all having a delegation of 1000 Vega).
    • Make sure there is balance of 1000 Vega in the reward pool account for the epoch.
    • Verify the reward pool is distributed equally between the validators.
  4. Ersatz validators where reward factor equals 0.5 (0069-VCBS-021):
    • Setup an ersatz validator with self and party delegation making them eligible for reward for a whole epoch. For example, such that the total delegation to each node is 1000 Vega. (3 tendermint validators, 1 ersatz validator all having a delegation of 1000 Vega).
    • Make sure there is balance of 3500 Vega in the reward account for the epoch.
    • Verify that 3000 is distributed between the Tendermint validators and 500 is rewarded to the ersatz validator.
  5. Multiple ersatz validators, reward factor equals 0.5 (0069-VCBS-022):
    • Setup a network with 3 ersatz validators, 3 Tendermint validators with arbitrary delegation, but ensuring the total delegation for each validator is greater than the minimum self-delegation.
    • With total_delegations_from_all_validators = (0.5 * total_delegation_from_ersatz_validators) + total_delegation_from_tendermint_validators
    • Verify the total reward given to Tendermint validators is equal to the total_delegation_from_tendermint_validators * reward_balance / total_delegation_from_all_validators.
    • Verify the total reward given to ersatz validators is equal to the total_delegation_from_ersatz_validators * 0.5 * reward_balance / total_delegation_from_all_validators.
  6. Pending validators get nothing (0069-VCBS-023):
    • Setup a network with 5 tendermint validators, set number of ersatz validators (through network parameter) to 0.
    • Delegate to each node 1000 tokens (including self-delegation).
    • Announce 2 new nodes, verify that they are in pending state, delegate to them 1000 tokens each.
    • Run the network for a full epoch with the delegation, during which transfer 1000 tokens to the reward account.
    • Verify that, at the end of the epoch, none of the pending validators receive a reward.
  7. Pending validators do not get promoted (0069-VCBS-024):
    • Setup a network with 5 tendermint validators, 2 ersatz validators and set number of ersatz validators (through factor) to 2.
    • Delegate to each node 1000 tokens (including self-delegation).
    • Announce 2 new nodes, verify that they are in pending state, delegate to them 1000 tokens each.
    • Run the network for a full epoch with the delegation, during which transfer 1000 tokens to the reward account.
    • Verify that, at the end of the epoch, none of the pending validators are promoted.

Ranking scores


  1. Verify that at the beginning of epoch an event is emitted for every validator known to Vega with their respective ranking scores. (0069-VCBS-025)
  2. Verify the ranking score is available through the epoch/validator/rankingScore API in the data-node. (0069-VCBS-026)
  3. Verify that the rankingScore is always equal to performanceScore x stakeScore x incumbentBonus (for tendermint validators and ersatz validators) Note: network.validators.incumbentBonus is a network parameter that is applied as a factor (1 + incumbentBonus network parameter) on performanceScore x stakeScore. (0069-VCBS-027)
  4. Verify that if a node has a 0 rankingScore for 1e6 blocks (corresponding to around 11.5 days) it gets removed from the network and will have to be re-announced. (0069-VCBS-028)

Stake scores

  1. No stake (0069-VCBS-029):
    • Setup a network with 5 validators with no delegation
    • Verify that the stakeScore for all of validators is 0
  2. Equal stake (0069-VCBS-030):
    • Setup a network with 5 validators, delegate to each of validator an equal stake
    • Verify that the stakeScore of each of them is 0.2.
  3. Stake change (0069-VCBS-031):
    • Setup a network with 5 validators with 1000 tokens delegated to each.
    • Verify stakeScore at the end of the epoch is 0.2.
    • Change the stake of each validator by adding 100 * the index of the validator (i=1..5).
    • Verify that at the end of the epoch the stakeScore of each validator equals (1000 + i * 100)/5500
  4. Stake change 2 (0069-VCBS-032):
    • Setup a network with 5 validators with 1000 tokens delegated to each
    • Undelegate from one validator 1000 tokens.
    • Verify that, at the end of the epoch, each of the 4 validators with tokens still delegated has a stakeScore of 0.25 and the validator with no tokens delegated has a 0 stakeScore.
  5. Node joining (0069-VCBS-033):
    • Setup a network with 4 validators, each with 1000 tokens delegated.
    • Announce a new node and delegate it 1000 tokens
    • Verify that the stakeScore of all nodes is 0.2 at the beginning of the next epoch. Note: for the first 4 validators this is changing from 0.25 in the previous epoch to 0.2 in the next.


