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This Repo contains my code contributions to the Code Grepper platform

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My Grepper Code Contributions


This repo houses my code contributions to the Grepper platform. My personal profile on the platform is accessible by clicking here.

Programming Languages

The contributed codes are written in one of the following programming languages:

  • Java
  • Python
  • JavaScript

Answered Queries

Python codes :

  • How to find the Levenshtein distance between two strings? Get code
  • How to fetch openai model ids and display them on screen for easy reference? Get code
  • How to encode or decode a number using the Gray coding scheme? Get code
  • How to convert a phrase into an acronym? Get code
  • How to determine if a given numeric value represents a Disarium number? Get code
  • How to efficiently check if a numeric value represents a perfect number? Get code
  • How to determine if a numeric value represents an Armstrong number? Get code
  • How to find the greatest common divisor of two integers using the Euclidean algorithm? Get code
  • How to efficiently implement Euler's totient function? Get code
  • How to recursively sort a stack? Get code
  • How to efficiently determine if all the grouping symbols of an expression match up correctly? Get code
  • How to generate all the permutations of a set of values? Get code
  • How to generate the power set of a given set? Get code
  • How to efficiently determine if a search pattern is part of some bigger, target string? Get code
  • How to to efficiently find the first index in a sorted array of distinct numbers that is equal to the value at that index? Get code
  • How to generate the elements of Pascal's triangle? Get code
  • How to efficiently calculate the nth Catalan number? Get code
  • How to perform topological sort? Get code
  • How to build a Least Recently Used (LRU) cache? Get code
  • How to implement Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm? Get code
  • How to perform heap sort? Get code
  • How to create an efficient median finder for a stream of values? Get code
  • How to check if a given string is a palindrome? Get code
  • How to find three largest values of an array efficiently? Get code
  • How to perform insertion sort? Get code
  • How to perform run-length encoding? Get code
  • How to develop a TCP echo client? Get code
  • How to develop a TCP echo server? Get code
  • How to develop a UDP echo client? Get code
  • How to develop a UDP echo server? Get code
  • How to find the maximum subarray sum efficiently? Get code
  • How to construct a prefix sum array? Get code
  • How to find efficiently all the prime numbers that are less than or equal to some upper bound? Get code
  • How to find the element with the majority count in a given sequence of values efficiently? Get code
  • How to perform Bubble sort? Get code
  • How to find the least common multiple of two integer numbers? Get code

Java codes :

  • How to find the longest palindrome substring in a given bigger string? Get code
  • How to efficiently shift a linked list by k positions? Get code
  • How to generate all possible valid IP addresses based on a given set of digits? Get code
  • How to efficiently find the diameter of a binary tree? Get code
  • How to efficiently convert a sorted array into a min height binary search tree? Get code
  • How to efficiently count the number of smaller elements to the right of every array element? Get code
  • How to build a Sudoku solver? Get code
  • How to generate all k combinations of numbers between 1 and n? Get code
  • How to efficiently find a target element in a sorted matrix of distinct integers? Get code
  • How to efficiently find the lowest common ancestor of two given nodes in a binary tree? Get code
  • How to efficiently multiply two int numbers represented as Strings? Get code
  • How to efficiently invert a binary tree? Get code
  • How to efficiently return the elements of a matrix in spiral order? Get code
  • How to efficiently find the area of largest rectangle that can be formed by adjacent buildings with known heights? Get code
  • How to efficiently find the next greater permutation of a list of numbers? Get code
  • How to determine if a binary tree has a target root to leaf sum value? Get code
  • How to count the number of islands (groups of adjacent 1s) in a grid of 1s (land) and 0s (water)? Get code
  • How to efficiently generate all combinations of well-formed parentheses for n pairs of them? Get code
  • How to efficiently find the longest common subsequence of two strings? Get code
  • How to efficiently solve the knapsack problem? Get code
  • How to perform an iterative inorder traversal through a binary search tree? Get code
  • How to efficiently find the first duplicate value in an array of ints? Get code
  • How to determine if a graph contains a cycle? Get code
  • How to efficiently find the start node of a loop within a singly linked list? Get code
  • How to implement the A* shortest path algorithm? Get code
  • How to efficiently find the middle node of a singly linked list? Get code
  • How to efficiently reverse a singly linked list? Get code
  • How to validate a binary search tree? Get code
  • How to find a target value within a binary search tree? Get code
  • How to create an adjacency list representation of a graph? Get code
  • How to perform a breadth first search through a binary tree? Get code
  • How to create a disjoint-set data structure? Get code
  • How to efficiently find the Levenshtein distance between two strings of characters? Get code
  • How to efficiently find the index of smallest value that is larger than some target in a sorted array? Get code
  • How to perform an iterative depth first search through a binary tree? Get code
  • How to perform in-order traversal of a binary tree? Get code
  • How to perform quick sort? Get code
  • How to use deque as stack or queue in java? Get code
  • How to efficiently find the highest power of 2 that divides a given number n? Get code
  • How to implement a Trie data structures? Get code
  • How to solve the n queens problem? Get code
  • How to generate all subsets of a given set? Get code
  • How to efficiently find the three largest numbers of array? Get code
  • How to perform couting sort? Get code
  • How to merge two sorted arrays? Get code
  • How to solve the towers of Hanoi problem? Get code
  • How to perform prime factorization of a number? Get code
  • How to find the power of a number efficiently? Get code
  • How to find the second smallest value in an array without sorting it? Get code
  • How to find the Fibonacci of an integer value iteratively? Get code
  • How to find a target element within a search pool using binary search? Get code
  • How to swap two values using a supporting method? Get code

JavaScript codes :

  • How to efficiently find the most frequent elements of an array? Get code
  • How to efficiently implement a priority queue? Get code
  • How to efficiently determine the number of ways in which a stair can be climbed? Get code
  • How to efficiently check whether a given array is monotonic? Get code
  • How to efficiently merge intervals in a set of arbitrary ones? Get code
  • How to efficiently merge two sorted singly linked lists? Get code
  • How to efficiently find all triplets in an array that sum up to some target value? Get code
  • How to determine if one string is anagram of another? Get code
  • How to find the index of the first non-repeating char in a string of lowercase alphabetic chars? Get code
  • How to perform selection sort? Get code
  • How to build a stack? Get code
  • How to build a queue? Get code
  • How to build a heap? Get code
  • How to perform merge sort? Get code
  • How to add DOM elements to document body? Get code
  • How to destructure objects and arrays? Get code


This Repo contains my code contributions to the Code Grepper platform







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