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BridgePoint FAQ

Table of Contents

xtUML Profile

  • What is xtUML?
    xtUML is a UML profile that defines the constraints and extensions needed to make UML executable and translatable. xtUML transforms the UML language from a static picture drawing facility into a full-fledged solution for model-driven development. With xtUML, users don’t draw model pictures of their application at a moment of time. Instead, they create models that are the application.

  • What is the history of xtUML?
    The introduction of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) by the Object Management Group (OMG) in 1997 marked a turning point in the development of a mature process for systems and software engineers. The UML provides a standard notation for describing complex systems and offers a more effective communication and documentation mechanism. However, UML fails to prescribe a methodology that ensures high quality systems will emerge from these diagrams. This lack of a methodology inadvertently constrained the impact of UML diagrams on the systems design community.To correct this problem, the developers of xtUML combined the methodology of Model Driven Architecture (MDA) with the notation of UML. This combination provides a rigorous framework for raising the abstraction of systems design and automating the transformation from platform-independent models to platform-specific implementations. From this starting point, a user community and set of tools emerged, and with the formation of, the ability to edit, execute, and translate xtUML models into target-domain solutions has continued to grow.

  • How is xtUML different from UML or SysML?
    xtUML and SysML are both profiles of the UML. The SysML profile customizes UML for the broad, interdisciplinary, field of systems engineering. The xtUML profile customizes UML for software and hardware application development and system design. There is roughly 70% overlap.

  • What is the xtUML Process?
    The xtUML process defines a recommended methodology and style guide for doing model-driven development with a focus on early execution followed by translation of application models into design-level code.

  • What is Object Action Language?

    • The Object Action Language (OAL) is used to define the semantics for the processing that occurs in an action. An action can be associated with states, functions, and interface messages. OAL is used for:
      • data access
      • event generation
      • test
      • transformation
      • bridge and function
      • inter-component messaging
    • It supports these through:
      • control logic
      • access to the data described by the class diagram
      • access to the data supplied by events initiating actions
      • the ability to generate events
      • access to timers and to the current time and date

Using OAL allows the application developer to have the flexibility of a platform-independent model that is not tied to a specific target language or premature partitioning of the hardware and software components. This frees the developers from worrying about language-specific constructs and allows the model compiler to create efficient, retargetable, standards-compliant implementation code.

  • What is a Model Compiler?
    A model compiler is a software tool that translates the data (components and classes), control (state machines and messages), and processing (OAL) defined in the application model into an implementation-specific runnable suitable for execution on the target. Model compilers perform rules-based code generation. Commercial model compilers are available that support C, C++, and SystemC.

  • Where can I get model execution and translation support?
    The Verifier and model compilers are Open Source Software along with the rest of BridgePoint.

  • Where can I find out more about xtUML methodology and tools?
    xtUML Learn provides links to courses, books, articles, presentations, and more. The xtUML Index defines a list of terms with links to associated videos.

  • What happened to the xtUML Editor?
    In September 2012 the front-end UML editor of the commercial BridgePoint xtUML environment was moved into the open source domain providing the industry with a free entry point into full model-driven development flows that can be augmented with user-developed model compilers. In November 2014 the remaining elements of BridgePoint were made open source rendering the Verifier (eXecution) and model compilers (Translation) fully accessible at the source level.

BridgePoint Installation

  • What is the difference between the "xtUML Modeler" and "BridgePoint Development" versions?]
    The BridgePoint tool is modeled in xtUML and therefore BridgePoint is used to create BridgePoint. Most users simply wish to create xtUML applications and they do not need or want additional eclipse features to support BridgePoint tool development. The xtUML Modeler version of BridgePoint fulfills this role. It includes the smallest set of features needed for xtUML application editing, translating, and debugging. The BridgePoint Developer version is a superset of the xtUML Modeler version. It adds additional eclipse features that support Java and Xtext code development and testing.

  • Hardware Requirements and Recommendations
    BridgePoint runs under Eclipse. Hence, machine resource usage comes largely from Eclipse. As of this writing, there are no published hardware requirements for Eclipse. Eclipse offers 32 and 64-bit versions. BridgePoint is built using only the 64-bit version of Eclipse. BridgePoint plugins under Eclipse will never use more than 4GB of RAM while editing and executing models. However, for people using BridgePoint model compilers, a separate process runs during model translation. This process is a stand-alone 64-bit binary, so it too may use up to 4GB of RAM. Therefore, the current maximum possible usage is 8GB.