  1. Announce node (0069-VCBS-034):
    • Verify that a node node, once added successfully to the topology, is shown on data-node API with the status pending
  2. Promote a node to become an ersatz validator (0069-VCBS-035):
    • Set up a network with no existing ersatz validators
    • Ensure that the number of ersatz validators allowed in the network is is greater than 0 using the network parameter network.validators.ersatz.multipleOfTendermintValidators
    • Announce a new node on the network
    • Verify the new node gets promoted to an ersatz validator Note: ensure there are no available slots for Tendermint validators so the new node doesn’t get promoted directly to become a Tendermint validator.
  3. Demote a Tendermint validator due to lack of slots (0069-VCBS-036):
    • Setup a network with 4 Tendermint validators
    • Change the network parameter network.validators.tendermint.number to 3 Tendermint validators
    • Verify that the Tendermint validator with the lowest score is demoted to an ersatz validator at the beginning of the next epoch
  4. Demote a number of consensus forming (Tendermint) validators due to lack of slots (0069-VCBS-062):
    • Run with network.validators.ersatz.multipleOfTendermintValidators = 1
    • Setup a network with 6 consensus forming (Tendermint) validators
    • Ensure that the multisig is updated to those 6 validators.
    • Ensure that the threshold on the multisig is set to 666.
    • Change the network parameter network.validators.tendermint.number to 3 Tendermint validators.
    • Verify that exactly one consensus forming validator with the lowest score is demoted to an ersatz validator at the beginning of the next epoch and we are running with 5 consensus (Tendermint) validators.
    • Ensure that the multisig is updated to those 5 validators.
    • Verify that exactly one consensus forming validator with the lowest score is demoted to an ersatz validator at the beginning of the following epoch and we are running with 4 consensus (Tendermint) validators.
    • Ensure that the multisig is updated to those 4 validators.
    • Finally verify that exactly one consensus forming validator with the lowest score is demoted to an ersatz validator at the beginning of the following epoch and we are running with 3 consensus (Tendermint) validators.
  5. Try to demote a number of consensus forming (Tendermint) validators due to lack of slots (0069-VCBS-063):
    • Run with network.validators.ersatz.multipleOfTendermintValidators = 1
    • Setup a network with 6 consensus forming (Tendermint) validators
    • Ensure that the multisig is updated to those 6 validators.
    • Ensure that the threshold on the multisig is set to 900.
    • Change the network parameter network.validators.tendermint.number to 3 Tendermint validators.
    • Verify that no consensus forming validator is removed at the start of the next epoch and we are running with 6 consensus (Tendermint) validators.
  6. Demote a number of consensus forming (Tendermint) validators due to lack of slots (0069-VCBS-064):
    • Setup a network with 3 consensus forming (Tendermint) validators
    • Ensure that the multisig is updated to those 3 validators.
    • Ensure that the threshold on the multisig is set to 666.
    • Change the network parameter network.validators.tendermint.number to 2 Tendermint validators.
    • Verify that no consensus forming validator is removed at the start of the next epoch and we are running with 3 consensus (Tendermint) validators.
  7. Demote a number of consensus forming (Tendermint) validators due to lack of slots (0069-VCBS-065):
    • Run with network.validators.ersatz.multipleOfTendermintValidators = 1
    • Setup a network with 6 consensus forming (Tendermint) validators
    • Ensure that the multisig is updated to those 6 validators.
    • Ensure that the threshold on the multisig is set to 666.
    • Change the network parameter network.validators.tendermint.number to 3 Tendermint validators.
    • Verify that exactly one consensus forming validator with the lowest score is demoted to an ersatz validator at the beginning of the next epoch and we are running with 5 consensus (Tendermint) validators.
    • Ensure that the multisig is updated to those 5 validators.
    • Verify that exactly one consensus forming validator with the lowest score is demoted to an ersatz validator at the beginning of the following epoch and we are running with 4 consensus (Tendermint) validators.
