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A Generic Driver for Powerful System Tests


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BTest - A Generic Driver for Powerful System Tests

BTest is a powerful framework for writing system tests. Freely borrowing some ideas from other packages, its main objective is to provide an easy-to-use, straightforward driver for a suite of shell-based tests. Each test consists of a set of command lines that will be executed, and success is determined based on their exit codes. btest comes with some additional tools that can be used within such tests to robustly compare output against a previously established baseline.

This document describes BTest 1.1-17. See the CHANGES file in the source tree for version history.

BTest has the following prerequisites:

  • Python version >= 3.7 (older versions may work, but are not well-tested).
  • Bash. Note that on FreeBSD and Alpine Linux, bash is not installed by default. This is also required on Windows, in the form of Git's msys2, Cygwin, etc.

BTest has the following optional prerequisites to enable additional functionality:

  • Sphinx. Sphinx functionality is currently disabled on Windows.
  • perf (Linux only). Note that on Debian/Ubuntu, you also need to install the "linux-tools" package.

When running BTest on Windows, you must have a bash shell installed of some sort. This can be from WSL, Cygwin, msys2, Git, or any number of other methods, but bash.exe must be available. BTest will check for its existence at startup and exit if it is not available.

A minor change must be made to any configuration value that is a path list. For example, if you are setting the PATH environment variable from your btest.cfg. In these cases, you should use $(pathsep)s in the configuration instead of bare : or ; values to separate the paths. This ensures that both POSIX and Windows systems handle the path lists correctly.

Installation is simple and standard via pip:

> pip install btest

Alternatively, you can download a tarball from PyPI and install locally:

> tar xzvf btest-*.tar.gz
> cd btest-*
> python3 install

The same approach also works on a local git clone of the source tree, located at https:/zeek/btest.

Each will install a few scripts: btest is the main driver program, and there are a number of further helper scripts that we discuss below (including btest-diff, which is a tool for comparing output to a previously established baseline).

A BTest testsuite consists of one or more "btests", executed by the btest driver. Btests are plain text files in which btest identifies keywords with corresponding arguments that tell it what to do. BTest is not a language; it recognizes keywords in any text file, including when embedded in other scripting languages. A common idiom in BTest is to use keywords to process the btest file via a particular command, often a script interpreter. This approach feels unusal at first, but lends BTest much of its flexibility: btest files can contain pretty much anything, as long as btest identifies keywords in it.

btest requires a configuration file. With it, you can run btest on an existing testsuite in several ways:

  • Point it at directories containing btests:

    > btest ./testsuite/
  • Use the config file to enumerate directories to scan for tests, via the TestDirs option:

    > btest
  • Run btests selectively, by pointing btest at a specific test file:

    > btest ./testsuite/my.test

    More detail on this when we cover test selection.

In the most simple case, btest simply executes a set of command lines, each of which must be prefixed with the @TEST-EXEC: keyword:

> cat examples/t1
@TEST-EXEC: echo "Foo" | grep -q Foo
@TEST-EXEC: test -d .
> btest examples/t1
examples.t1 ... ok

The test passes as both command lines return success. If one of them didn't, that would be reported:

> cat examples/t2
@TEST-EXEC: echo "Foo" | grep -q Foo
> btest examples/t2
examples.t2 ... failed

Usually you will just run all tests found in a directory:

> btest examples
examples.t1 ... ok
examples.t2 ... failed
1 test failed

The file containing the test can simultaneously act as its input. Let's say we want to verify a shell script:

> cat examples/
ls /etc | grep -q passwd
> btest examples/
examples.t3 ... ok

Here, btest executes (something similar to) sh examples/, and then checks the return value as usual. The example also shows that the @TEST-EXEC keyword can appear anywhere, in particular inside the comment section of another language.

Now, let's say we want to verify the output of a program, making sure that it matches our expectations---a common use case for BTest. To do this, we rely on BTest's built-in support for test baselines. These baselines record prior output of a test, adding support for abstracting away brittle details such as ever-changing timestamps or home directories. BTest comes with tooling to establish, update, and verify baselines, and to plug in "canonifiers": scripts that abstract, or "normalize", troublesome detail from a baseline.

In our test, we first add a command line that produces the output we want to check, and then run btest-diff to make sure it matches the previously recorded baseline. btest-diff is itself just a script that returns success if the output matches a pre-recorded baseline after applying any required normalizations.