    #####RAM Experience has shown that the tool runs very well with 4GB of RAM under Linux and MacOS environments. In Windows, 8GB is the minimum recommendation.

    #####Processor Eclipse utilizes threading very well. Mutli-core processors help performance when editing models. However, model translation uses a single thread. Therefore, translation performance is not improved with multiple processors. Model execution performance is single-threaded when "deterministic execution" is selected, and multi-threaded when it is not selected. In general, any processor running at 1GHz and beyond will work fine.

  • How do I configure BridgePoint to use a specific Java runtime (JRE or JDK)? BridgePoint is no longer bundled with Java. You must install Java as a pre-dependency before running BridgePoint. Instructions to do so are found here.

  • Errors During Unzip
    When unzipping the BridgePoint distribution if you see a message that indicates a duplicate file is being installed or there missing files in the distribution, the problem is likely with the unzip utility you are using. We suggest you use 7-Zip on Windows.

  • Shared/Multi-user Installation
    System administrators may wish to install BridgePoint into shared folder such as /usr/local or /opt/xtuml on a Linux system. The Eclipse infrastructure BridgePoint uses supports this working mode. However, an extra step is required to be performed by the system administrator doing the installation or the BridgePoint plug-ins will not be available when a user runs the tool. This is required because eclipse performs dynamic discovery of new features/plug-ins at startup. When it finds the BridgePoint features it attempts to write the new configuration information into the installation folder. Since a normal user does not have write access to this folder, the BridgePoint features will not be loaded for the user. By having the system administrator run the initialization, the plug-ins will be configured and available for future use by any user. The system admin must do this:

$ sudo unzip BridgePoint_<version>
$ cd BridgePoint/eclipse
$ sudo ./eclipse -initialize
  • Starting BridgePoint
    After you unzip the BridgePoint zipfile, you will have a folder named BridgePoint. This folder can be renamed if you like. For example, sometimes it is useful to have a vanilla BridgePoint and another for development or experimentation. Thus, you may want to rename after unzipping to something like BP5Dev. Either way, to start BridgePoint, navigate to the eclipse folder inside your installation folder and execute the Launcher.[bat|sh] script.

  • Installing xsltproc
    BridgePoint includes a feature to build documentation from a model. Right-click on a xtUML project and select "BridgePoint Utilities > Create Documentation". This tool creates a HTML document that contains images from the model along with description data from the model elements. This feature requires a common tool called xsltproc.

    • MS Windows: xsltproc.exe is included in the BridgePoint distribution, no additional steps are required.
    • MacOS: xsltproc is included in the operating system software, no additional steps are required.
    • Linux: xsltproc is included in some distributions and not in others. In a terminal window, type $ which xsltproc. If the tool is found, no additional steps are required. If the tool is not found, use your package manager (apt-get or yum) to install it. For example:
    $ sudo apt-get install xsltproc

BridgePoint Developer Issues

  • ANTLR Build Error
    After following the Developer's Getting Started Guide if you see errors in plugins caused by missing dependent files, and those files refer to ANTLR, follow these instructions to resolve the issue:

    • Open a terminal (or cygwin shell if windows)
    • Open the Navigator view in eclipse
    • Delete org.xtuml.bp.als/sql/oal_grammar.sql
    • "touch" <installation folder>/BridgePoint/eclipse/plugins/org.xtuml.bp.als.oal/bnf/oal.bnf
      • (just change a comment)
    • Right click on org.xtuml.bp.als/generate.xml and choose Run As... > Ant Build...
    • Uncheck everything
    • Check grammar
    • Click Run

    This problem is that ANTLR is not running when it should in some cases. This is a sporadic dependency issue that has not yet been completely resolved. It is raised in the issue tracking system as issue 7631.