    • Ensure that the multisig is not updated to those 4 validators, but we have the 5 validators from previous step.
    • Verify that no consensus forming validator is removed at the start of the next epoch and we are running with 4 consensus (Tendermint) validators.
  8. Demote an ersatz validator due to lack of slots (0069-VCBS-037):
    • Setup a network with 4 tendermint validators, and 2 ersatz validators.
    • Change the ersatz network parameter network.validators.ersatz.multipleOfTendermintValidators to 0.25 of the Tendermint validators
    • Verify that the ersatz validator with the lowest score is demoted to pending at the beginning of the next epoch
  9. Promotion a node to become a Tendermint validator (0069-VCBS-038):
    • Setup a network with 5 validators (and 5 slots for tendermint validators).
    • Do not self-delegate to them.
    • Announce a new node and self-delegate to them.
    • Verify that at the beginning of the next epoch one of the validators which were Tendermint validators before is chosen at random and is demoted to ersatz validator.
    • Verify the announced validator is promoted to be Tendermint validator with voting power = 10000.
  10. Promotion + swap (0069-VCBS-039):
    • Setup a network with 4 validators with self-delegation such that the number of Tendermint nodes (with the network.validators.tendermint.number parameter set to 5).
    • In the following epoch, remove the self-delegation from node 1, and announce 2 nodes.
    • During the epoch self-delegate to the two nodes.
    • Wait for 3 epochs to allow performance of the new nodes to be greater than 0.
    • Verify that, once the performance is greater than zero, the two nodes should be promoted to Tendermint validators and their voting power should be equal to their relative stake x their performance score x 10000.
  11. Swap last due to performance (0069-VCBS-040):
    • Setup a network with 5 validators with self-delegation.
    • Announce a new node and self-delegate to it.
    • Once it gets to a performance score of 0.2, shut down two of the 5 Tendermint validators after 0.1 of the duration of the epoch, e.g. if the epoch is 5 minutes, that means after 30 seconds of the epoch they should be stopped.
    • Verify that at the beginning of the next epoch, expect the performance score of the two stopped validators is <= 0.1, and one of them chosen at random is demoted to ersatz validator and is replaced by the announced nodes as a Tendermint validator with voting power =~ 0.2 * stake_of_validator / total_stake_network
  12. Number of slots increased (0069-VCBS-041):
    • Setup a network with 5 Tendermint validators, self-delegate to them (set the parameter network.validators.tendermint.number to 5, set the network.validators.ersatz.multipleOfTendermintValidators parameter to 0 so there are no ersatz validators allowed).
    • Announce a new node, DO NOT self-delegate to it.
    • Run for an epoch and assert the validator is shown as pending.
    • Increase the number of tendermint validators to 6.
    • Verify that at the beginning of the next epoch the pending validator is still pending as their performance score is 0 (no self-stake).
    • Self-delegate to the pending validator
    • Verify that at the end of the epoch they are promoted to Tendermint validator.
  13. Swap due to better score (0069-VCBS-042):
    • Setup a network with 5 Tendermint validators and self-delegate 1000 tokens to each of them.
    • Announce a new node at the beginning of the epoch, self-delegate to them a total that is 10000 tokens.
    • At the beginning of the next epoch the new validator should have ranking score equal or lower to all of the Tendermint validators so it doesn’t get promoted. The parameter <incubent_factor> is set sufficiently high to assure this (e.g., 1.1).
    • In the middle of the epoch, shut node 1 down.
    • Verify that at the beginning of the next epoch the announced node replaced node 1 as a Tendermint validator.
    • Restart node 1 again from a snapshot
    • Verify that node 1 is in a pending state.
  14. 2 empty spots, only one available to replace (0069-VCBS-043):
    • Setup a network with 5 slots for Tendermint validators and 3 actual Tendermint validators.
    • Self-delegate to all of them.
    • Announce 2 new nodes but self-delegate only to one of them.
    • Verify that, after 1000 blocks and on the following epoch, only the validator to which we self-delegated got promoted and we now have 4 Tendermint validators and 1 pending validator.