In the following example, we use an awk script as a fancy way to print all file names starting with a dot in the user's home directory. We write that list into a file called dots and then check whether its content matches what we know from last time:

> cat examples/t4.awk
# @TEST-EXEC: ls -a $HOME | awk -f %INPUT >dots
# @TEST-EXEC: btest-diff dots
/^\.+/ { print $1 }

Note that each test gets its own little sandbox directory when run, so by creating a file like dots, you aren't cluttering up anything.

The first time we run this test, we need to record a baseline. The btest command includes a baseline-update mode, set via -U, that achieves this:

> btest -U examples/t4.awk

btest-diff recognizes this update mode via an environment variable set by btest, and records the dots file in a separate baseline folder. With this baseline in place, modifications to the output now trigger a test failure:

> btest examples/t4.awk
examples.t4 ... ok
> touch ~/.NEWDOTFILE
> btest examples/t4.awk
examples.t4 ... failed
1 test failed

If we want to see what exactly changed in dots to trigger the failure, btest allows us to record the discrepancies via a diagnostics mode that records them in a file called .diag:

> btest -d examples/t4.awk
examples.t4 ... failed
% 'btest-diff dots' failed unexpectedly (exit code 1)
% cat .diag
== File ===============================
[... current dots file ...]
== Diff ===============================
--- /Users/robin/work/binpacpp/btest/Baseline/examples.t4/dots
2010-10-28 20:11:11.000000000 -0700
+++ dots      2010-10-28 20:12:30.000000000 -0700
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@

% cat .stderr
[... if any of the commands had printed something to stderr, that would follow here ...]

Once we delete the new file, the test passes again:

> btest -d examples/t4.awk
examples.t4 ... ok

That's the essence of the functionality the btest package provides. This example did not use canonifiers. We cover these, and a number of additional options that extend or modify this basic approach, in the following sections.

btest must be started with a list of tests and/or directories given on the command line. In the latter case, the default is to recursively scan the directories and assume all files found to be tests to perform. It is however possible to exclude specific files and directories by specifying a suitable configuration file.

btest returns exit code 0 if all tests have successfully passed, and 1 otherwise. Exit code 1 can also result in case of other errors.

btest accepts the following options:

 Activates an alternative configuration defined in the configuration file. Multiple alternatives can be given as a comma-separated list (in this case, all specified tests are run once for each specified alternative). The alternatives - and default refer to the standard setup, allowing tests to run with combinations of the latter and select alternatives. If an alternative is not defined in the configuration, btest fails with exit code 1 and an according error message on stderr.
-A, --show-all Shows an output line for all tests that were run (this includes tests that passed, failed, or were skipped), rather than only failed tests. Note that this option has no effect when stdout is not a TTY (because all tests are shown in that case).
-b, --brief Does not output anything for tests which pass. If all tests pass, there will not be any output at all except final summary information.
-c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG
 Specifies an alternative configuration file to use. If not specified, the default is to use a file called btest.cfg if found in the current directory. An alternative way to specify a different config file is with the BTEST_CFG environment variable (however, the command-line option overrides BTEST_CFG).
-d, --diagnostics
 Reports diagnostics for all failed tests. The diagnostics include the command line that failed, its output to standard error, and potential additional information recorded by the command line for diagnostic purposes (see @TEST-EXEC below). In the case of btest-diff, the latter is the diff between baseline and actual output.
-D, --diagnostics-all
 Reports diagnostics for all tests, including those which pass.
-f DIAGFILE, --file-diagnostics=DIAGFILE
 Writes diagnostics for all failed tests into the given file. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.
-g GROUPS, --groups=GROUPS
 Runs only tests assigned to the given test groups, see @TEST-GROUP. Multiple groups can be given as a comma-separated list. Specifying groups with a leading - leads to all tests to run that are not not part of them. Specifying a sole - as a group name selects all tests that do not belong to any group. (Note that if you combine these variants to create ambiguous situations, it's left undefined which tests will end up running).

Runs up to the given number of tests in parallel. If no number is given, BTest substitutes the number of available CPU cores as reported by the OS.

By default, BTest assumes that all tests can be executed concurrently without further constraints. One can however ensure serialization of subsets by assigning them to the same serialization set, see @TEST-SERIALIZE.

