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QACTL v0.2

Jonathan edited this page Dec 21, 2021 · 1 revision

Table of contents


qa-ctl is a tool that allows you to run tests locally and get the results without worrying about deployments, provisioning and dependencies.

To achieve this, this tool does the following:

  • Deploy the necessary environment to run the test/s.
  • Install Wazuh and the wazuh-qa framework on the deployed machines. In short, ready for running tests.
  • Execute the test/s and return the results to the user.

The next image shows a flow diagram of how the tool works:

  • The infrastructure module is in charge of creating the needed VMs.
  • The provisioning module is in charge of installing Wazuh and the QA framework.
  • The run test module is responsible for launching the tests and collect the results.

How to use it

First, you have to install the qa-ctl tool.

Check if it is installed with qa-ctl -h, you will see the help menu.

This tool has the following parameters:

  • -c, --config <file_path>: Specifies the custom configuration file to be used in qa-ctl.
  • -d, --debug: Run in debug mode. You can increase the debug level with more [-d+]:
    • -d: Show qa-ctl debug logs.
    • -dd: Show vagrant and ansible output in logs.
  • -h, --help: Show qa-ctl help menu.
  • -p, --persistent: If specified, the environment will not be destroyed after finishing.
  • -r, --run <test_name_1> <test_name_2> ...: Set automatic mode. Launches the tests and returns the results.
  • -v, --version <version>: Specify the version of wazuh to use. If not set, the latest released version will be used.
  • -o, --os <os_system>: Specify the system(s) with which to launch each test.
  • --dry-run: Config generation mode. The test data will be processed and the configuration will be generated without running anything.
  • --no-validation: Disable the script parameters validation.
  • --no-validation-logging: Disable parameters validation logging. Useful when it is run inside a docker container.
  • --qa-branch <repository_branch>: Set a custom wazuh-qa branch to use in the run and provisioning. This has a higher priority than the specified in the configuration file.
  • --skip-deployment: Flag to skip the deployment phase. Set it only if -c or --config (manual mode) was specified.
  • --skip-provisioning: Flag to skip the provisioning phase. Set it only if -c or --config (manual mode) was specified.
  • --skip-testing: Flag to skip the testing phase. Set it only if -c or --config (manual mode) was specified.

Parameter restrictions

  • -r, --run cannot be launched with the -c, --config parameter. They represent independent modes.
  • -d, --dry-run can only be specified with r, --run (automatic mode).
  • -v, --version parameter has to be in x.y.z format. For example 4.2.1.
  • -v, --version can only be specified with r, --run (automatic mode).
  • -v, --version value has to correspond to a released version of Wazuh.
  • --skip-deployment, --skip-provisioning, --skip-testing can only be launched with -c, --config (manual mode).
  • --qa-branch must exist in the wazuh-qa repository on github.
  • -r, --run values have to correspond to existing and documented tests of the specified branch of the wazuh-qa repository.
  • -o, --os can only be specified with r, --run (automatic mode).

Allowed values

  • -o, --os: [centos, ubuntu, windows]

Modes of use

Automatic: Launch tests and get results

A quick and simple way to run a test and obtain the results using default parameters. In this mode the documentation of each test is parsed and the necessary environment is built, provisioning it with the specific Wazuh version (with the -v or --version parameter), or else using the latest released version of Wazuh and using the equivalent version for wazuh-qa framework and testing.

To use this mode, we have to specify the parameter -r, --run.

qa-ctl -r <test_name_1> <test_name_2> ...
For example:
qa-ctl -r test_general_settings_enabled

2021-09-08 16:35:31,651 - INFO - Starting 1 instances deployment
2021-09-08 16:38:01,214 - INFO - The instances deployment has finished sucessfully
2021-09-08 16:38:01,216 - INFO - Checking hosts SSH connection
2021-09-08 16:38:07,584 - INFO - Hosts connection OK. The instances are accessible via ssh
2021-09-08 16:38:07,584 - INFO - Provisioning 1 instances
2021-09-08 16:39:06,467 - INFO - Waiting 60 seconds before performing the healthcheck in host
2021-09-08 16:41:10,351 - INFO - The instances have been provisioned sucessfully
2021-09-08 16:41:10,354 - INFO - Launching 1 tests
2021-09-08 16:41:10,355 - INFO - Waiting for tests to finish
2021-09-08 16:41:11,277 - INFO - Running /tmp/wazuh-qa/tests/integration/test_vulnerability_detector/test_general_settings/ test on [''] hosts
2021-09-08 16:41:17,795 - INFO -