Ownstake Scenarios

  1. Ownstake scenario1 (0069-VCBS-053)

    • Network with 3 tendermint validators and 7 ersatz validators
    • In the same epoch, change the network parameter reward.staking.delegation.minimumValidatorStake in a way that 3 tendermint validators and 3 ersatz validators drop below the ownstake requirement, and change the delegation so that 4 (not affected) Ersatz validators have a higher score than two (not affected) Validators. Also, give one of the Ersatz validators with insufficient ownstake the highest stake (delegated) of all Ersatz validators.
      • At the end of the epoch all validators with insufficient own stake will get a ranking score of 0.
      • No ersatz validator with insufficient stake will get unlisted as ersatz validator
      • The 3 tendermint validators would be swapped with the top 3 ersatz validators over the following 3 epochs
      • Also verify that the ersatz validator with the insufficient own but the most delegated stake has a ranking score of 0 and doesn't get promoted.
      • No validator with stake attached to them is ever completely removed
  2. Ownstake scenario2 (0069-VCBS-073) Setup a network with 6 nodes (3 validators, 2 ersatz validators, 1 pending validator). In one epoch, - one ersatz validator gets the highest delegated stake, but insufficient ownstake (delegates: 10000) - 2 validators drop below ownstake, but have relative high delegated stake (7000) - 1 validator drops to the lowest delegated stake (1000) - 1 ersatz validator has 6000 stake and sufficient ownstake - the pending validator has sufficient ownstake - Verify that the first ersatz validator is removed (marked as pending in the epoch change and then removed due to continuous insufficient ownstake), and one validator with insufficient ownstake is replaced by the other ersatz validator.

  3. Ownstake scenario3 (0069-VCBS-074)

    1. Setup a network with 6 nodes (3 validators, 2 ersatz validators, 1 pending validator). In one epoch,
      • 1 validator drops below ownstake, but has relative high delegated stake (7000)
      • 2 validators drop to the lowest delegated stake (1000 and 1500, respectively)
      • 2 ersatz validators have 6000 stake and sufficient ownstake
      • the pending validator has sufficient ownstake
      • Verify that at the epoch change, the validator with insufficient ownstake is replaced; in the next epoch, the second validator with the lowest score is replaced, and the validator that was demoted to ersatz validator due to insufficient ownstake is removed (stops being listed as an ersatz validator).
      • Verify that the validator that dropped below ownstake is not demoted and removed at the same epoch change.
  4. Ownstake scenario4 (0069-VCBS-075)

    1. Setup a network with 5 nodes (3 validators, 2 ersatz validators, no pending validator). In one epoch,
      • one ersatz validator gets the highest delegated stake, but insufficient ownstake (delegates: 10000)
      • 2 validators drop below ownstake, but have relative high delegated stake (7000)
      • 1 validator drops to the lowest delegated stake (1000)
      • 1 ersatz validator has 6000 stake and sufficient ownstake
      • Verify that the the first ersatz validator is not removed, and one validator with insufficient ownstake is replaced by the other ersatz validator.
      • Add a new pending validator with enough ownstake; verify that it replaces the ersatz validator that had insufficient ownstake.
  5. Ownstake scenario5 (0069-VCBS-076)

    1. Setup a network with 5 nodes (3 validators, 2 ersatz validators, no pending validator). In one epoch,
      • 1 validator drops below ownstake, but has relative high delegated stake (7000)
      • 2 validators drop to the lowest delegated stake (1000 and 1500, respectively)
      • 2 ersatz validators have 6000 stake and sufficient ownstake
      • Verify that at the epoch change, the validator with insufficient ownstake is replaced; in the next epoch, the second validator with the lowest score is replaced, and the validator that was demoted to ersatz validator due to insufficient ownstake is not removed
      • Now reduce the ownstake of both ersatz validators and one real validator below the ownstake requirement; verify that both ersatz validators are not demoted to pending, and that the tendermint validator is not demoted to ersatz (i.e., tendermint validators are not demoted if there is no appropriate ersatz).
      • Reduce the ownstake of both ersatz validators to 0. Verify that both ersatz validators are now removed, and that the tendermint validator still stays a tendermint validator (let this run for at least 2 epochs).
      • Reduce the ownstake of another tendermint validator to 0. Verify that that tendermint validator is demoted, and the other one with insufficient ownstake is not.
  6. Ownstake scenario6 (0069-VCBS-077)

    1. Setup a network with 5 nodes (3 validators, 2 ersatz validators). In one epoch,
      • All validators drop below ownstake
      • All ersatz validators have sufficient ownstake, but lower stake than the validators
      • Verify that one validator is replaced the following epoch, one in the epoch after
  7. Ownstake scenario7 (0069-VCBS-078) -Verify that 2 validators are replaced, one in each epoch

    1. Setup a network with 5 nodes (3 validators, 2 ersatz validators). In one epoch,
      • All validators drop below ownstake
      • All ersatz validators have sufficient ownstake, and higher stake than the validators
      • Verify that one validator is replaced the following epoch, one in the epoch after

