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Vishnunarayan K I edited this page Mar 23, 2020 · 7 revisions


The following are extended installation instructions for Windows and Linux users.

Windows via choco (Method 2)

Contributed by @1ijack

  • Install Chocolatey Package manager (via Windows Nuget) to

  • the choco install command SHOULD be run with an administrator privledged cmd.exe console:

    • [WindowsKey] > "cmd.exe" > [Shift]+[Ctrl]+[Enter] > (Click "Yes")
choco install -y git python3 aria2 mpv
  • the rest of the commands SHOULD be run in an un-privledged/normal cmd.exe console:
    • [WindowsKey] > "cmd.exe" > [Enter]
pip install -U git+https:/vn-ki/anime-downloader.git


Available on brew

brew install anime-downloader --HEAD

Refer this issue


For arch users, anime-downloader is available in the AUR.

If you are using linux, you most probably already have python installed.

Type pip --version into your terminal. If it says python2, replace all the following pip with pip3.

  • Install aria2

  • Install anime downloader

pip install anime-downloader
  • To install master branch
pip install -U git+https:/vn-ki/anime-downloader.git
  • Enjoy.
  • You can download mpv with your package manager. You can follow this guide, to install it on ubuntu.