============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.10, pytest-6.2.4, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /tmp/wazuh-qa/tests/integration, configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: html-2.0.1, testinfra-6.0.0, metadata-1.11.0, testinfra-6.4.0
collected 4 items

../../tmp/wazuh-qa/tests/integration/test_vulnerability_detector/test_general_settings/ . [ 25%]
ss.                                                                      [100%]

- generated html file: file:///tmp/wazuh-qa/test/integration/reports/test_report-2021-09-08 16:41:11.277135.html -
========================= 2 passed, 2 skipped in 1.90s =========================

2021-09-08 16:41:17,795 - INFO - The test run is finished
2021-09-08 16:41:17,795 - INFO - Destroying 1 instances
2021-09-08 16:41:23,143 - INFO - The instances have been destroyed sucessfully

Important note: To use the automatic mode, the test/s must be previously documented according to the documentation schema (proposed by qa-docs team), in order to obtain the necessary information for the run. You can see an example of a documented test in this piece of code.

Manual: Specify configuration parameters to launch the tests

A mode in which we will specify the execution flow of qa-ctl according to a custom configuration file.

In this configuration file, we can specify information about deployment, provisioning and test executions.

Also, it can be used to launch independent modules without making use of the complete flow, for example, if we already have a previously deployed and provisioned environment, we can choose only to launch the tests, or choose to deploy only one environment...

To use this mode, we have to specify the parameter -c, --config.

qa-ctl -c <configuration_file_path>

Mixed: generate an environment with automatic mode and then reused it in manual mode

The purpose of this mode is to generate a configuration file automatically, to modify it later and use it in qa-ctl.

We can generate a configuration file automatically in the following ways:

  • Perform a run as simulated --dry-run, in this way instead of executing the different phases corresponding to one or a set of tests, the corresponding configuration file is generated and its path is indicated so that it can be modified and used later.

  • After a qa-ctl run, if the -p, or --persistent parameter was specified, then the environment and the corresponding generated files will not be deleted, so we can use the auto-generated configuration file again.

The usefulness of this mode is to be able to specify specifically the environment we want to deploy, or in case it is already deployed, to reuse it and directly use it to speed up the whole testing process and obtain results.

For example

Generate a configuration file from test information
qa-ctl --dry-run -r test_general_settings_enabled
    2021-09-08 16:53:40,179 - INFO - Run as dry-run mode. Configuration file saved in /tmp/config_1631112820.17649.yaml
Perform a run with persistent environment, and then re-launch the test in the same environment
qa-ctl -r test_general_settings_enabled --persistent
    INFO - Configuration file saved in /tmp/qa_ctl/config_1633608335.685262.yaml
qa-ctl -c  /tmp/qa_ctl/config_1633608335.685262.yaml --skip-deployment --skip-provisioning


Launch a single test.
qa-ctl -r <test_name>
Launch a single test for a specified system (in this case windows).
qa-ctl -r <test_name> -o windows
Launch multiple tests (In parallel using different environments).
qa-ctl -r <test_name_1> <test_name_2> ...
Launch two tests for multiple systems (cross product).
qa-ctl -r <test_name_1> <test_name_2> -o centos windows
Launch a test with a specific version of Wazuh.
qa-ctl -r <test_name> -v <wazuh_version>
Launch tests with a custom qa-ctl configuration (tests are include in the configuration file).
qa-ctl -c <config_file_path>
Generate tests configuration, update it and run it.
qa-ctl --dry-run -r <test_name>
    <Update configuration file generated in showed path>
qa-ctl -c <config_file_path>
Launch a test, without destroying the environment.
qa-ctl -r <test_name> -p
Launching a test using a custom branch of wazuh-qa.
qa-ctl -r <test_name> --qa-branch <wazuh_qa_branch>
Launch qa-ctl in debug mode
qa-ctl -r <test_name> -d
Launch qa-ctl in debug 2 mode
qa-ctl -r <test_name> -dd
Launch a test run without destroying the environment, and then relaunch the test again.
qa-ctl -r test_general_settings_enabled --persistent
    INFO - Configuration file saved in /tmp/qa_ctl/config_1633608335.685262.yaml

qa-ctl -c /tmp/qa_ctl/config_1633608335.685262.yaml --skip-deployment --skip-provisioning

Setting up a configuration file

QACTL consists of several different and independent modules. We can interact with these modules through the configuration file written in YAML format.