-q, --quiet Suppress information output other than about failed tests. If all tests pass, there will not be any output at all.
-r, --rerun Runs only tests that failed last time. After each execution (except when updating baselines), BTest generates a state file that records the tests that have failed. Using this option on the next run then reads that file back in and limits execution to those tests found in there.
-R FORMAT, --documentation=FORMAT
 Generates a reference of all tests and prints that to standard output. The output can be of two types, specified by FORMAT: rst prints reStructuredText, and md prints Markdown. In the output each test includes the documentation string that's defined for it through @TEST-DOC.
-s <kv>, --set=<kv>
 Takes a key=value argument and uses it to override a value used during parsing of the configuration file read by btest at startup. This can be used to override various default values prior to parsing. Can be passed multiple times to override different keys. See defaults for an example.
-t, --tmp-keep Does not delete any temporary files created for running the tests (including their outputs). By default, the temporary files for a test will be located in .tmp/<test>/, where <test> is the relative path of the test file with all slashes replaced with dots and the file extension removed (e.g., the files for example/ will be in .tmp/example.t3).
-T, --update-times
 Record new timing baselines for the current host for tests that have @TEST-MEASURE-TIME. Tests are run as normal except that the timing measurements are recorded as the new baseline instead of being compared to a previous baseline.
 Record test execution timings in Chrome tracing format to the given file. If the file exists already, it is overwritten. The file can be loaded in Chrome-based browsers at about:tracing, or converted to standalone HTML with trace2html.
-U, --update-baseline
 Records a new baseline for all btest-diff commands found in any of the specified tests. To do this, all tests are run as normal except that when btest-diff is executed, it does not compute a diff but instead considers the given file to be authoritative and records it as the version to compare with in future runs.
-u, --update-interactive
 Each time a btest-diff command fails in any tests that are run, btest will stop and ask whether or not the user wants to record a new baseline.
-v, --verbose Shows all test command lines as they are executed.
-w, --wait Interactively waits for <enter> after showing diagnostics for a test.
-x FILE, --xml=FILE
 Records test results in JUnit XML format to the given file. If the file exists already, it is overwritten.
-z RETRIES, --retries=RETRIES
 Retry any failed tests up to this many times to determine if they are unstable.
-i FILE, --tests-file=FILE
 Loads the list of tests to execute from a file. Each line in the file is interpreted as the name of a test, or a group of tests, to execute, just like the tests would be specified on the command line. Empty lines and lines starting with # are ignored. (This format is compatible with that of the btest StateFile.)

Specifics of btest's execution can be tuned with a configuration file, which by default is btest.cfg if that's found in the current directory. It can alternatively be specified with the --config command line option, or a BTEST_CFG environment variable. The configuration file is "INI-style", and an example comes with the distribution, see btest.cfg.example. A configuration file has one main section, btest, that defines most options; as well as an optional section for defining environment variables and further optional sections for defining alternatives.

Note that all paths specified in the configuration file are relative to btest's base directory. The base directory is either the one where the configuration file is located if such is given/found, or the current working directory if not. One can also override it explicitly by setting the environment variable BTEST_TEST_BASE. When setting values for configuration options, the absolute path to the base directory is available by using the macro %(testbase)s (the weird syntax is due to Python's ConfigParser class).

Furthermore, all values can use standard "backtick-syntax" to include the output of external commands (e.g., xyz=`echo test`). Note that the backtick expansion is performed after any %(..) have already been replaced (including within the backticks).

There is a special section that can be added to the configuration file that will set default values to be used during the parsing of other configuration directives. For example:



The configuration parser reads the keys and values from the DEFAULT section prior to reading the other sections. It uses those keys to replace the %()s macros as described earlier. The values stored in these keys can be overridden at runtime by using the -s/--set command-line argument. For example to override the val default above, the -s val=other argument can be passed. In that case, ENV_VALUE would be set to other instead of abcd.

The following options can be set in the btest section of the configuration file:


One or more directories where to store the baseline files for btest-diff (note that the actual baseline files will be placed into test-specific subdirectories of this directory). By default, this is set to %(testbase)s/Baseline.

If multiple directories are to be used, they must be separated by colons. btest-diff will then search them for baseline files in order when looking for a baseline to compare against. When updating a baseline, it will always store the new version inside the first directory. Using multiple directories is most useful in combination with alternatives to support alternate executions where some tests produce expected differences in their output.

This option can also be set through an environment variable BTEST_BASELINE_DIR.

Changes the naming of all btest commands by replacing the @TEST- prefix with a custom string. For example, with CommandPrefix=$TEST-, the @TEST-EXEC command becomes $TEST-EXEC.
A command that will be executed each time any test has successfully run. It runs in the same directory as the test itself and receives the name of the test as its only argument. The return value indicates whether the test should indeed be considered successful. By default, there's no finalizer set.

A space-separated list of relative directory names to ignore when scanning test directories recursively. Default is empty.

An alternative way to ignore a directory is placing a file .btest-ignore in it.


A space-separated list of filename globs matching files to ignore when scanning given test directories recursively. Default is empty.