Ersatz Rewards

  1. Ersatz validator reward (0069-VCBS-061)

    • Setup a network with 5 validators with the following distribution of delegation:
      • 10%, 10%, 10%, 10%. 60% of the total delegation of tendermint validators
    • Setup 5 ersatz validators each with the minimum delegation at the end of the epoch verify that the stake score of the validator with 60% of the delegation (under reward) is anti-whaled
    • Shutdown the validator with 60% of the delegation
    • Run for an epoch with it down
    • At the end of the epoch expect the validator with 60% of the stake to be swapped as a tendermint validator for one of the ersatz validators.
    • Restart the validator, run until the end of the epoch
    • Verify that this validator is paid reward as ersatz validator and that their stake score under reward is anti-whaled
  2. Change network.validators.ersatz.rewardFactor (0069-VCBS-057)

    • Setup a network with 5 Tendermint validators, 3 Ersatz Validators, network.validators.ersatz.rewardfactor = 0
    • Verify that at the end of the Epoch, the Ersatz Validators get no reward
    • Increase the rewardFactor to 0.5
    • Verify that at the end of the Epoch, the Ersatz validators get half the reward that the validators get (in total)
    • Decrease the rewardFactor to 0.4
    • Verify that at the end of the Epoch, the Ersatz validators get 40% of the reward that the validators get (in total)
    • Set the rewardFactor to 0.32832979375934745648654893643856748734895749785943759843759437549837534987593483498
    • Verify that all validators round the value of reward for the Ersatz validators to the same value.

Slot Adjustments

  1. Number of slots decreased (0069-VCBS-052):

    • Setup a network with 5 Tendermint validators, self-delegate to them (set the parameter network.validators.tendermint.number to 5, set the network.validators.ersatz.multipleOfTendermintValidators parameter to 0 so there are no ersatz validators allowed).
    • Decrease the number of tendermint validators to 3.
    • Verify that in each of the following two epochs, the validator with the lowest score is demoted to Ersatz validator and an Ersatz validator is demoted to pending
  2. Number of Ersatz validators increased (0069-VCBS-058):

    • Setup a network with 4 Tendermint validators, 2 Ersatz Validators (network.validators.ersatz.multipleOfTendermintValidators = 0.5), and 2 pending validators
    • Change the parameter network.validators.ersatz.multipleOfTendermintValidators to 0.9
    • Verify that in the following epoch, the Ersatz Validator with the highest score is promoted to Validator
  3. Number of Ersatz validators decreased (0069-VCBS-054):

    • Setup a network with 5 Tendermint validators, 3 Ersatz Validators (network.validators.ersatz.multipleOfTendermintValidators = 0.5)
    • Change the parameter network.validators.ersatz.multipleOfTendermintValidators to 0.1
    • Verify that in the following to epoch, all the Ersatz Validators are demoted to pending
  4. Number of Ersatz validators Erratic (0069-VCBS-055):

    • Setup a network with 5 Tendermint validators, 2 Ersatz Validators (network.validators.ersatz.multipleOfTendermintValidators = 0.5), and 2 pending validators
    • Change the parameter network.validators.ersatz.multipleOfTendermintValidators to 0.9
    • Verify that in the next epoch the 2 pending validators are promoted to ersatz
    • Change network.validators.ersatz.multipleOfTendermintValidators to 0.1
    • Verify that in the next epoch the 4 ersatz validators are demoted to pending
    • Two epochs later, change network.validators.ersatz.multipleOfTendermintValidators to 0.5
    • Verify that in the next epoch the 2 pending validators are promoted to ersatz
    • Verify that in the last epoch, no demotions/promotions happen and the number of Ersatz validators stays at 2
  5. Number of Ersatz Validators oddly defined (0069-VCBS-056)d

    • Set the factor to 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000001
    • Verify that all Validators round it the same way, and that there are no Ersatz validators
    • Set the factor to 3.00000000000000000000000000000000000000001 and run the network with just one tendermint (consensus) validator.
    • Verify that all Validators round it the same way, and that there are three Ersatz validators
  6. Demote one of the original validators and replace with a new validator. Update the multisig to include the new validator. Ensure multisig threshold is set to '999' (require all signatures). Attempt a withdrawal. (0069-VCBS-069)

  7. On a network with n original validators, gradually replace (via demotion of existing node and promotion of a new node) and stop all of the original validators. (Original nodes not even participating as ersatz or pending). Ensure that consensus continues, and that asset withdrawals are possible. (0069-VCBS-070).