This file consists of 4 main sections:

  • deployment: Section to specify the environment deployment information. It can be with vagrant or docker.
  • provision: Section for specifying provisioning information for an environment.
  • tests: Section to indicate the set of tests to be run in the environment.
  • config: Section to specify custom qa-ctl configuration such as logging.

All of these sections have different configurable fields, some required, some optional, and declared by default if not given. In the next points of this guide, every field will be explained so the user can understand it better.

Infrastructure deployment module

          enabled: Boolean (Required)
          vagrantfile_path: String (Required)
          vagrant_box: String (Required)
          vm_memory: Number(int) (Required)
          vm_cpu: Number(int) (Required)
          vm_name: String (Required)
          vm_system: String (Required)
          label: String (Required)
          vm_ip: IP address (Required)

Vagrant deployment

  • enabled: If False, the VM won’t be created.
  • vagrantfile_path: Path where the vagrantfile will be created.
  • vagrant_box: Path to the vagrant box file, link, or box specifying the box that will be used.
  • vm_memory: Memory assigned to the VM.
  • vm_cpu: Number of CPUs assigned to the VM.
  • vm_system: VM operative system.
  • Label: Assign a label to the VM.
  • vm_ip: assigned IP for the VM.

Provisioning module

        ansible_connection: String (Required)
        ansible_user: String (Required)
        ansible_password: String (Required)
        ansible_port: Integer (Required)
        ansible_python_interpreter: String (Required)
        system: String (Required)
        installation_files_path: String (Required)
        host: String (Required)

          type: String(Required)
          target: String (Required)
          manager_ip: String (Optional)
          wazuh_branch: String (Optional)
          s3_package_url: String (Optional)
          local_package_path: String (Optional)
          system: String (Optional) Possible values: rpm, deb, windows, macos, solaris10, 
          solaris11, rpm5, wpk-linux, wpk-windows
          version: String (Optional)
          revision: String (Optional)
          repository: String (Optional)
          installation_files_path: String (Required)
          wazuh_install_path: String (Required)
          healt_check: Boolean (Optional)

          wazuh_qa_branch: String (Required)
          qa_workdir: String (Required)

Host info section

  • ansible_connection: This field defines the connection method selected.
  • ansible_user: String with the existing username in the host.
  • ansible_password: String with the password of the user.
  • ansible_port: The port number that will be used to establish the connection.
  • ansible_python_interpreter: String with the Python path.
  • system: System type of the machine where qa-ctl is going to be launched.
  • installation_files_path: Path where qa-ctl is going to be installed
  • host: String with the IP or DNS of the host.

Wazuh deployment section

  • type: Type of the installation method. This value can be either sources or package.
  • target: Target of the Wazuh installation. This field can take only two different values:
    • manager: In case we want to install wazuh manager.
    • agent: In case we want to install wazuh agent.
  • manager_ip: Manager IP to get connected. This field will be required only when the target specified is agent.
  • wazuh_branch: Branch containing the desired wazuh installation files. This field is only required when type has the value sources.
  • s3_package_url: URL of a Wazuh s3 package to download. This parameter is only required under two conditions:
    • type field has to have package selected as the parameter.
    • None of the fields, local_package_path, system, version, revision, and repository are given.
  • local_package_path: Local path where the wazuh package is located. As with s3_package_url, this field will also be required under two conditions:
    • The field type has to have package selected as the parameter.
    • None of the fields, s3_package_url, system, version, revision, and repository are given.
  • system: System type of the machine where Wazuh is going to be installed. The available values for this parameter are: rpm, deb, windows, macos, solaris10, solaris11, rpm5, wpk-linux, and wpk-windows.

Note: If the fields version, revision and repository are not given along with this field itself, there will be a validation error.

This parameter is only required under two conditions:

  • The field type has to have package selected as the parameter.
  • None of the fields s3_package_url and local_package_path are given.
  • version: Version of the Wazuh package that is going to be installed. This parameter is only required under two conditions:
    • The field type has to have package selected as the parameter.
    • None of the fields s3_package_url and local_package_path are given.
  • revision: Revision of the Wazuh package that is going to be installed. This parameter is only required under two conditions:
    • The field type has to have package selected as the parameter.
    • None of the fields s3_package_url and local_package_path are given.
  • repository: S3 Repository where the Wazuh package is located. This parameter is only required under two conditions:
    • The field type has to have package selected as the parameter.
    • None of the fields s3_package_url and local_package_path are given.
  • installation_files_path: Path where to place all the downloaded Wazuh installation files.
  • wazuh_install_path: Path where Wazuh will be installed. This field is not required and by default the path defined will be /var/ossec.
  • healt_check: Boolean that determinates if health check is performed.