An alternative way to ignore a file is by placing @TEST-IGNORE in it.

A command that will be executed before each test. It runs in the same directory as the test itself will and receives the name of the test as its only argument. The return value indicates whether the test should continue; if false, the test will be considered failed. By default, there's no initializer set.
On occasion, you'll want to ensure that the version of btest running your testsuite includes a particular feature. By setting this value to a given version number (as reported by btest --version), btest installations older than this version will fail test execution with exit code 1 and a corresponding error message on stderr.
A command that will be executed each time a test part has successfully run. This operates similarly to Finalizer except that it runs after each test part rather than only at completion of the full test. See parts for more about test parts.

A command that will be executed before each test part. This operates similarly to Initializer except that it runs at the beginning of any test part that BTest runs. See parts for more about test parts.

Since a failing test part aborts execution of the test, part initializers do not run for any subsequent skipped parts.


A command that will run after any test part that has run, regardless of failure or success of the part. This operates similarly to Teardown except it applies to test parts instead of the full test.

Since a failing test part aborts execution of the test, part teardowns do not run for any subsequent skipped parts.

Specifies a path to the perf tool, which is used on Linux to measure the execution times of tests. By default, BTest searches for perf in PATH.
Specifies a port range like "10000-11000" to use in conjunction with @TEST-PORT commands. Port assignments will be restricted to this range. The default range is "1024-65535".

The name of the state file to record the names of failing tests. Default is .btest.failed.dat.


A command that will be executed each time any test has run, regardless of whether that test succeeded. Conceptually, it pairs with an Initializer that sets up test infrastructure that requires tear-down at the end of the test. It runs in the same directory as the test itself and receives the name of the test as its only argument. There's no default teardown command.

Teardown commands may return a non-zero exit code, which fails the corresponding test. Succeeding teardown commands do not override an otherwise failing test; such tests will still fail.

To allow teardown routines to reason about the preceding tests, they receive two additional environment variables:

This variable is defined (to 1) when the test has failed, and absent otherwise.
This variable contains the numeric exit code of the last command run prior to teardown.
A space-separated list of directories to search for tests. If defined, one doesn't need to specify any tests on the command line.
A directory where to store the host-specific timing baseline files. By default, this is set to %(testbase)s/Baseline/_Timing.
A value defining the timing deviation percentage that's tolerated for a test before it's considered failed. Default is 1.0 (which means a 1.0% deviation is tolerated by default).
A directory where to create temporary files when running tests. By default, this is set to %(testbase)s/.tmp.

A special section environment defines environment variables that will be propagated to all tests:


Note how PATH can be adjusted to include local scripts: the example above prefixes it with a local bin/ directory inside the base directory, using the predefined default_path macro to refer to the PATH as it is set by default.

Furthermore, by setting PATH to include the btest distribution directory, one could skip the installation of the btest package.

BTest can run a set of tests with different settings than it would normally use by specifying an alternative configuration. Currently, three things can be adjusted:

  • Further environment variables can be set that will then be available to all the commands that a test executes.
  • Filters can modify an input file before a test uses it.
  • Substitutions can modify command lines executed as part of a test.

We discuss the three separately in the following. All of them are defined by adding sections [<type>-<name>] where <type> corresponds to the type of adjustment being made and <name> is the name of the alternative. Once at least one section is defined for a name, that alternative can be enabled by BTest's --alternative flag.

An alternative can add further environment variables by defining an [environment-<name>] section:


Running btest with --alternative=myalternative will now make the CFLAGS environment variable available to all commands executed.

Prefixing the name of an environment variable with - in an alternative section removes the respective variable from the environment:


It is an error to provide a value when prefixing with -.

As a special case, one can override two specific environment variables---BTEST_TEST_BASE and BTEST_BASELINE_DIR---inside an alternative's environment section to have them not only be passed on to child processes, but also apply to the btest process itself. That way, one can switch to a different base and baseline directories for an alternative.

Filters are a transparent way to adapt the input to a specific test command before it is executed. A filter is defined by adding a section [filter-<name>] to the configuration file. This section must have exactly one entry, and the name of that entry is interpreted as the name of a command whose input is to be filtered. The value of that entry is the name of a filter script that will be run with two arguments representing input and output files, respectively. Example:


Once the filter is activated by running btest with --alternative=myalternative, every time a @TEST-EXEC: cat %INPUT is found, btest will first execute (something similar to) %(testbase)s/bin/filter-cat %INPUT out.tmp, and then subsequently cat out.tmp (i.e., the original command but with the filtered output). In the simplest case, the filter could be a no-op in the form cp $1 $2.

