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A high-level networking SDK for PowerAuth-based endpoints.


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PowerAuth Networking SDK for Android

Wultra Digital Onboarding for Android

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Wultra PowerAuth Networking (WPN) is a high-level SDK built on top of our PowerAuth SDK that enables request signing and encryption.

You can imagine the purpose of this SDK as an HTTP layer (client) that enables request signing and encryption via PowerAuth SDK based on its recommended implementation.

We use this SDK in our other open-source projects that you can take inspiration for example in:

Documentation Content

SDK Integration



To use the SDK in your Android application include the following dependency to your gradle file.

repositories {
    mavenCentral() // if not defined elsewhere...

implementation ""

Guaranteed PowerAuth Compatibility

1.5.x 1.9.x
1.4.x 1.8.x
1.3.x 1.8.x
1.1.x - 1.2.x 1.7.x
1.0.x 1.6.x

Open Source Code

The code of the library is open source and you can freely browse it in our GitHub at https:/wultra/networking-android

Creating a Service API Class

Everything you need is packed inside the single abstract class that provides all the necessary APIs for your networking.

This class takes several parameters:

  • baseUrl - Base URL for endpoints. For example
  • okHttpClient - okhttp3 client that will be used for the networking. You can leverage all utilities that are provided by this client like timeout configuration, listeners, etc...
  • powerAuthSDK - PowerAuthSDK instance that will sign requests
  • gsonBuilder - GsonBuilder for (de)serialization
  • appContext - Application Context
  • tokenProvider - Optional Token Provider in case you have several services and want to share the token logic.
  • userAgent - Custom user-agent that will be added as an HTTP header to each request.

It is expected that you inherit this class and create your own APIs based on our needs.

Example MyServiceApi that will call 2 sample endpoints (one signed and one signed with token):

class MyServiceApi(
    okHttpClient: OkHttpClient,
    baseUrl: String,
    powerAuthSDK: PowerAuthSDK,
    appContext: Context
) : Api(baseUrl, okHttpClient, powerAuthSDK, GsonBuilder(), appContext) {

    class SampleRequestData(@SerializedName("uid") val userID: String)
    class SampleResponseData(@SerializedName("name") val username: String)

    class SampleRequest(requestObject: SampleRequestData): ObjectRequest<SampleRequestData>(requestObject)
    class SampleResponse(responseObject: SampleResponseData, status: Status): ObjectResponse<SampleResponseData>(responseObject, status)

    companion object {
        // This endpoint points to
        private val sampleEndpoint1 = EndpointSigned<SampleRequest, SampleResponse>("api/my/endpoint/user/sample", "/user/get")
        // This endpoint points to
        private val sampleEndpoint2 = EndpointSignedWithToken<SampleRequest, SampleResponse>("api/my/endpoint/user/sample2", "possession_universal")
    /** Get the username with a token-signed request. */
    fun sample1(userID: String, listener: IApiCallResponseListener<SampleResponse>) {
        post(SampleRequest(SampleRequestData(userID)), sampleEndpoint1, null, null, null, listener)
    /** Get the username with a user-signed request. */
    fun sample2(userID: String, authentication: PowerAuthAuthentication, listener: IApiCallResponseListener<SampleResponse>) {
        post(SampleRequest(SampleRequestData(userID)), sampleEndpoint2, authentication, null, null, null, listener)

Endpoint Definition

Each endpoint you will target with your project must be defined for the service as an Endpoint instance. There are several types of endpoints based on the PowerAuth signature that is required.

End To End Encryption

If the endpoint is end-to-end encrypted, you need to configure it in the constructor. Default value is set to E2EEConfiguration.NOT_ENCRYPTED.

Possible values are:

/** End to end encryption configuration for an endpoint. */
enum class E2EEConfiguration {
    /** Endpoint is encrypted with the application scope. */
    /** Endpoint is encrypted with the activation scope. */
    /** Endpoint is not encrypted. */

Whether an endpoint is encrypted or not is based on its backend definition.

Signed endpoint EndpointSigned

For endpoints that are signed by PowerAuth signature and can be end-to-end encrypted.


val mySignedEndpoint = EndpointSigned<MyRequest, MyResponse>("api/my/endpoint/path", "/endpoint/uriId", E2EEConfiguration.NOT_ENCRYPTED)
// uriId is defined by the endpoint issuer - ask your server developer/provider

Signed endpoint with Token EndpointSignedWithToken

For endpoints that are signed by token by PowerAuth signature and can be end-to-end encrypted.