  8. Ensure multisig threshold is set to '666'. Request an asset withdrawal (but do not yet exercise this in the er20 bridge). Demote one of the original validators and replace with a new validator. Update the multisig. Attempt to enact the withdrawal on the erc20 bridge. Funds are received by the party on eth chain, and are no longer present in vega chain account(s). (0069-VCBS-072)

Announce Node

  1. Invalid announce node command (0069-VCBS-044):
    • Send an announce node command from a non validator node should fail
  2. Valid announce node command (0069-VCBS-045):
    • Send a valid announce node from a validator node should result in a validator update event with the details of the validator and a validator ranking event.
  3. Node announces using same keys as existing node via announce node command (0069-VCBS-060):
    • Should be rejected

Multisig update

  1. Can update multisig for new validator, and expect rewards (0069-VCBS-066)
    • Arrange a network with N validators and 1 ersatz validator.
    • Set network.validators.multisig.numberOfSigners = N.
    • Arrange for one of the validators to be demoted and the ersatz validator to be promoted.
    • Update the multisig contract on all bridges by removing the demoted validator, and adding the new tendermint validator.
    • Verify that rewards are paid out at the end of the epoch.
  2. No rewards paid out if multisig not updated. Rewards continued when fixed. (0069-VCBS-067)
    • Arrange a network with N validators and 1 ersatz validator.
    • Set network.validators.multisig.numberOfSigners = N.
    • Arrange for one of the validators to be demoted and the ersatz validator to be promoted.
    • Verify that no rewards are paid out on the first epoch.
    • Update all multisig contracts by removing the demoted validator, and adding the new tendermint validator.
    • Verify that rewards are paid out at the end of the epoch.
  3. Any vega key with number of governance tokens more than or equal to can submit a request to the vega network to obtain the signature bundle that would update the multisig signers to be the keys of the current consensus (tendermint) validators up to network.validators.multisig.numberOfSigners. This request can only be submitted times per epoch per vega key per registered EVM/ERPC asset chain (alternatively the request will provide the update bundles for all the chains). Once multisig uses weights it will also include the correct weights for all multisig contracts. (0069-VCBS-094)
  4. Replace a validator with a new node via promotion/demotion. Ensure that rewards are paid out at the end of the epoch if all multisigs are updated to match the new validator. (0069-VCBS-091)

Re-Issuing Signature Bundles by non Validators

  1. Submit two IssueSignature requests from the same Vega-Key (but for different bundles) for the same block. Verify that only one of the requests is executed, but both pass consensus. (Note: This AC may need replacement with the new Tendermint API). Repeat this test for in the next epoch and verify that the result is the same. (0069-VCBS-081)

  2. Submit two IssueSignature requests from the same Vega Key (but for different bundles) so that they are proposed for different blocks. Verify that the second one does not make it through consensus, but gets rejected earlier. Repeat this rest in the next epoch and verify that the result is the same. (0069-VCBS-082)

  3. Submit two IssueSignature requests for the same bundle from different Vega keys, in a way that they end up in the same block. Verify that both get executed. (0069-VCBS-083)

  4. Submit two IssueSignature requests for the same bundle from different Vega keys in different blocks. Verify that both get executed. (0069-VCBS-084)

  5. Take three Vega keys V1, V2 and V3. Submit for the same bundle in the same block 2 IssueSignature requests from V1 and one from V2. Verify that all three pass consensus, and that one request from V1 and one from V2 are executed. In a following block, submit one IssueSignature request from V1 and V2 each, and 2 from V3. Verify that the ones from V1 and V2 are rejected pre-consensus, both from V3 pass consensus, and one from V3 is executed. (0069-VCBS-085)

  6. Issue a request from a Vega key with a wrong signature. Verify that it is rejected pre-consensus. Issue a correct request from that key in a following block and verify that it is correctly executed. (0069-VCBS-086)

  7. Issue 5 requests from a vega key in the same block, 4 of which with invalid signatures. Verify that only the one with the correct signature is passed to consensus, and is properly executed. (0069-VCBS-087)

  8. After a node has been promoted, issue a request for a signature to add it to the multisig control contract but provide a chain-id that does not correspond to any bridge. It should fail. (0069-VCBS-089)

  9. After a node has been demoted, issue a request for a signature to remove it to the multisig control contract but provide a chain-id that does not correspond to any bridge. It should fail. (0069-VCBS-090)

  10. After a successful transaction to issue signatures, the data node API containing the signature bundles also includes the chain-id for the multisig contract it corresponds to. (0069-VCBS-093)