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Dynamic LaTex Generator

Link: https:/zarch/dynlatex


Dynlatex is a dynamic latex generator using jinja template and add some more 
filters usefull for latex document.


It generate table from csv files
It generate figure from image file
It generate subfigure from a directory


 - Python2.X;
 - jinja2;


Just extract code into a directory and use it


Usage is simple, in your LaTex source now you can use jinja template synatax.
Dynlatex add some usefull filters like `table` that allow to insert a table 
from a <csvfile>.

{{ 'example/some.csv'|table }}

Now if you run in a shell:

$ python /examples/simple.tex

This comand generate a latex file in 'build/examples/simple.tex' that contain:

  \begin{tabular}{ ccc }
Name & Weight & Heigth \\
Pippo & 58.789 & 1.828 \\
Pluto & 16.983 & 0.608 \\

In the latex document you can give more option to the filter, 
like in 'examples/parameter.tex'

{{ 'some.csv'|table(add_hline='0,-1',numberformat = '{0:6.1f}', label='tab0', caption='Data from csv.') }}

to add: label, caption and hlines in your tab.

  \begin{tabular}{ ccc }
Name & Weight & Heigth \\
Pippo &   58.8 &    1.8 \\
Pluto &   17.0 &    0.6 \\
  \caption{ Data from csv. }
  \label{ tab0 }

See the configuration file to a complete list of parameters.

Could be usefull to set different "style" to the table.

See all the comand options with:

$ python -h

Configuration File:

It is possible to read a <cfgfile> to specify general options to apply 
to the document, and to add more dictionary callable in the template.
Where <cfgfile> is a file structured like the dyn.cfg reported in the
archive. This is an example of configuration file:

# set where to find your project files, if multiple files separates with ','
source = examples/
# set where you want to put generate files
dest = build/
# set which file should be consider a latex template, if multiple separates with ','
srcext = .tex
# set which file should be consider an image, if multiple separates with ','
imgext = .png, .pdf, .jpg
# set if you want to compile or not
compile = True
# set which comand use to compile
pdfcomand = pdflatex build/main.tex
# set if you want to make a copy or a link in a build directory
# Note: work only on unix
link = True  
verbose = False

# here it is possible to set all the default value to build table latex code
# set csv delimeter
delimiter = ,
# set if you want to transform number format, using python number format rules
# see:
numberformat = {0:.2f}
# set default position of the table
position = htb!
# set default vertical lines 
#add_vline = 1
# set default horizontal lines 
add_hline = 0,-1
# specify your column layout, exemple: 0:l,1:c,2:r
col_layout = 0:l
# specify default column layout
col_layout_default = c
# set more table options
more = '\\scriptsize \n  \\centering'

position = htb!
more = \\centering
width = 1


Dynamic LaTex Generator







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