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Docker image for building Vespa on CI platforms


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Docker images for Vespa development

This repo contains Docker images for Vespa development on AlmaLinux 8 (Vespa 8). vespa-build-almalinux-8 is used for only building Vespa, while vespa-dev-almalinux-8 is used for active development of Vespa with building, unit testing and running of system tests. vespa-dev-almalinux-8 depends on vespa-build-almalinux-8. To pull the images:

docker pull
docker pull

Commits to master will automatically trigger new builds and deployment on Docker Hub.

Read more at the Vespa project homepage.

The project is covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Vespa development on AlmaLinux 8

This guide describes how to build, unit test and system test Vespa on AlmaLinux 8 using Docker or Podman. Change from docker to podman in the commands below if using Podman.

When doing Vespa development it is important that the turnaround time between code changes and running unit tests and system tests is short. vespa-dev-almalinux-8 provides a complete environment for this. The code is compiled using mvn, cmake and make and then installed into your personal install directory. Vespa can be executed directly from this directory when for instance running system tests.

Docker configuration

Docker on macOS

Make sure Docker has sufficient resources:

Open Docker - Preferences - Resources and set:

  • CPUs: Minimum 2. Use 8 or more for faster build times.
  • Memory: Minimum 8 GB. 16 GB or more is preferred.
  • Disk size: 128 GB.

Docker on Linux

Make sure Docker can be executed without sudo for the scripts in this guide to work:

sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $(id -un)
sudo systemctl restart docker

Log out and login again; or run sudo su - $USER command to continue.

Podman on macOS

Install Podman Desktop:

brew install podman-desktop

Create a new Podman Machine with sufficient resources (Preferences - Resources - Create new ...)

  • CPUs: Minimum 2. Use 8 or more for faster build times.
  • Memory: Minimum 8 GB. 16 GB or more is preferred.
  • Disk size: 128 GB.
  • Machine with root privileges: Enabled

The Podman Machine can also be created using podman machine init:

podman machine init --cpus=8 --memory=16384 --disk-size=128 --rootful

Setup the Docker container

Download the latest vespa-dev-almalinux-8 Docker image

docker pull

Create the Docker container

Remote debugging

If you want to be able to attach a remote debugger (e.g. IntelliJ) to a process inside the container, you need to add port forwarding at this stage. It cannot be done after the container has been created. To allow debugging on port 5005, insert the following line in between the lines to the command in the appropriate section below:

-p \
With explicit Docker volume (recommended for macOS)

First, create a long lived Docker volume. This lets us persist data generated by and used by the Docker container. Skip this step if the volume already exists.

docker volume create volume-vespa-dev-almalinux-8

Second, create the container by mounting the volume as the home directory inside the container:

docker create \
    -p \
    -v volume-vespa-dev-almalinux-8:/home/$(id -un) \
    --privileged \
    --pids-limit -1 \
    --name vespa-dev-almalinux-8 \
With directory volume mount (recommended for Linux)

A directory on the host machine can be mounted into the container using the -v option. This lets us persist data generated by and used by the Docker container. When running Docker on a Linux host there is basically no overhead doing so. First, create a volume directory on the host:

mkdir -p $HOME/volumes/vespa-dev-almalinux-8

Second, run docker create with the -v option to mount the volume directory as the home directory in the container:

docker create \
    -p \
    -v $HOME/volumes/vespa-dev-almalinux-8:/home/$(id -un) \
    --privileged \
    --pids-limit -1 \
    --name vespa-dev-almalinux-8 \

Start the Docker container

docker start vespa-dev-almalinux-8

Configure the Docker container

Ensure you have an SSH key before running the script. If not, use the following guide to generate a new SSH key.

mkdir -p $HOME/git
cd $HOME/git
git clone [email protected]:vespa-engine/docker-image-dev.git
cd $HOME/git/docker-image-dev/dev/almalinux-8

If using Docker:

./ docker vespa-dev-almalinux-8

Or, if using Podman:

./ podman vespa-dev-almalinux-8

This adds yourself as user in the container, copies authorized keys to ensure ssh can be used, and sets environment variables needed for building Vespa.

