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The Social Chef

Design Brief


Highly Recommended to use VSCode because format settings are written in .vscode/settings.json.

Getting started with Express app

Clone the project

git clone https:/YukiOkamoto0206/social-chef.git

Install libraries from package.json

npm i

Create a .env file.

DO NOT commit your environmental variables like api key or database password. If you do not know .env file, let me know or check .sample.env file.

Run the project

// Encourage you to use this, because this command is hot-reload with nodemon.
npm run dev

Go http://localhost:3000/

Work on the project

Create a new branch

git checkout -b <new branch name>

Add your code changes to the git staging area

git add 〇〇.js 〇〇.ejs

Commit your changes

The commit message should be structured as follows:

Do NOT do huge commit

Small commit makes us

  • Easy to check pull request
  • Easy to revert
  • Less bugs

more details here

Two types of prefix

  • feat : new feature
  • fix : bug fix
git commit -m "feat: fetch the recipes api"

Push your changes

git push origin <branch name>

Pull Request

After you push your changes to your branch, create Pull Request in the GitHub. If you don't know how to use it, check here.

Check Pull Request

If somebody create a pull request or fix it, GitHub automatically send the message through the slack. The others can check it.

How to change the branch from yours to others

Do not change the branch before commiting or stashing your current branch.

Change the repository

// update new information from GitHub
$ git checkout main
$ git pull origin main
// change the branch that you want
$ git checkout <branch that you want to checkout>
// if somebody install new library, you need it.
$ npm i
// check whether it works or not
$ npm run dev

If you find something wrong, PLEASE comment in GitHub, if not, approve the pull request. If 3 of all(except for the person who create pull request) approve it, MEARGE the branch to main.

Stash command

git stash -u
git stash list
git stash apply stash@{0}