QA framework section

  • wazuh_qa_branch: Branch containing the qa wazuh framework desired.
  • qa_workdir: Defines the path where the qa repo will be located.

Test launch module

        ansible_connection: String (Required)
        ansible_user: String (Required)
        ansible_password: String (Required)
        ansible_port: Integer (Required)
        ansible_python_interpreter: String (Required)
        system: String (Required)
        installation_files_path: String (Required)
        host: String (Required)
        ssh_private_key_file_path: String (Optional)

        hosts: String (Required)
        type: String (Required)
        path: (Required)
          test_files_path: String (Required)
          run_tests_dir_path: String (Required)
          test_results_path: String (Required)
        wazuh_install_path: String (Required)
        system: String (Required)
        component: String(Required)
        modules: List (Required)
        tier: String (Optional)
        stop_after_first_failure: Boolean (Optional)
        keyword_expression: String (Optional)
        traceback: String (Optional)
        dry_run: Boolean (Optional) Default value: False
        custom_args: String (Optional)
        verbose_level: Boolean (Optional)
        log_level: String (Optional)
        markers: List (Optional)

Host info section

  • ansible_connection: This field defines the connection method selected.
  • ansible_user: String with the existing username in the host.
  • ansible_password: String with the password of the user.
  • ansible_port: The port number that will be used to establish the connection.
  • ansible_python_interpreter: String with the Python path.
  • system: System type of the machine where qa-ctl is going to be launched.
  • installation_files_path: Path where qa-ctl is going to be installed
  • host: String with the IP or DNS of the host.
  • ssh_private_key_file_path: This field is optional and contains the path of an ssh private key in case the user wants to log into the host with a different method.

Test section

  • hosts: A list of desired hosts where the test must be launched. Every host in this list is represented by the same ip address used in every particular host under the provision module. If this field is empty then the test will be launched in every host defined in ansible inventory.
  • type: Tool used to run the tests. As for now, pytest is the only tool available in this field.
  • path: This subsection field holds three different paths, all of them required:
    • test_files_path: The path pointing to the folder containing the desired tests to be launched.
    • run_tests_dir_path: The path to the folder from where we want to run the tests (can be different from test_files_path).
    • test_results_path: The path to the folder in the local machine where the test reports will be stored.
  • wazuh_install_path: Path where wazuh is going to be installed in the virtual machine
  • system: System of the host where the test is going to be launched
  • component: Wazuh component target of the test.
  • modules: The correspondent modules of the test.

Parameters section

  • tiers: A list containing all the tiers to launch.
  • stop_after_first_failure: -x option, stop the execution after the first failure. Default value set to false.
  • keyword_expression: It works along test_files_path, if this value is empty then run all the tests in test_file_path. If it’s not empty, then there must be a valid regex to select specific tests in that folder. By default is set to None.
  • traceback: Modify the traceback printing of python, its possible values are auto, long, short, native, line, no. Default value set to auto.
  • dry_run: Collects all the tests but doesn’t run them. By default is set to false.
  • custom_args: A list containing a string of space-separated values, corresponding to key-value pair.
  • verbose_level: Add the option --verbose. By default is set to false.
  • log_level: Sets the log level for the tests. By default is set to None.
  • markers: Allow adding markers to pytest command. If the test has a decorator with the same marker, then it will run. The format is a list of strings with each one desired marked.

Configuration module

    qa_ctl_launcher_branch: String (Required when qa-ctl is launched on Windows)
    vagrant_output: Boolean (Optional)
    ansible_output: Boolean (Optional
        enable: Boolean (Optional)
        level: String (Optional)
        file: String (Optional)
  • qa_ctl_launcher_branch:Field that defines the branch that will be used to launch qa-ctl in the Docker container. This field is optional an only required when qa-ctl is being used in Windows and using Docker for the provisioning or testing modules.
  • vagrant_output: Field that defines if the vagrant's outputs are going to be replaced by customized outputs(true) or if they remain with the default outputs (false).
  • ansible_output: Field that defines if the ansible's outputs are going to be replaced by customized outputs(true) or if they remain with the default outputs (false).
  • logging:
    • enable: This field is used for enabling(true) or disabling(false) the logging outputs option.
    • level: This field defines the logging level for the outputs. Four options are available: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL.
    • file: This field defines a path for a file where the outputs will be logged as well.