Build the vespa-dev-almalinux-8 Docker image (optional)

cd $HOME/git/docker-image-dev/dev/almalinux-8
docker build -t vespaengine/vespa-dev-almalinux-8:latest .

Use this for testing if doing changes to the Docker image.

Build Vespa

SSH into the container

ssh -A -p 3334

If the ssh command fails, see SSH troubleshooting

Checkout Vespa repo

mkdir -p $HOME/git
cd $HOME/git
git clone [email protected]:vespa-engine/vespa.git
cd $HOME/git/vespa

Clean up old state (if using a long lived docker volume)

If you are persisting data from a previous container, clean out old state to ensure that the latest version of build tools will be used:

git clean -fdx
ccache --clear

Build Java modules

./ java
mvn clean install --threads 1C -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dmaven.source.skip=true -DskipTests

Build C++ modules

cd $HOME/git/vespa
cmake3 .
make -j 9

Set the number of compilation threads (-j argument) to the number of CPU cores + 1.

Build and optimize for newer cpu architectures

You can use the compiler flags -march= and -mtune= to specify the CPU generation to build for. For details and options consult the GCC manual. The below command will setup building with the instruction set available on the Intel Haswell CPU generation and optimize code generation for the even newer Intel Icelake CPU generation, but still use only the instruction set available on Haswell.

cmake3 -DVESPA_CPU_ARCH_FLAGS="-march=haswell -mtune=skylake" .

Install modules

make install/fast

Default install directory is $HOME/vespa ($VESPA_HOME).

Run unit tests

Test all Java modules

mvn test --threads 1C

Test specific Java module (e.g. container-search)

mvn test --threads 1C -pl container-search

Test all C++ modules

ctest -j 9

Test specific C++ module (e.g. searchlib)

ctest -j 9 -R "^searchlib_"

Run system tests

Checkout system-test repo

cd $HOME/git
git clone [email protected]:vespa-engine/system-test.git

Note that the system test scrips are already in your PATH inside the Docker container.

Copy feature flag overrides from system test repo

Some system tests depend on feature flag overrides.

cp $HOME/git/system-test/docker/include/feature-flags.json $HOME/vespa/var/vespa/flag.db

Start nodeserver in one terminal

Run system test in another terminal

cd $HOME/git/system-test/tests/search/basicsearch basic_search.rb

Building and running Vespa with sanitizer instrumentation

Vespa natively supports building and running C++ code instrumented using sanitizers.

Building C++ code with sanitizers

Pass the VESPA_USE_SANITIZER=sanitizer variable to CMake, where sanitizer must be one of the following:

  • address - instrument using AddressSanitizer
  • thread - instrument using ThreadSanitizer
  • undefined - instrument using UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer
  • address,undefined instrument using both AddressSanitizer and UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer. This is the only supported option for using multiple sanitizers at the same time.

Example for generating build-files that instrument Vespa using ThreadSanitizer:

cmake3 -DVESPA_USE_SANITIZER=thread .

Note that vespamalloc is not built when sanitizers are configured, as both vespamalloc and sanitizers will attempt to intercept/override default libc malloc API calls.

Running instrumented unit tests

Unit tests can be run as usual, both directly from the terminal and from within CLion.

If a test is flaky (especially if it involves a rare race condition), it's often useful to be able to run one particular test in a loop until it fails. Both GTest and the sanitizers can be easily configured using environment variables.

Example environment variables for running a single test case 100 times, immediately aborting if either the test fails or ThreadSanitizer detects a problem (here presented in CLion run configuration format):


When setting your own TSAN_OPTIONS environment variable you may have to manually add the suppressions option and point it to the tsan-suppressions.txt file found in the Vespa source code root directory to avoid getting reports for already known false positives. This option is automatically set when running unit tests via CTest.