NOTE: There are a few limitations to the filter concept currently:

  • Filters are always fed with %INPUT as their first argument. We should add a way to filter other files as well.
  • Filtered commands are only recognized if they are directly starting the command line. For example, @TEST-EXEC: ls | cat >output would not trigger the example filter above.
  • Filters are only executed for @TEST-EXEC, not for @TEST-EXEC-FAIL.

Substitutions are similar to filters, yet they do not adapt the input but the command line being executed. A substitution is defined by adding a section [substitution-<name>] to the configuration file. For each entry in this section, the entry's name specifies the command that is to be replaced with something else given as its value. Example:

gcc=gcc -O2

Once the substitution is activated by running btest with --alternative=myalternative, every time a @TEST-EXEC executes gcc, that is replaced with gcc -O2. The replacement is simple string substitution so it works not only with commands but anything found on the command line; it however only replaces full words, not subparts of words.

btest scans a test file for lines containing keywords that trigger certain functionality. It knows the following keywords:

@TEST-ALTERNATIVE: <alternative>
Runs this test only for the given alternative (see alternative). If <alternative> is default, the test executes when BTest runs with no alternative given (which however is the default anyway).
Copy the given file into the test's directory before the test is run. If <file> is a relative path, it's interpreted relative to the BTest's base directory. Environment variables in <file> will be replaced if enclosed in ${..}. This command can be given multiple times.
@TEST-DOC: <docstring>
Associates a documentation string with the test. These strings get included into the output of the --documentation option.
@TEST-EXEC: <cmdline>

Executes the given command line and aborts the test if it returns an error code other than zero. The <cmdline> is passed to the shell and thus can be a pipeline, use redirection, and any environment variables specified in <cmdline> will be expanded, etc.

When running a test, the current working directory for all command lines will be set to a temporary sandbox (and will be deleted later).

There are two macros that can be used in <cmdline>: %INPUT will be replaced with the full pathname of the file defining the test (this file is in a temporary sandbox directory and is a copy of the original test file); and %DIR will be replaced with the full pathname of the directory where the test file is located (note that this is the directory where the original test file is located, not the directory where the %INPUT file is located). The latter can be used to reference further files also located there.

In addition to environment variables defined in the configuration file, there are further ones that are passed into the commands:

The BTest base directory, i.e., the directory where btest.cfg is located.

A list of directories where the command can save permanent information across btest runs. (This is where btest-diff stores its baseline in UPDATE mode.)

Multiple entries are separated by colons. If more than one entry is given, semantics should be to search them in order. (This is where btest-diff stores its baseline in UPDATE mode.)

A file where further diagnostic information can be saved in case a command fails (this is also where btest-diff stores its diff). If this file exists, then the --diagnostics-all or --diagnostics options will show this file (for the latter option, only if a command fails).
This is normally set to TEST, but will be UPDATE if btest is run with --update-baseline, or UPDATE_INTERACTIVE if run with --update-interactive.
The name of the currently executing test.

The test part number (see parts for more about test parts).


If a command returns the special exit code 100, the test is considered failed, however subsequent test commands within the current test are still run. btest-diff uses this special exit code to indicate that no baseline has yet been established.

If a command returns the special exit code 200, the test is considered failed and all further tests are aborted. btest-diff uses this special exit code when btest is run with the --update-interactive option and the user chooses to abort the tests when prompted to record a new baseline.

The path of a file where the test can record further information about its execution that will be included with BTest's --verbose output. This is for further tracking the execution of commands and should generally generate output that follows a line-based structure.
@TEST-EXEC-FAIL: <cmdline>
Like @TEST-EXEC, except that this expects the command to fail, i.e., the test is aborted when the return code is zero.
@TEST-GROUP: <group>
Assigns the test to a group of name <group>. By using option -g one can limit execution to all tests that belong to a given group (or a set of groups).
This is used to indicate that this file should be skipped (i.e., no test commands in this file will be executed). An alternative way to ignore files is by using the IgnoreFiles option in the btest configuration file.