  • Maven Build Error After following the Developer's Getting Started Guide if you see errors in plugins caused by missing dependent files, and those files refer to org.eclipse.core.runtime, follow these instructions to resolve the issue:

    • Check the version of Apache Maven using mvn -version
    • If the version is newer than 3.6.0, then proceed with this solution.
    • Install Apache Maven 3.6.0 as detailed on the Maven website.
    • If you are using Ubuntu or other Linux that supports alternatives, you can try the following:
      • Download the .tar.gz and extract into /usr/share/maven
      • Run the following command:
        $ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/mvn mvn /usr/share/maven/apache-maven-3.6.0/bin/mvn 360
      • Switch maven version using:
        $ sudo update-alternatives --config mvn
  • Linux Distribution-Specific Instructions

    • Package Requirements for Various Linux Distributions
      BridgePoint on Linux relies on packages that may not yet be installed on your system. Included here are commands to install the necessary packages:

      • Ubuntu 14 and up:
        See the Developer's Getting Started Guide

      • Fedora 19:
        $ sudo yum install gcc-c++ dos2unix compat-libstdc++-33 gtk2 ant git

      • Debian Wheezy and later:
        Uses the same packages as specified for Ubuntu installation.

    • Known Issues on Linux Distributions

      • BridgePoint v7.2 and up; Ubuntu 20.10 and up; Debian 11 and up: The environment variable, GDK_BACKEND, needs to be set to "x11".
        • From a shell run, 'GDK_BACKEND=x11 BridgePoint/bridgepoint'. This could also be made into an alias.
        • From an application launcher, Exec=env GDK_BACKEND=x11 /home/$USER/BridgePoint/bridgepoint. If you're using alacarte (aka MainMenu), just add, env GDK_BACKEND=x11 /home/lee/BridgePoint/bridgepoint, to the Command field.
  • Windows Unit Test Configuration
    This is used when running unit tests under Windows. These instructions are used to prepare the Windows environment to run graphical compare tests. If you do not want or need to run graphical compare tests, you do not have to perform these steps. However, some BridgePoint unit tests will fail in Windows if you do not perform these steps.

    • Configure Windows Vista or 7 for unit test running. Skip this step for other OSes.
      • Exit BridgePoint
      • Bring up the Windows Color and Appearance settings
        • Right click on the desktop background and select Personalize
        • In Vista select the Windows Color and Appearance hyperlink
        • In Windows 7 select the Windows Color hyperlink
        • In the window that appears, change the following attributes:
          • Active Title Bar Size: 25 Font: Trebuchet 10
          • Border Padding Size: 0
          • Caption Buttons Size: 25
          • Icon Size: 32 Font: Tahoma 8
          • Inactive Title Bar Size: 25 Font: Trebuchet 10
          • Menu Size: 19 Font: Tahoma 8
          • Message Box Font: Tahoma 8
          • Palette Title Size: 17 Font: Tahoma 8
          • Selected Items Size: 19 Font: Tahoma 8
          • Tooltip Font: Tahoma 8
      • If you have a smaller screen or resolution potential you may need to configure the start menu to not always be on top, or set it to auto-hide.
      • Note: Do NOT use the Windows setting that scales text to make it easier to see. This setting, in Windows 7, is found here: Personalize > Display > "Make it easier to read what is on your machine". This setting must be set to "smaller" 100%. If it is adjusted your graphical compare results will not match.
  • Common BridgePoint Unit Test Problems

    • If a Launch Group selection doesn't have the Run button activated, examine the list of tests for any test with a red X icon. Deselect these tests, as there is a configuration problem.
      • An issue should be generated, if one doesn't already exist, for this problem. Note the test name, BridgePoint version, and repository revision(s).
    • Sometimes tests freeze due to race conditions in the automated button presses. No CPU activity after a reasonable wait period is a good indicator. A manual button press will resolve the freeze, but often requires a guess as to which button to press. Run the test over again individually from the JUnit Plug-in Test section.
  • How to turn on Tracing/Debugging statements in BridgePoint

    • BridgePoint utilizes the Eclipse platform tracing debug facility. There is a very nice Eclipse tracing FAQ that describes how to use this. A quick example of what you will learn by looking at this Eclipse tracing FAQ is that you can modify an Eclipse launch configuration, go to the Tracing tab, select the plugin you want to trace/debug, and select the available debug options from there. For example, you can do this for the org.xtuml.bp.core plugin to trace/debug that plugin.
  • Command line Build Instructions

    • The instructions in this section describe how to use command line scripts on Linux to build the BridgePoint plug-ins and package them into a full zipfile. These instructions assume the build area will be under the user home folder.

