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API Platform core package development environment.


Setup guide

  1. Install git, docker and docker-compose if you don't have them yet.

  2. Clone project code.

    git clone https:/wkania/api-platform-core-dev.git
    cd api-platform-core-dev
  3. Setup .env file based on .env.dist:

    Type id in console to get PUID and GUID , use them in .env file.
    Add remote url to your fork of api-platform/core in FORK_REMOTE_URL env.

  4. Check setup requirements.

  5. Run all-in-one installation command or steps from 6 to 11.

  6. Build and run development environment.

    docker-compose up -d
  7. Clone your fork of api-platform/core.

    git clone your-fork-remote-url code
  8. Install api-platform/core dependencies.

    bin/composer install
    bin/phpunit install
  9. Add api-platform/core repository.

    bin/git remote add upstream https:/api-platform/core.git
  10. Install a hook to run PHP Cs Fixer on committed files.

    bin/git config core.hooksPath ../.githooks
  11. Check installation.

  12. Install api-platform/core dependencies for the PHP 7.1 (optionally).

  13. Install api-platform/core dependencies for the PHP 8 (optionally).



Read the Contributing to API Platform.

Use bin/git instead of git when working on the API Platform code.
Use git only to develop this development environment.

Development environment container

To run a command in a running container:

docker-compose exec php sh

Git Hooks description

Committing-Workflow Hooks

  • pre-commit, for all staged files
    • check if there are changes in the commit (disabled by the amend option)
    • check only text file, skip a binary file
    • check if the staged file was modified before creating a commit
    • do not change any modified file
    • apply PHP Coding Standards (PHP CS Fixer) to PHP file
    • add a missing blank line at the end of the file (EOF)
    • add a file modified by the script to the commit
    • report file added to the commit
    • report file that cannot be fixed because it has been modified after being staged

Disable git hooks locally

bin/git config core.hooksPath .git/hooks

Sync fork

Sync your fork with up to date api-platform/core repository.

bin/git fetch upstream
bin/git merge upstream/master
bin/git push origin master

The same as above in all-in-one command.


Switch PHP version

Default is 7.2.
Add to the command: --php-ver=7.1 or --php-ver=8
Supported by:

  • bin/behat
  • bin/composer
  • bin/coverage
  • bin/phpunit

Static Analysis Tool


Run with default arguments.


The same as above.

bin/phpstan analyse -c phpstan.neon.dist



Run all tests with default arguments.


The same as above.

bin/phpunit --stop-on-failure -vvv

Run tests in the selected directory.

bin/phpunit tests/Action

Run the selected test.

bin/phpunit --filter testInvalidFilter
bin/phpunit --filter ApiFilterTest::testInvalidFilter

Run tests in the selected class.

bin/phpunit --filter ApiFilterTest

Run tests from selected groups.

bin/phpunit --group mongodb,legacy,time-sensitive,resource-hog

Run tests that are not in selected groups.

bin/phpunit --exclude-group mongodb,legacy,time-sensitive,resource-hog

See more.

bin/phpunit --help

PHPUnit tests code coverage generation

Report about Code Coverage Analysis will be in directory coverage.



Run all tests with the default arguments.


The same as above.

bin/behat --profile=default --stop-on-failure --no-interaction -vv

Run tests by the profile.

bin/behat --profile=default --stop-on-failure --no-interaction
bin/behat --profile=default-legacy --stop-on-failure --no-interaction
bin/behat --profile=postgres --stop-on-failure --no-interaction
bin/behat --profile=mongodb --stop-on-failure --no-interaction
bin/behat --profile=elasticsearch --stop-on-failure --no-interaction

bin/behat --profile=default-coverage --stop-on-failure --no-interaction
bin/behat --profile=default-legacy-coverage --stop-on-failure --no-interaction
bin/behat --profile=mongodb-coverage --stop-on-failure --no-interaction
bin/behat --profile=elasticsearch-coverage --stop-on-failure --no-interaction

Run tests in the selected directory.

bin/behat --profile=default --stop-on-failure features/authorization

Run the selected feature.

bin/behat --profile=default --stop-on-failure features/authorization/deny.feature

Run the selected scenario by line number.

bin/behat --profile=default --stop-on-failure features/authorization/deny.feature:7

Run tests by scenario name.

bin/behat --stop-on-failure --name "An anonymous user"

Run tests from selected tags.

bin/behat --profile=postgres --tags postgres
bin/behat --tags sqlite,createSchema,dropSchema

Run tests that are not in selected tags.

bin/behat --tags '~createSchema'

Print all available step definitions.

bin/behat --profile=default -dl

See more.

bin/behat --help


API Platform core package development environment







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