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{{ }}

This is an api generated from a OpenAPI 3.0 spec with SwagGen


Each operation lives under the {{ }} namespace and within an optional tag: {{ }}(.tagName).operationId. If an operation doesn't have an operationId one will be generated from the path and method.

Each operation has a nested Request and a Response, as well as a static service property


This is the struct that contains the static information about an operation including it's id, tag, method, pre-modified path, and authorization requirements. It has a generic ResponseType type which maps to the Response type. You shouldn't really need to interact with this service type.


Each request is a subclass of APIRequest and has an init with a body param if it has a body, and a options struct for other url and path parameters. There is also a convenience init for passing parameters directly. The options and body structs are both mutable so they can be modified before actually sending the request.


The response is an enum of all the possible responses the request can return. it also contains getters for the statusCode, whether it was successful, and the actual decoded optional success response. If the operation only has one type of failure type there is also an optional failure type.


Models that are sent and returned from the API are {% if options.mutableModels %}mutable{% else %}immutable{% endif %} classes. Each model is Equatable and Codable.

Required properties are non optional and non-required are optional

All properties can be passed into the initializer, with required properties being mandatory.

If a model has additionalProperties it will have a subscript to access these by string


The APIClient is used to encode, authorize, send, monitor, and decode the requests. There is a APIClient.default that uses the default baseURL otherwise a custom one can be initialized:

public init(baseURL: String, sessionManager: SessionManager = .default, defaultHeaders: [String: String] = [:], behaviours: [RequestBehaviour] = [])

APIClient properties

  • baseURL: The base url that every request path will be appended to
  • behaviours: A list of Request Behaviours to add to every request
  • sessionManager: An Alamofire.SessionManager that can be customized
  • defaultHeaders: Headers that will be applied to every request
  • decodingQueue: The DispatchQueue to decode responses on

Making a request

To make a request first initialize a Request and then pass it to makeRequest. The complete closure will be called with an APIResponse

func makeRequest<T>(_ request: APIRequest<T>, behaviours: [RequestBehaviour] = [], queue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue.main, complete: @escaping (APIResponse<T>) -> Void) -> Request? {

Example request (that is not neccessarily in this api):

let getUserRequest = {{ }}.User.GetUser.Request(id: 123)
let apiClient = APIClient.default

apiClient.makeRequest(getUserRequest) { apiResponse in
    switch apiResponse {
        case .result(let apiResponseValue):
        	if let user = apiResponseValue.success {
        		print("GetUser returned user \(user)")
        	} else {
        		print("GetUser returned \(apiResponseValue)")
        case .error(let apiError):
        	print("GetUser failed with \(apiError)")

Each Request also has a makeRequest convenience function that uses {{ }}.default.


The APIResponse that gets passed to the completion closure contains the following properties:

  • request: The original request
  • result: A Result type either containing an APIClientError or the Response of the request
  • urlRequest: The URLRequest used to send the request
  • urlResponse: The HTTPURLResponse that was returned by the request
  • data: The Data returned by the request.
  • timeline: The Alamofire.Timeline of the request which contains timing information.

Encoding and Decoding

Only JSON requests and responses are supported. These are encoded and decoded by JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder respectively, using Swift's Codable apis. There are some options to control how invalid JSON is handled when decoding and these are available as static properties on {{ }}:

  • safeOptionalDecoding: Whether to discard any errors when decoding optional properties. Defaults to true.
  • safeArrayDecoding: Whether to remove invalid elements instead of throwing when decoding arrays. Defaults to true.

Dates are encoded and decoded differently according to the swagger date format. They use different DateFormatter's that you can set.

  • date-time
    • DateTime.dateEncodingFormatter: defaults to yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.Z
    • DateTime.dateDecodingFormatters: an array of date formatters. The first one to decode successfully will be used
  • date
    • DateDay.dateFormatter: defaults to yyyy-MM-dd


This is error enum that APIResponse.result may contain:

public enum APIClientError: Error {
    case unexpectedStatusCode(statusCode: Int, data: Data)
    case decodingError(DecodingError)
    case requestEncodingError(String)
    case validationError(String)
    case networkError(Error)
    case unknownError(Error)


Request behaviours are used to modify, authorize, monitor or respond to requests. They can be added to the APIClient.behaviours for all requests, or they can passed into makeRequest for just that single request.

RequestBehaviour is a protocol you can conform to with each function being optional. As the behaviours must work across multiple different request types, they only have access to a typed erased AnyRequest.

public protocol RequestBehaviour {

    /// runs first and allows the requests to be modified. If modifying asynchronously use validate
    func modifyRequest(request: AnyRequest, urlRequest: URLRequest) -> URLRequest

    /// validates and modifies the request. complete must be called with either .success or .fail
    func validate(request: AnyRequest, urlRequest: URLRequest, complete: @escaping (RequestValidationResult) -> Void)

    /// called before request is sent
    func beforeSend(request: AnyRequest)

    /// called when request successfuly returns a 200 range response
    func onSuccess(request: AnyRequest, result: Any)

    /// called when request fails with an error. This will not be called if the request returns a known response even if the a status code is out of the 200 range
    func onFailure(request: AnyRequest, error: APIClientError)

    /// called if the request recieves a network response. This is not called if request fails validation or encoding
    func onResponse(request: AnyRequest, response: AnyResponse)


Each request has an optional securityRequirement. You can create a RequestBehaviour that checks this requirement and adds some form of authorization (usually via headers) in validate or modifyRequest. An alternative way is to set the APIClient.defaultHeaders which applies to all requests.

Reactive and Promises

To add support for a specific asynchronous library, just add an extension on APIClient and add a function that wraps the makeRequest function and converts from a closure based syntax to returning the object of choice (stream, future...ect)


{% for model in schemas %}

  • {{ model.type }} {% endfor %}


{% for operationTag in operationsByTag %} {% if != "" %}

  • {{ }}.{{ options.tagPrefix }}{{|upperCamelCase }}{{ options.tagSuffix }} {% for operation in operationTag.operations %}
    • {{ operation.type }}: {{ operation.method }} {{ operation.path | lowercase }} {% endfor %} {% else %} {% for operation in operationTag.operations %}
  • {{ }}.{{ operation.type }}: {{ operation.method }} {{ operation.path | lowercase }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}