    • Set up the build folder

    cd ~
    mkdir -p build/work
    cd build/work
    chmod 755 *.sh
    • Once the previous instructions have set up your environment, you can now launch the build repeatedly with a command like the following. See the header of for descriptions of the arguments.
    nohup ./ /home/kbrown/xtuml/BridgePoint/ /home/kbrown/ testing xtuml "" no yes

    This will clone the repositories into ~/build/git if they do not exist locally, switch to the correct branch to build (here "testing") and run the build and packaging. After the build is done, you can inspect the build workspace that was used. Simply launch BridgePoint and choose the workspace (e.g. /home/kbrown/build/work/testing)

  • xtUML git merge driver

    xtUML model compare uses a semantic aware differencing engine. This allows for comparison at a model level rather than a textual level. There are many benefits to this when working with model data across large teams. The differencing engine is available when using the eclipse team interface; it takes a little bit of effort to enable this at git's core. The following instructions will enable the differencing engine at the command line.

    • The git merge driver

      Git supports custom merge drivers which enable any script or application to perform the differencing between changes. A custom merge driver is defined in the config file for a git repository. Here is an example for xtUML:

      [merge "xtuml"]
          name = xtUML Merge
          driver = ./.git/ %A %B %O 

      This configuration should be set globally and as part of a developer's setup. You can set the the global configuration as follows:

      git config --global "xtUML Merge"
      git config --global merge.xtuml.driver "./.git/ %A %B %O"

      Note that we are pointing at a script in order to capture the required absolute paths for the files involved. This is required by the Bridgepoint CLI merge. In this example the script is actually located in the .git folder, and the git merge is initiated at the repository root. In production environments this script would live in a well defined location.

      # Use this wrapper to provide absolute paths for
      # temporary merge files
      BPINSTALL="/Users/developer/xtuml" # installation dir for BridgePoint
      $BPINSTALL/ Merge -leftFile $LEFT -rightFile $RIGHT -ancestorFile $ANCESTOR -outputFile $LEFT
    • Git attributes

      To have a git repository make use of the custom merge driver for all xtuml files you must enable it with a local .gitattributes file. The contents for that file are simply:

      *.xtuml merge=xtuml
    • Model compare preferences The differencing engine can be configured to ignore graphical conflicts if desired. If this preference is chosen the local graphical data will always be kept.

      The preference is configured in this file:


      The preference to modify is labeled and is false by default.

    • When a conflict occurs

      When a conflict is encountered you must use the merge tool in Bridgepoint. Open Bridgepoint with a workspace containing the conflicts. Then right click the project and choose Team > Merge Tool.

  • How do BridgePoint Context Menu Entries (CMEs) work?

    • There is a package in org.xtuml.bp.core project named context_menu. Under this package is the class diagram that defines BridgePoint CME behavior.
    • The OAL that defines the behavior of the CME is found in the ooaofooa model under ooaofooa::Functions::Context Menu Entry Functions
      • Under this package are operations that use the naming convention: "Class Keyletter"_"CME Operation"
      • In these operations are the behaviors each CME action takes on the specified class
    • Classes in BridgePoint that use CME have a operation named actionFilter. For example, class Model Class (O_OBJ) has this.
    • The actionFilter operation has OAL that acts as a filter to determine when to enable/disable the CME
    • There are exceptions to the above description. However, in general that is how it works.
  • How to generate code for a specific class without waiting for a full build

    • Edit bp.core/
      • To build a single class only:
        • Put the containing package name on the ptc_mcc_ss_only line (property).
        • Put the name of the class on the ptc_mcc_class_only line (property).
    • For example:
    ptc_mcc_class_only=Model Class

BridgePoint Architecture

  • The following diagram is a simplified java class diagram that shows the realized classes described in this section.

    • BridgePointArchitecture.png
  • What is a NonRootModelElement?

    • NonRootModelElement is a realized class in BridgePoint. A NonRootModelElement instance is used to represent modeled BridgePoint instances. These modeled instances include both ooaofooa instances AND ooaofgraphic instances.
    • NonRootModelElement contains a PersistableModelComponent class attribute. This PMC references the file that this NRME is stored in.
      • In is worth noting that in a loaded nrme the PMC attribute is never null. It will always point to the file the NRME is persisted in. However, note that the prior sentence wrote "in a loaded NRME". When proxies are in use the way the tool knows a NRME is a proxy is that the PMC attribute is null. In this case, the NRME attribute named "m_contentpath" will NOT be null, and it will refer to the path that was obtained from the proxy instance in the .xtuml file when this NRME proxy was loaded. As soon as the actual model element is loaded, the m_contentpath attribute is changed to null and the PMC attribute is assigned.
  • What is a ModelRoot?