Marks a test as known to currently fail. This only changes BTest's output, which upon failure will indicate that that is expected; it won't change the test's processing otherwise. The keyword doesn't take any arguments but one could add a descriptive text, as in

.. @TEST-KNOWN-FAILURE: We know this fails because ....
Measures execution time for this test and compares it to a previously established timing baseline. If it deviates significantly, the test will be considered failed.
@TEST-NOT-ALTERNATIVE: <alternative>
Ignores this test for the given alternative (see alternative). If <alternative> is default, the test is ignored if BTest runs with no alternative given.
@TEST-PORT: <env>
Assign an available TCP port number to an environment variable that is accessible from the running test process. <env> is an arbitrary user-chosen string that will be set to the next available TCP port number. Availability is based on checking successful binding of the port on IPv4 INADDR_ANY and also restricted to the range specified by the PortRange option. IPv6 is not supported. Note that using the -j option to parallelize execution will work such that unique/available port numbers are assigned between concurrent tests, however there is still a potential race condition for external processes to claim a port before the test actually runs and claims it for itself.
@TEST-REQUIRES: <cmdline>
Defines a condition that must be met for the test to be executed. The given command line will be run before any of the actual test commands, and it must return success for the test to continue. If it does not return success, the rest of the test will be skipped but doing so will not be considered a failure of the test. This allows to write conditional tests that may not always make sense to run, depending on whether external constraints are satisfied or not (say, whether a particular library is available). Multiple requirements may be specified and then all must be met for the test to continue.
When using option -j to parallelize execution, all tests that specify the same serialization set are guaranteed to run sequentially. <set> is an arbitrary user-chosen string.

This is used to include an additional input file for a test right inside the test file. All lines following the keyword line will be written into the given file until a line containing @TEST-END-FILE is found. The lines containing @TEST-START-FILE and @TEST-END-FILE, and all lines in between, will be removed from the test's %INPUT. Example:

> cat examples/
# @TEST-EXEC: awk -f %INPUT <foo.dat >output
# @TEST-EXEC: btest-diff output

    { lines += 1; }
END { print lines; }


> btest -D examples/
examples.t6 ... ok
  % cat .diag
  == File ===============================

Multiple such files can be defined within a single test.

Note that this is only one way to use further input files. Another is to store a file in the same directory as the test itself, making sure it's ignored via IgnoreFiles, and then refer to it via %DIR/<name>.

This keyword lets you define multiple test inputs in the same file, all executing with the same command lines. See defining multiple tests in one file for details.

Internally, btest uses logical names for tests, abstracting input files. Those names result from substituting path separators with dots, ignoring btest file suffixes, and potentially adding additional labeling. btest does this only for tests within the TestDirs directories given in the configuration file.

In addition to the invocations covered in Running BTest, you can use logical names when telling btest which tests to run. For example, instead of saying

> btest testsuite/

you can use:

> btest

This distinction rarely matters, but it's something to be aware of when defining multiple tests in one file, which we cover next.

On occasion you want to use the same constellation of keywords on a set of input files. BTest supports this via the @TEST-START-NEXT keyword. When btest encounters this keyword, it initially considers the input file to end at that point, and runs all @TEST-EXEC-* with an %INPUT truncated accordingly. Afterwards, it creates a new %INPUT with everything following the @TEST-START-NEXT marker, running the same commands again. (It ignores any @TEST-EXEC-* lines later in the file.)

The effect is that a single file can define multiple tests that the btest output will enumerate:

> cat examples/
# @TEST-EXEC: cat %INPUT | wc -c >output
# @TEST-EXEC: btest-diff output

This is the first test input in this file.


... and the second.

> ./btest -D examples/
examples.t5 ... ok
  % cat .diag
  == File ===============================

examples.t5-2 ... ok
  % cat .diag
  == File ===============================

btest automatically generates the -<n> suffix for each of the tests.

NOTE: It matters how you name tests when running them individually. When you specify the btest file ("examples/"), btest will run all of the contained tests. When you use the logical name, btest will run only that specific test: in the above scenario, examples.t5 runs only the first test defined in the file, while examples.t5-2 only runs the second. This also applies to baseline updates.

One can also split a single test across multiple files by adding a numerical #<n> postfix to their names, where each <n> represents a separate part of the test. btest will combine all of a test's parts in numerical order and execute them subsequently within the same sandbox. Example:

> cat examples/
# @TEST-EXEC: echo Part 1 - %INPUT >>output

> cat examples/
# @TEST-EXEC: echo Part 2 - %INPUT >>output

> cat examples/
# @TEST-EXEC: btest-diff output

> btest -D examples/
examples.t7 ... ok
% cat .diag
== File ===============================
Part 1 - /Users/robin/bro/docs/aux/btest/.tmp/examples.t7/
Part 2 - /Users/robin/bro/docs/aux/btest/.tmp/examples.t7/

Note how output contains the output of both and, however in each case %INPUT refers to the corresponding part. For the first part of a test, one can also omit the #1 postfix in the filename.

btest-diff has the capability to filter its input through an additional script before it compares the current version with the baseline. This can be useful if certain elements in an output are expected to change (e.g., timestamps). The filter can then remove/replace these with something consistent. To enable such canonification, set the environment variable TEST_DIFF_CANONIFIER to a script reading the original version from stdin and writing the canonified version to stdout. For examples of canonifier scripts, take a look at those used in the Zeek distribution.