More info for token-based authentication can be found here


val myTokenEndpoint = EndpointSignedWithToken<MyRequest, MyResponse>("api/my/endpoint/path", "possession_universal", E2EEConfiguration.NOT_ENCRYPTED)

// token name (`possession_universal` in this case) is the name of the token as stored in the PowerAuthSDK
// more info can be found in the PowerAuthSDK documentation
// https:/wultra/powerauth-mobile-sdk/blob/develop/docs/

Basic endpoint (not signed) EndpointBasic

For endpoints that are not signed by PowerAuth signature but can be end-to-end encrypted.


val myBasicEndpoint = EndpointBasic<MyRequest, MyResponse>("api/my/endpoint/path", E2EEConfiguration.NOT_ENCRYPTED)

Creating an HTTP request

To create an HTTP request to your endpoint, you need to call the method with the following parameters:

  • data - with the payload of your request
  • endpoint - an endpoint that will be called
  • auth - PowerAuthAuthentication instance that will sign the request
    • this parameter is missing for the basic and token endpoints
  • headers - custom HTTP headers, null by default
  • okHttpInterceptor - OkHttp interceptor to intercept requests eg. for logging purposes, null by default
  • listener - result listener


// Sample Data that will be sent and received from the server
class SampleRequestData(@SerializedName("uid") val userID: String)
class SampleResponseData(@SerializedName("name") val username: String)

// Request objects
class SampleRequest(requestObject: SampleRequestData): ObjectRequest<SampleRequestData>(requestObject)
class SampleResponse(responseObject: SampleResponseData, status: Status): ObjectResponse<SampleResponseData>(responseObject, status)

// endpoint configuration
val myEndpoint = EndpointSigned<SampleRequest, SampleResponse>("api/my/endpoint/path", "/my/endoint/uriId", E2EEConfiguration.NOT_ENCRYPTED)

// Authentication, for example purposes, expect user PIN 1111
val auth = PowerAuthAuthentication.possessionWithPassword("1111")
// call
    // create request data
    // specify endpoint
    // Authenticated with
    // custom HTTP headers
    // no HTTP interceptor
    // handle response or error
    object : IApiCallResponseListener<SampleResponse> {
        override fun onFailure(error: ApiError) {
            // handle error

        override fun onSuccess(result: SampleResponse) {
            // handle success

Error Handling

Every error produced by this library is of a ApiError type. This error contains the following information:

  • error - A specific reason, why the error happened. For more information see ApiErrorCode chapter.
  • e - Original exception/error that caused this error. In case of PowerAuth-related errors, it will be by the type of ApiHttpException or ErrorResponseApiException


Each ApiError has an optional error property for why the error was created. Such reason can be useful when you're creating for example a general error handling or reporting, or when you're debugging the code.

Known common API errors

Option Name Description
ERROR_GENERIC Network error that indicates a generic network issue (for example server internal error).
POWERAUTH_AUTH_FAIL General authentication failure (wrong password, wrong activation state, etc...)
INVALID_REQUEST Invalid request sent - missing request object in the request
INVALID_ACTIVATION Activation is not valid (it is different from configured activation)
INVALID_APPLICATION Invalid application identifier is attempted for operation manipulation.
INVALID_OPERATION Invalid operation identifier is attempted for operation manipulation.
ERR_ACTIVATION Error during activation
ERR_AUTHENTICATION Error in case that PowerAuth authentication fails
ERR_SECURE_VAULT Error during secure vault unlocking
ERR_ENCRYPTION Returned in case encryption or decryption fails
TOO_MANY_REQUESTS Too many same requests
REMOTE_COMMUNICATION_ERROR Communication with remote system failed

Known specific API errors

There are many Wultra-specific codes available, each starting with a service prefix:

  • OPERATION_ - like OPERATION_EXPIRED, when operation approval fails because it expired.
  • PUSH_ - like PUSH_REGISTRATION_FAILED when push registering fails.
  • ACTIVATION_CODE_ - like ACTIVATION_CODE_FAILED when failing to retrieve the activation code for the ActivationSpawn library.
  • ONBOARDING_ - for onboarding-related errors.
  • IDENTITY_ for identity-related errors.

Language Configuration

Before using any methods from this SDK that call the backend, a proper language should be set. A properly translated content is served based on this configuration. The property that stores language settings does not persist. You need to set acceptLanguage every time that the application boots.

Note: Content language capabilities are limited by the implementation of the server - it must support the provided language.


The default value is always en. With other languages, we use values compliant with standard RFC Accept-Language.


The library is intensively logging into the console via WPNLogger.

WPNLogger calls internally the android.util.Log class.

Verbosity Level

You can limit the amount of logged information via verboseLevel property.

Level Description
OFF Silences all messages.
ERROR Only errors will be printed into the log.
WARNING (default) Errors and warnings will be printed into the log.
DEBUG All messages will be printed into the log.

Log Listener

The WPNLogger class offers a static logListener property. If you provide a listener, all logs will also be passed to it (the library always logs into the Android default log).

Log listener comes in handy when you want to log into a file or some online service.

Web Documentation

This documentation is also available at the Wultra Developer Portal.


All sources are licensed using the Apache 2.0 license. You can use them with no restrictions. If you are using this library, please let us know. We will be happy to share and promote your project.


If you need any assistance, do not hesitate to drop us a line at [email protected] or our official channel.

Security Disclosure

If you believe you have identified a security vulnerability with this SDK, you should report it as soon as possible via email to [email protected]. Please do not post it to a public issue tracker.