    • ModelRoot is a realized class in BridgePoint. A ModelRoot instance holds BridgePoint NonRootModelElement instances. The current key BridgePoint classes that inherit from class ModelRoot are: Ooaofooa, Ooaofooagraphics. It therefore may be said: "Ooaofooa and Ooaofgraphics are model roots."
      • When BridgePoint loads a project there is a ModelRoot instance created for the SystemModel instance. Additionally, there is a ModelRoot instance created for each system-level package in BridgePoint.
  • What is a InstanceList?

    • InstanceList is a realized class in BridgePoint. Class InstanceList inherits from ArrayList. Class InstanceList contains a HashMap<BPElementID, NonRootModelElement> which is a map of an instance ID (UUID) to that actual instance.
  • What is a PMC (Persistable Model Component)?

    • The persistence mechanism of BridgePoint hinges on two classes called PersistableModelComponent (PMC) and PersistenceManager. Simply explained, PMC is an abstraction of "File". Every model element has a PMC. The PMC defines where on disk the model element is stored. A model element either has its own PMC (in the case of a component, package, class, etc.), or it finds its PMC by recursing upwards until it finds a "root model element" ancestor ("root" is overused in BridgePoint terminology -- in this case root is referenced with respect only to persistence). When a model is loaded, the PersistenceManager (singleton) recursively searches the models/ directory, and each .xtuml file is assigned a PMC instance by the PersistenceManager. This collection of instances is then passed to the importer which parses the SQL, creates OOA instances, and then relates them. When a model element change is detected, the PMC of that model element is identified, and the exporter performs a persist for only that specific PMC (file).
  • How does the model of persistence work?

    • fileio.png

    • The Export Ordering class is the king of this model. An archetype scans the OOA of OOA and produces instances of SQL Table, Column, and Export Item, these instances are then linked with PEI data instances of Export Ordering by name. The export ordering PEI data allows the developer to define how BridgePoint will recursively call export routines that utilize the SQL Table and Column instances to dump SQL insert statements. Each Export Ordering has a first child and next sibling. When finished exporting, the first child export routine is invoked. When all the children are finished exporting, the next sibling is invoked.

    • Two files are used to store the PEI data for Export Ordeing instances: file_io.pei.sql and stream.pei.sql, both located in bridgepoint/src/ The two different files are used for two different types of export. The instances in the file use string identifiers to create a tree to export instances as described in the above paragraph.

  • How are ModelElements organized in memory?

    Before reading this make sure you know what the BridgePoint realized classes NonRootModelElement, ModelRoot, InstanceList, and PersistableModelComponent are.

    When BridgePoint loads a workspace it looks for eclipse projects that are xtUML projects. For each xtUML project in a workspace BridgePoint reads the xtUML files from disk. The files are stored in a hierarchy where the "project file" is at the top.

    In this description, the project file is the file that contains the SystemModel_c instance. The tool creates a ModelRoot instance for the SystemModel_c. The ModelRoot id of this instance is the project name.

    BridgePoint creates NonRootModelElement instances for every instance in the "project file" and it inserts those instances into this ModelRoot instance. Another way of explaining this, is that for every insert statement in the xtuml file a NonRootModelElement instance is created.

    BridgePoint recursively loads the rest of the model. Model Elements contained directly under the system are put in the system-level model root.

    Model Elements under system-level packages are put in ModelRoot instances associated with the system-level package it is under. The ModelRoot id for each of these instances is the path to instance.

    In summary, ModelRoot instances are created at the project-level and at the system-level package level, and that is all.

    This same architecture is shared by the Ooaofooa NonRootModelElements and the Ooaofgraphics NonRootModelElements. However, the Ooaofooa and Ooaofgraphics DO NOT share the same InstanceLists. They are different models (separate problem domains) and they maintain their own InstanceLists in their model roots.