NOTE: btest-diff passes both the pre-recorded baseline and the fresh test output through any canonifiers before comparing their contents. BTest version 0.63 introduced two changes in btest-diff's baseline handling:

  • btest-diff now records baselines in canonicalized form. The benefit here is that by canonicalizing upon recording, you can use btest -U more freely, keeping expected noise out of revision control. The downside is that updates to canonifiers require a refresh of the baselines.
  • btest-diff now prefixes the baselines with a header that warns against manual modification, and knows to exclude that header from comparison. We recommend only ever updating baselines via btest -U (or its interactive sibling, -u).

Once you use canonicalized baselines in your project, it's a good idea to use MinVersion = 0.63 in your btest.cfg to avoid the use of older btest installations. Since these are unaware of the new baseline header and repeated application of canonifiers may cause unexpected alterations to already-canonified baselines, using such versions will likely cause test failures.

btest baselines usually consist of text files, i.e. content that mostly makes sense to process line by line. It's possible to use binary data as well, though. For such data, btest-diff supports a binary mode in which it will treat the baselines as binary "blobs". In this mode, it will compare test output to baselines for byte-by-byte equality only, it will never apply any canonifiers, and it will leave the test output untouched during baseline updates.

To use binary mode, invoke btest-diff with the --binary flag.

Sometimes processes need to be spawned in the background for a test, in particular if multiple processes need to cooperate in some fashion. btest comes with two helper scripts to make life easier in such a situation:

btest-bg-run <tag> <cmdline>
This is a script that runs <cmdline> in the background, i.e., it's like using cmdline & in a shell script. Test execution continues immediately with the next command. Note that the spawned command is not run in the current directory, but instead in a newly created sub-directory called <tag>. This allows spawning multiple instances of the same process without needing to worry about conflicting outputs. If you want to access a command's output later, like with btest-diff, use <tag>/foo.log to access it.
btest-bg-wait [-k] <timeout>
This script waits for all processes previously spawned via btest-bg-run to finish. If any of them exits with a non-zero return code, btest-bg-wait does so as well, indicating a failed test. <timeout> is mandatory and gives the maximum number of seconds to wait for any of the processes to terminate. If any process hasn't done so when the timeout expires, it will be killed and the test is considered to be failed as long as -k is not given. If -k is given, pending processes are still killed but the test continues normally, i.e., non-termination is not considered a failure in this case. This script also collects the processes' stdout and stderr outputs for diagnostics output.

For long-running tests it can be helpful to display progress messages during their execution so that one sees where the test is currently at. There's a helper script, btest-progress, to facilitate that. The script receives a custom message as its sole argument. When executed while a test is running, btest will display that message in real-time in its standard and verbose outputs.

Example usage:


btest-progress Stage 1
sleep 1
btest-progress Stage 2
sleep 1
btest-progress Stage 3
sleep 1

When the tests execute, btest will then show these three messages successively. By default, btest-progress also prints the messages to the test's standard output and standard error. That can be suppressed by adding an option -q to the invocation.

btest can time execution of tests and report significant deviations from past runs. As execution time is inherently system-specific it keeps separate per-host timing baselines for that. Furthermore, as time measurements tend to make sense only for individual, usually longer running tests, they are activated on per test basis by adding a @TEST-MEASURE-TIME directive. The test will then execute as usual yet also record the duration for which it executes. After the timing baselines are created (with the --update-times option), further runs on the same host will compare their times against that baseline and declare a test failed if it deviates by more than, by default, 1%. (To tune the behaviour, look at the Timing* options.) If a test requests measurement but BTest can't find a timing baseline or the necessary tools to perform timing measurements, then it will ignore the request.

As timing for a test can deviate quite a bit even on the same host, BTest does not actually measure time but the number of CPU instructions that a test executes, which tends to be more stable. That however requires the right tools to be in place. On Linux, BTest leverages perf. By default, BTest will search for perf in the PATH; you can specify a different path to the binary by setting PerfPath in btest.cfg.

btest comes with an extension module for the documentation framework Sphinx. The extension module provides two new directives called btest and btest-include. The btest directive allows writing a test directly inside a Sphinx document, and then the output from the test's command is included in the generated documentation. The btest-include directive allows for literal text from another file to be included in the generated documentation. The tests from both directives can also be run externally and will catch if any changes to the included content occur. The following walks through setting this up.