Note that you cannot run an instrumented unit test under Valgrind.

Running instrumented system tests

As with unit tests, system tests can be run as usual with no extra setup needed. However, since system tests run with many instrumented processes simultaneously, it's useful to configure sanitizers to emit per-process error logs and to suppress known, benign warnings.

Processes are launched in the context of the system test node server, so export any environment variables prior to launching it.

Example (substitute paths with your own):

export TSAN_OPTIONS="suppressions=/home/myuser/git/vespa/tsan-suppressions.txt log_path=/home/myuser/tsan_logs/log history_size=7 detect_deadlocks=1 second_deadlock_stack=1"

If processes emit fatal sanitizer warnings on startup, e.g:

==51385==FATAL: ThreadSanitizer: failed to intercept munmap

then this is usually a sign that there are traces of a previous (non-instrumented) vespamalloc build in your Vespa install tree. Vespa startup scripts will implicitly pick up and load vespamalloc if it's present, regardless of instrumentation status. The easiest way to get around this is to wipe the install tree and re-run make install.

Use CLion or IntelliJ natively in the development container via JetBrains Gateway

Recent versions of the JetBrains IDEs natively support remote development, where the IDE frontend runs on the native OS, while the compilation and analysis backend runs on a remote host (or in our case, a local Podman container). This works out of the box for both macOS and Linux as the frontend OS.

Note that remote development is not supported on the IntelliJ IDEA Community edition.

Use the JetBrains Toolbox app to install IDEs

The easiest way to manage (and update) multiple installed IDEs is via the JetBrains Toolbox app.

Via the Toolbox, install and launch the desired IDE application(s).

Set up Remote Development mode

  1. Launch the desired IDE from the Toolbox
  2. Navigate to Remote Development --> SSH.
  3. Set up a new connection. Specify your username and the host/port configured earlier when setting up the Podman container (by default and 3334). It is recommended to use an SSH agent (for instance via 1Password) to manage SSH private keys, as this streamlines the SSH authentication process considerably.
  4. Once the connection is established, add a new project. Specify the IDE version (generally the latest, non-early access build is preferred) and the root directory of the project (e.g. /home/<username>/git/vespa).
  5. Launch the IDE from the Recent SSH Projects view. The IDE should now be usable as if it were natively running on the host OS.

Use CLion or IntelliJ via X11 forwarding

This is an alternative approach to developing remotely, which uses X11 forwarding over SSH instead of having the IDE split into distinct frontend and backend parts. It therefore also works with the IntelliJ IDEA Community edition.

This is expected to work natively on Linux, though empirical observations indicate that Wayland-based compositors may experience performance regressions over X11-based compositors.

macOS does not have native X11 capabilities, so a dedicated program (XQuartz) must be used.

macOS specific: install XQuartz

XQuartz is a version of the X.Org X Window System for macOS. Download here.

Configure sshd inside container to use ipv4

Set AddressFamily inet inside /etc/ssh/sshd_config and restart sshd:

sudo kill -HUP <sshd-pid>

SSH into container with X11 forwarding

Open a terminal (for macOS, this must be an XQuartz terminal) and run:

ssh -Y -A -p 3334

Then start CLion or IntelliJ from this terminal.

SSH troubleshooting

If the ssh command fails, e.g. with the following message:

ssh kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

then, execute an interactive shell on the container:

docker exec -it vespa-dev-almalinux-8 /bin/bash

Inside the shell, check if there are any host keys:

ls -l /etc/ssh

If the folder does not contain any ssh_host_* files, use this command to generate host keys:

sudo ssh-keygen -A

Then, start the ssh daemon:

$(which sshd)

If you need to debug further, add the flags -Ddp to the above command. In another terminal, try to ssh into the container again with the appropriate level of verbosity, e.g.

ssh -vvv -A -p 3334