  • How can I examine the BridgePoint in-memory Instance Population? (Instance Population Monitor)

    • BridgePoint contains tool that is useful to developers who may have a need to examine loaded instance populations. The tool is implemented as a view. To open it: Window > Show View > BridgePoint > Instance Population Monitor
    • An example where this tool may be used in is finding Instance leaks.
    • This tool is also useful to help understand the BridgePoint architecture with regard to model roots and instance lists.
    • The viewer shows a summary of a BridgePoint model's instance population broken-down as follows:
      • Project Name
        • Model Root ID
          • Ooaofooa NonRootModelElements
          • OOaofgraphics NonRootModelElements
          • Parser NonRootModelElements
          • Runtime NonRootModelElements
    • bpinstanceviewer.png
  • What is the ComponentTransactionListener and how does it work?
    A brief explanation of the transaction listener can be found in this note: The whole note contains good and relevant information, but section 7 focuses on the transaction listener.

  • How is the OAL parser generated?
    An explanation of how the OAL parser is generated can be found at section 5.1.1.


  • What does "Nothing to verify." mean?
    It means that the execution engine did not find parsed instances to execute. Here are things to check:

    • Make sure the selected element is being parsed successfully. If there is an OAL error there will be nothing to launch. Check the Problems view for errors.
    • Make sure there is some OAL in the model elements that are under the selected debug configuration. Inspect your model to verify there are elements under the project/component you are launching that contain action language.
    • Are the packages containing the classes inside a component? They need to be.
    • When creating a debug configuration for component definitions, check the box next to each component, not the one next to the package containing them (ref.
    • Some other error in the selected debug configuration is likely present. Check the Problems view and Error Log view for indications of issues in the model you are launching.

    If you are still having trouble, check out this thread on the forums and ask for help there.


Debugging Ciera Projects

  • Configuring Source Inclusion

    If you are working with a project where the source is not in the standard target/generated-source location, you may need to create a jar with the build. This can be done by modifying the projects pom.xml file to add the maven source plugin. Under the <plugins> section add the following plugin definition.


On build this will create a jar file appended with the -sources tag, Project/target/Project-{version}-sources.jar.

  • Add plugin definition

  • Build your project as described by the Ciera documentation

  • Preparing source in Bridgepoint

    • Open Bridgepoint
    • Import your project into the workspace
  • If using generated sources jar

    • Create a new project, New > Project...
    • Select General > Project
    • Name the project
    • Right click the project in Project Explorer/Navigator
    • Select Import...
    • Choose General > Archive
    • Click Next
    • Browse for the Project/target/Project-{version}-sources.jar file and click Open
    • Click Finish
    • Choose No to overwrite .project
  • Setting up remote debug configuration

    • Open the Debug Perspective
    • Open Debug Configurations at Debug > Debug Configurations...
    • Select Remote Java Application in the left tree
    • Press the New Button at the top left of the tree, or right click and select New
    • Enter a name for the debug configuration
    • Select the Source tab
    • Select any default source lookup path entries and click Remove
  • If using an out of the box Ciera configuration

    • Click the Add... button
    • Choose Workspace Folder
    • Navigate to this folder and select:
  • If using generated sources jar

    • Click the Add... button
    • Choose Project
    • Check the source project previously created
    • Close the Debug Configurations dialog
    • Click OK
    • Click Apply
    • In Bridgepoint, set a breakpoint for the application in the main method:

    If using an out of box Ciera configuration


    If using generated sourcese jar

    • Run the application in a terminal:
    java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,address=8000,suspend=y {project}.{Project}Application
    • This will have the application wait for your remote debugger to attach
    • In Bridgepoint choose Debug > Debug Configurations... > Remote Java Application > {DebugConfigName}
    • Click Debug
    • The breakpoint is hit

Model Translation / Model Compilers

  • How does model translation work? What role does the model-based model compiler play?

BridgePoint model translation combines the user's application model and a set of source code templates (also known as "archetypes") to produce the target code. Several stand-alone executables help perform this processing: xtumlmc_build, mcmc and generator.

xtumlmc_build is a perl script that processes the model data in preparation for later stages. For Windows the xtUML team compiles the script into an EXE using Strawberry Perl. For Linux the script simply runs natively with a perl interpreter while still retaining the name xtumlmc_build.exe. This allows the project builder inside BridgePoint to always call xtumlmc_build.exe and the operating system seamlessly takes over when the process runs. The xtumlmc_build application "cleanses" the model (by converting UUIDs into integers and removing unwanted model data like graphical instances) and handles passing data into and between mcmc and generator.

mcmc is a model-based model compiler that translates action language but not the structural bits like components, classes, etc... in the model into target code.