First, you need to tell Sphinx a base directory for the btest configuration as well as a directory in there where to store tests it extracts from the Sphinx documentation. Typically, you'd just create a new subdirectory tests in the Sphinx project for the btest setup and then store the tests in there in, e.g., doc/:

> cd <sphinx-root>
> mkdir tests
> mkdir tests/doc

Then add the following to your Sphinx

extensions += ["btest-sphinx"]
btest_base="tests"         # Relative to Sphinx-root.
btest_tests="doc"          # Relative to btest_base.

Next, create a btest.cfg in tests/ as usual and add doc/ to the TestDirs option. Also, add a finalizer to btest.cfg:


The btest extension provides a new directive to include a test inside a Sphinx document:

.. btest:: <test-name>

    <test content>

Here, <test-name> is a custom name for the test; it will be stored in btest_tests under that name (with a file extension of .btest). <test content> is just a standard test as you would normally put into one of the TestDirs. Example:

.. btest:: just-a-test

    @TEST-EXEC: expr 2 + 2

When you now run Sphinx, it will (1) store the test content into tests/doc/just-a-test.btest (assuming the above path layout), and (2) execute the test by running btest on it. You can then run btest manually in tests/ as well and it will execute the test just as it would in a standard setup. If a test fails when Sphinx runs it, there will be a corresponding error and include the diagnostic output into the document.

By default, nothing else will be included into the generated documentation, i.e., the above test will just turn into an empty text block. However, btest comes with a set of scripts that you can use to specify content to be included. As a simple example, btest-rst-cmd <cmdline> will execute a command and (if it succeeds) include both the command line and the standard output into the documentation. Example:

.. btest:: another-test

    @TEST-EXEC: btest-rst-cmd echo Hello, world!

When running Sphinx, this will render as:

# echo Hello, world!
Hello, world!

The same <test-name> can be used multiple times, in which case each entry will become one part of a joint test. btest will execute all parts subsequently within a single sandbox, and earlier results will thus be available to later parts.

When running btest manually in tests/, the PartFinalizer we added to btest.cfg (see above) compares the generated reST code with a previously established baseline, just like btest-diff does with files. To establish the initial baseline, run btest -u, like you would with btest-diff.

The following Sphinx support scripts come with btest:

btest-rst-cmd [options] <cmdline>

By default, this executes <cmdline> and includes both the command line itself and its standard output into the generated documentation (but only if the command line succeeds). See above for an example.

This script provides the following options:

 Show ALTERNATIVE_CMDLINE in the generated documentation instead of the one actually executed. (It still runs the <cmdline> given outside the option.)
-d Do not actually execute <cmdline>; just format it for the generated documentation and include no further output.
-f FILTER_CMD Pipe the command line's output through FILTER_CMD before including. If -r is given, it filters the file's content instead of stdout.
-n N Include only N lines of output, adding a [...] marker if there's more.
-o Do not include the executed command into the generated documentation, just its output.
-r FILE Insert FILE into output instead of stdout. The FILE must be created by a previous @TEST-EXEC or @TEST-COPY-FILE.

btest-rst-include [options] <file>

Includes <file> inside a code block. The <file> must be created by a previous @TEST-EXEC or @TEST-COPY-FILE.

This script provides the following options:

-n N Include only N lines of output, adding a [...] marker if there's more.

btest-rst-pipe <cmdline>

Executes <cmdline>, includes its standard output inside a code block (but only if the command line succeeds). Note that this script does not include the command line itself into the code block, just the output.

NOTE: All these scripts can be run directly from the command line to show the reST code they generate.

NOTE: btest-rst-cmd can do everything the other scripts provide if you give it the right options. In fact, the other scripts are provided just for convenience and leverage btest-rst-cmd internally.

The btest Sphinx extension module also provides a directive btest-include that functions like literalinclude (including all its options) but also creates a test checking the included content for changes. As one further extension, the directive expands environment variables of the form ${var} in its argument. Example:

.. btest-include:: ${var}/path/to/file

When you now run Sphinx, it will automatically generate a test file in the directory specified by the btest_tests variable in the Sphinx configuration file. In this example, the filename would be include-path_to_file.btest (it automatically adds a prefix of "include-" and a file extension of ".btest"). When you run the tests externally, the tests generated by the btest-include directive will check if any of the included content has changed (you'll first need to run btest -u to establish the initial baseline).

BTest is open-source under a BSD license.