Note: It is recommended to set vagrant_output and ansible_output to False, and logging/enable to True
(default values) in order to get a clean detail and report on the status of the process.

YAML configuration file examples

Now, there are going to be shown some examples of YAML files separated by use cases.

Deployment section

The most mentionable fields for the deployment section are vagrant_box and vagrantfile_path. These fields are used to determine the name of the box and the location of the vagrantfile that is going to be used. As for the vagrant_box field, any available box can be used, but qa-ctl provides some boxes that are ready to use with this tool. The name of these boxes are: qactl/ubuntu_20_04, qactl/centos_8 and qactl/windows_2019

  • Deploying a single virtual machine instance:

    yaml configuration
            enabled: true
            vagrantfile_path: /tmp/wazuh_qa_ctl
            vagrant_box: qactl/ubuntu_20_04  # Any vagrant box can be used
            vm_memory: 512
            vm_cpu: 1
            vm_name: test1
            vm_system: linux
            label: test1
  • Deploying multiple virtual machines at once:

    yaml configuration
            enabled: true
            vagrantfile_path: /tmp/wazuh_qa_ctl
            vagrant_box: qactl/centos_8
            vm_memory: 1024
            vm_cpu: 1
            vm_name: test2
            vm_system: linux
            label: test2
            enabled: true
            vagrantfile_path: /tmp/wazuh_qa_ctl
            vagrant_box: my_custom_box
            vm_memory: 2048
            vm_cpu: 2
            vm_name: test3
            vm_system: windows
            label: test3

Important note: The vm_name can not be repeated, every deployed instance has to have a different name. The IP declared in the field vm_ip cannot be used by two VMs at the same time.

Provision section

This yaml section has three different sub-sections: host_info, wazuh_deployment and qa_framework

Host info section

This section contains the necessary information for being able to make a connection with the host where the provisioning stage is going to be made. The host_info section is always required and its absence will make the qa-ctl validation parameters stage fail.

yaml configuration
    ansible_connection: ssh # Or winrm for windows virtual machines
    ansible_user: vagrant
    ansible_password: vagrant
    ansible_port: 22
    ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
    system: deb # This field changes depending on the system of the VM
    installation_files_path: /tmp
    host: # IP from the VM

Wazuh deployment section

This section handles all the info needed for provisioning the VM host with Wazuh manager or agent. There are several ways to install Wazuh: using an S3 URL, from a local downloaded package, from the file sources available on the wazuh repository and by using a specific system, version, revision and repository.

  • Provisioning an instance with Wazuh manager using an S3 URL:

    yaml configuration
        type: package
        target: manager
        installation_files_path: /tmp
        wazuh_install_path: /var/ossec # This is an optional field
        health_check: true # This is an optional field
  • Provisioning an instance with a Wazuh manager using a local existent package:

    yaml configuration
        type: package
        target: manager
        local_package_path: /tmp/wazuh-manager_4.2.3-1_amd64.deb
        installation_files_path: /tmp
  • Provisioning an instance with a Wazuh manager obtained from the sources of the Wazuh repository:

    yaml configuration
        type: sources
        target: manager
        wazuh_branch: master # Will be used for obtaining the wazuh installation files
        installation_files_path: /tmp
  • Provisioning an instance with a Wazuh manager using a specific system, version, revision and repository:

    yaml configuration
        type: package
        target: manager
        system: deb
        version: 4.2.4
        revision: 0.10557
        repository: test
        installation_files_path: /tmp
  • Provisioning an instance with Wazuh agent:

    yaml configuration
        type: package
        target: agent
        installation_files_path: /tmp

Important note: For provisioning a host with a Wazuh agent, the target field needs to be changed to agent and there will be a new field required called manager_ip that indicates the IP of the manager that the new agent will be connected with.

QA framework section

This section is used for provisioning the host with the Framework of QA. The example given below is a generic one that will use the master branch for getting the repository files, and locate them in the path specified in the qa_workdir field.

yaml configuration
    wazuh_qa_branch: master
    qa_workdir: /tmp/wazuh_qa_ctl

Testing section

The Testing is composed with an always required host_info section that contains the same fields as the Provisioning stage host_info section. Plus, there is a section called test with the fields needed for launching a test.