Generator is capable of performing this same OAL translation as mcmc (in a much slower manner) as well as having the additional ability to translate the structural parts of the application model into target code. Generator is a Windows EXE named gen_erate.exe that is run natively on Windows OS and via the Wine tools on Linux OSes.

Therefore, in most cases the model translation flow is this:

  • Model data is exported by BridgePoint Pre-Builder

  • The project builder passes the data to xtumlmc_build

  • xtumlmc_build cleanses the data and passes it to mcmc

  • mcmc processes the data and translates action language into target code. It produces a new file that combines the model data and translated action code.

  • xtumlmc_build passes the new data to generator

  • generator imports this data file and then processes the source code templates against the application data in order to produce the target code for the entire application.

  • Once the target code is output, the Eclipse CDT compiles the target code into an executable

  • What is publicly available? Can anyone outside the xtUML dev team actually build Generator?

The model and source code for mcmc and xtumlmc_build are publicly available in the github xtuml/mc repository. The xtUML development team builds mcmc into Linux and Windows binaries with native gcc tools on Ubuntu Linux. The model, source code, and library dependencies for generator are publicly available in the github xtuml/generator repository. The xtUML development team builds generator on Windows 7 using the required build environment, Visual C++ 6.0 w/ SP1 applied.

  • Generator dependencies: Galaxy, Windows, Visual C++... What's required to eliminate them?

Generator is a legacy application that is dependent on the Galaxy string processing library and PCCTS parser tool. It is required to be built with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 with VC6 Service Pack 1 applied. After much investigation, the xtUML dev team has decided that the engineering effort required to modernize this tool is too great to be a worthwhile endeavor. Instead, our effort will be directed to extend the model-based model compiler to add the capability of generating the structural model elements.

  • How often do these tools change? When would I have to rebuild them?

    • xtumlmc_build has been a very stable application that changes very little over time. Linux users never have to rebuild the application. They can simply modify the script and use the changes immediately. In our experience, Windows users do not attempt or need to modify this script, but if they did the instructions for rebuilding the EXE version using Strawberry Perl are available.
    • mcmc must be rebuilt any time the model compiler is enhanced or fixed in the area of OAL translation. The xtUML dev team generally rebuilds mcmc with each new release of BridgePoint. Since this tool is recently open sourced, we cannot yet say how often customers wish to rebuild the tool. However, as before, the instructions to do so are available.
    • Owing to it's closed source heritage, Generator contains a binary version of the C model compiler source templates. Thus, any time the C MC changed, generator was rebuilt to pick up these changes. Since generator is now open source, users must no longer rely on the binary model compiler. Our team has not made changes to the generator source code in a very long time (years). The primary reason generator would need to be rebuilt is if a developer wanted to create a archetype language construct. Since generator has a parser for the archetype language, it would need to be rebuilt to take advantage of the enhancement. As with the other tools, the instructions to rebuild generator are available if needed.
  • How do I upgrade my projects to use the new model compilers?

    • In April 2019 a major upgrade of the BridgePoint model compilers was completed. Projects using model compilers created before this version must be upgraded. Refer to section 5.2.1 here to see the recommended upgrade procedure. Questions about model upgrade can be directed to the xtUML community chat or to the forums.


  • How do I append updates to BridgePoint issues via e-mail?
    Send an email to "[email protected]" with the issue ID enclosed in brackets in the subject line (e.g. [#7777]). The content of the e-mail will be appended to the issue as a new note. It can take up to 15 minutes before the note appears in the issue on

  • Is the ID connected to Redmine in any way?
    Only indirectly. Users may create accounts on or (BridgePoint Redmine System) completely independently of one another. When a user creates an account on they have the option to enter their user ID, but it is only used for informational purposes. The accounts are not linked.

  • What are accounts for?
    Your account allows you to use the community features of the website. This includes the built-in chat feature as well as the forums. Your account also grants you access to the on-line learning courses with progress tracking. The website grants approvals to new account requests immediately.

  • What are accounts for?
    Your account allows you to open and track features requests and issues against BridgePoint. This includes the public issue tracking for xtUML community members as well as private areas for One Fact customers to track service requests. To get started in this system, see the instructions here. New account requests in this system are approved manually.

  • How do I use Github with two-factor authentication?
    You can set up 2FA on your Github account and use git from the command line or EGit. See the instructions here

  • What does a yellow triangle in Model Explorer mean? (Synchronize with library/Synchronize references)
    When an interface is changed (operation/signal added or deleted), BridgePoint will detect this and decorate the project and affected elements in Model Explorer with the yellow warning sign. For example, in the screenshot below you will see that a new operation has been added to the UI interface, which caused the project and affected components and ports to get decorated with the warning sign.

    From this point the modeler can run the "Synchronize references" (push changes) or "Synchronize with library" (pull changes) on the project. These actions will perform the desired update and dirty the affected elements in the underlying revision control. Using these tools there is no need to unformalize/reformalize or break the satisfaction of connected interfaces.

    If you are interested in more learning why this is implemented in this manner, the following engineering notes provide background:, dts0100841747.dnt.

  • Capture a stack dump when Eclipse hangs
    Using JVisualVM to capture thread dumps when a deadlock occurs

    • Download the JDK 1.6 Note: It MUST be the JDK, the JRE does NOT include the needed tool (jvisualvm.exe)
    • Install this JDK on the machine with the problem
    • Navigate to the JDK installation folder.
      For example the default is:
      C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_23\bin
    • Run jvisualvm.exe
    • The tool will show you a list of the Java processes running on the machine
    • Connect to Eclipse by double clicking the process.
    • Switch to the Threads tab.
    • Click the "Thread Dump" button in upper right.
    • A dump of all threads is displayed. It even reports any deadlocks that it sees.
    • Select-all from this report and save it. This is the information we need. Paste it to a file and include it in the CQ bug report.
  • How to set the stack size
    The default stack size for java threads is typically set by java itself. On occasion, BridgePoint has thrown StackOverflowError exceptions, especially during load of large models. Due to this, BridgePoint now sets its own default stack size in the bridgepoint.ini file in the installation. The default is set to four megabytes via the virtual machine argument -Xss4m. Users may wish to increase or decrease this value (minimum recommendation is -Xss512k) depending on memory constraints and/or the size of their models.

  • How to build a formalized collaboration/communication diagram
    Formalizing a collaboration (aka communication) diagram by connecting messages on the diagram to events and operations defined within the underlying executable (class and state) models is simple, albeit perhaps not intuitive.

    • Create a package to contain the collaboration diagram.
    • Open the canvas editor on the newly created package.
    • Use the "Interaction" drawer on the Palette to select the "Instance" tool.
    • Create an instance for each participant on the collaboration diagram.
    • Formalize each instance to a class within the underlying class model.
    • Use the "Communication" drawer on the Palette to select the "Link" tool.
    • Draw a communication link between each pair of collaborating participants on the diagram.
    • For each message on the collaboration diagram:
      • Use the "Interaction" drawer on the Palette to select the "(A)Synchronous Message" tool.
      • Alongside the communication line between the sender/receiver pair, draw a short line, moving toward the receiver.
      • Select both the receiver and the message (ctrl-select).
      • Invoke the context-menu entry, "Formalize..."
      • Select the appropriate event or operation defined within the underlying executable models.

The resulting diagram will look something like this: ExampleCollabDiag

  • How do I put a Post-It Note (sticky note) comment on a diagram?
    There are times when it is useful to annotate a spot or element in a diagram (especially an analysis diagram like Use Case, Sequence, etc) with a graphical note or comment.

    The BridgePoint xtUML editor does not currently (as of 2019) have a “Note” tool, but the “Activity Partition” tool from the Activity drawer in the Palette can be used to serve the purpose. This tool simply draws a line, which you can add text to by setting the Name value in the Properties view. You can also add a Description which will show as hover text.

    To make the note stand out, activate the context menu on the newly created element and select Format > Line Color > Red (or any color you wish).

    The context menu also contains the “Layers” entry. You can add all your diagram notes to a “Notes” layer, then you have the ability to hide or show the Notes layer to show the diagram with the additional annotations or not.

    Post-It Note / Sticky Note