  • Run a pytest module test called test_cors

    yaml configuration
        type: pytest # As for now, this is the only available type
          test_files_path: /wazuh-qa/tests/integration/test_api/test_config/test_cors/ # Full location path of the test 
          run_tests_dir_path: /wazuh-qa/test/integration                                           # Path to the folder where to run the tests
          test_results_path: /tmp/wazuh_qa_ctl/test_general_settings_enabled_resutls/              # Path where the results of the tests will be stored
        wazuh_install_path: /var/ossec
        systen: linux
        component: manager
        - api

Note: The fields test_files_path and run_test_dir_path are paths that are going to be used in the VM instance, whereas the test_results_path is a path that is going to be used in the host machine where qa-ctl was launched.

Full YAML configuration files examples

Here you can find some examples of YAML configuration files that are fully completed on every section and ready to use.

  • Run a pytest test module called test cache. This test aims for Wazuh manager.

    yaml configuration
              enabled: true
              vagrantfile_path: /tmp/wazuh_qa_ctl
              vagrant_box: qactl/ubuntu_20_04
              vm_memory: 1024
              vm_cpu: 1
              vm_name: manager_test_cache_1635415018.925661
              vm_system: linux
              label: manager_test_cache_1635415018.925661
              ansible_connection: ssh
              ansible_user: vagrant
              ansible_password: vagrant
              ansible_port: 22
              ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
              system: deb
              installation_files_path: /tmp
              type: package
              target: manager
              installation_files_path: /tmp
              health_check: true
              wazuh_qa_branch: 2023-qa-ctl-documented-test-validation
              qa_workdir: /tmp/wazuh_qa_ctl
            ansible_connection: ssh
            ansible_user: vagrant
            ansible_password: vagrant
            ansible_port: 22
            ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
            system: deb
            installation_files_path: /tmp
            type: pytest
              test_files_path: /tmp/wazuh_qa_ctl/wazuh-qa/tests/integration/test_api/test_config/test_cache/
              run_tests_dir_path: /tmp/wazuh_qa_ctl/wazuh-qa/tests/integration
              test_results_path: /tmp/wazuh_qa_ctl/test_cache_1635415018.92588
            wazuh_install_path: /var/ossec
            system: linux
            component: manager
            - api
  • Run a pytest test called test execd restart. This test is designed for testing a Wazuh agent. For this purpose, qa-ctl will generate two VMs, one of them will be provisioned with wazuh manager and the other will be provisioned with wazuh agent.

    yaml configuration
              enabled: true
              vagrantfile_path: /tmp/wazuh_qa_ctl
              vagrant_box: qactl/ubuntu_20_04
              vm_memory: 1024
              vm_cpu: 1
              vm_name: agent_test_execd_restart_1635415139.489418
              vm_system: linux
              label: agent_test_execd_restart_1635415139.489418
              enabled: true
              vagrantfile_path: /tmp/wazuh_qa_ctl
              vagrant_box: qactl/ubuntu_20_04
              vm_memory: 1024
              vm_cpu: 1
              vm_name: manager_test_execd_restart_1635415139.489418
              vm_system: linux
              label: manager_test_execd_restart_1635415139.489418
              ansible_connection: ssh
              ansible_user: vagrant
              ansible_password: vagrant
              ansible_port: 22
              ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
              system: deb
              installation_files_path: /tmp
              type: package
              target: agent
              installation_files_path: /tmp
              health_check: true
              wazuh_qa_branch: 2023-qa-ctl-documented-test-validation
              qa_workdir: /tmp/wazuh_qa_ctl
              ansible_connection: ssh
              ansible_user: vagrant
              ansible_password: vagrant
              ansible_port: 22
              ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
              system: rpm
              installation_files_path: /tmp
              type: package
              target: manager
              installation_files_path: /tmp
              health_check: true
              wazuh_qa_branch: 2023-qa-ctl-documented-test-validation
              qa_workdir: /tmp/wazuh_qa_ctl
            connection_method: ssh
            user: vagrant
            password: vagrant
            connection_port: 22
            ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
            system: deb
            installation_files_path: /tmp
            type: pytest
              test_files_path: /tmp/wazuh_qa_ctl/wazuh-qa/tests/integration/test_active_response/test_execd/
              run_tests_dir_path: /tmp/wazuh_qa_ctl/wazuh-qa/tests/integration
              test_results_path: /tmp/wazuh_qa_ctl/test_execd_restart_1635415139.489715
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