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Generate TypeScript d.ts definitions for generated js files from grpc_tools_node_protoc


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Generate corresponding TypeScript d.ts codes according to js codes generated by grpc_tools_node_protoc.

More information about grpc_tools_node_protoc (grpc-tools):

And the versions over 3.0.0 support @grpc/grpc-js([email protected] required). Please read the doc: @grpc/grpc-js support. New version 5.0.0 is recommended for users who using grpc-tools over v1.9.0.

Breaking changes


Since @grpc/[email protected] fixed the signature issue of handleClientStreamingCall exporting. It's no longer necessary to import it manually in *_pb.d.ts files like:

import {handleClientStreamingCall} from "@grpc/grpc-js/build/src/server-call";

Users who are using versions lower than @grpc/[email protected] would be impacted, need to upgrade.


Add support for proto3 optional. grpc-tools version of 1.11.1 is REQUIRED. See: Issue#88 and PR#97.


Fix server implementation signature issue of grpc_js side. See: Issue#79.

About the code changes, please read the doc at Changes part. Also, please read this doc for more information: @grpc/grpc-js server implementation signature issue.


Fix the issues along with [email protected], see: PR#55. If you are using grpc-tools with version under 1.9.0, you should NOT upgrade.

Also, if you want to use chain setters, you have to upgrade the version of package google-protobuf to at least 3.10.0. See the difference: v3.9.0 vs v3.10.0.


The return value of type ClientReadableStream was wrong previously. And has been fixed in this version. Please be careful to update your code. See detail: PR#30.


Fix definition changes according to the version change of grpc official TypeScript definition, see: [email protected].
Detailed changes could be found here: PR#14.


Since v2.x.x, current project supports the official definition of grpc, see: [email protected].
Though the usage of tool, and generated codes shall not been changed, it's good to be double checked in your project when upgrade.

TSLint has been disabled in generated files. Please see the conversation: #13.

How to use

npm install grpc_tools_node_protoc_ts --save-dev

# generate js codes via grpc-tools
grpc_tools_node_protoc \
--js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:./your_dest_dir \
--grpc_out=grpc_js:./your_dest_dir \
--plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=`which grpc_tools_node_protoc_plugin` \
-I ./proto \

# generate d.ts codes
protoc \
--plugin=protoc-gen-ts=./node_modules/.bin/protoc-gen-ts \
--ts_out=grpc_js:./your_dest_dir \
-I ./proto \


There is a complete & runnable example in folder examples.


  • proto: sample proto definition
  • bash: useful commands
    • build js & d.ts codes from proto file, and tsc to build/*.js
    • start the server
    • start the client & send requests


syntax = "proto3";


message Book {
    int64 isbn = 1;
    string title = 2;
    string author = 3;

message GetBookRequest {
    int64 isbn = 1;

message GetBookViaAuthor {
    string author = 1;

service BookService {
    rpc GetBook (GetBookRequest) returns (Book) {}
    rpc GetBooksViaAuthor (GetBookViaAuthor) returns (stream Book) {}
    rpc GetGreatestBook (stream GetBookRequest) returns (Book) {}
    rpc GetBooks (stream GetBookRequest) returns (stream Book) {}

message BookStore {
    string name = 1;
    map<int64, string> books = 2;

enum EnumSample {
    option allow_alias = true;
    UNKNOWN = 0;
    STARTED = 1;
    RUNNING = 1;
    caseTest = 2;
    How_about_This = 3;
    alllowercase = 4;

// Message with reserved keywords
// see: https:/google/protobuf/blob/cc3fa2ec80d196e045ae05797799f079188106f3/js/compatibility_tests/v3.0.0/test.proto#L66-L72
message SpecialCases {
    string normal = 1;
    // Examples of Js reserved names that are converted to pb_<name>.
    string default = 2;
    string function = 3;
    string var = 4;

message OneOfSample {
    oneof singleword {
        bool a1 = 1;
        bool b1 = 2;

    oneof two_words {
        bool a_2 = 3;
        bool b_2 = 4;

message ExtMsgString {
    string extension = 1;

message ExtMsgList {
    repeated string extension = 1;

message ExtMsgByte {
    bytes extension = 1;

message ExtMsgByteList {
    repeated bytes extension = 1;

message ExtMsgMap {
    map<string, string> extension = 1;

message ExtMsgOneOf {
    oneof ext {
        string extension = 1;

message OptTest {
    optional string name = 1;


// package:
// file: book.proto

/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */

import * as jspb from "google-protobuf";

export class Book extends jspb.Message {
    getIsbn(): number;
    setIsbn(value: number): Book;
    getTitle(): string;
    setTitle(value: string): Book;
    getAuthor(): string;
    setAuthor(value: string): Book;

    serializeBinary(): Uint8Array;
    toObject(includeInstance?: boolean): Book.AsObject;
    static toObject(includeInstance: boolean, msg: Book): Book.AsObject;
    static extensions: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static extensionsBinary: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldBinaryInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static serializeBinaryToWriter(message: Book, writer: jspb.BinaryWriter): void;
    static deserializeBinary(bytes: Uint8Array): Book;
    static deserializeBinaryFromReader(message: Book, reader: jspb.BinaryReader): Book;

export namespace Book {
    export type AsObject = {
        isbn: number,
        title: string,
        author: string,

export class GetBookRequest extends jspb.Message {
    getIsbn(): number;
    setIsbn(value: number): GetBookRequest;

    serializeBinary(): Uint8Array;
    toObject(includeInstance?: boolean): GetBookRequest.AsObject;
    static toObject(includeInstance: boolean, msg: GetBookRequest): GetBookRequest.AsObject;
    static extensions: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static extensionsBinary: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldBinaryInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static serializeBinaryToWriter(message: GetBookRequest, writer: jspb.BinaryWriter): void;
    static deserializeBinary(bytes: Uint8Array): GetBookRequest;
    static deserializeBinaryFromReader(message: GetBookRequest, reader: jspb.BinaryReader): GetBookRequest;

export namespace GetBookRequest {
    export type AsObject = {
        isbn: number,

export class GetBookViaAuthor extends jspb.Message {
    getAuthor(): string;
    setAuthor(value: string): GetBookViaAuthor;

    serializeBinary(): Uint8Array;
    toObject(includeInstance?: boolean): GetBookViaAuthor.AsObject;
    static toObject(includeInstance: boolean, msg: GetBookViaAuthor): GetBookViaAuthor.AsObject;
    static extensions: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static extensionsBinary: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldBinaryInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static serializeBinaryToWriter(message: GetBookViaAuthor, writer: jspb.BinaryWriter): void;
    static deserializeBinary(bytes: Uint8Array): GetBookViaAuthor;
    static deserializeBinaryFromReader(message: GetBookViaAuthor, reader: jspb.BinaryReader): GetBookViaAuthor;

export namespace GetBookViaAuthor {
    export type AsObject = {
        author: string,

export class BookStore extends jspb.Message {
    getName(): string;
    setName(value: string): BookStore;

    getBooksMap(): jspb.Map<number, string>;
    clearBooksMap(): void;

    serializeBinary(): Uint8Array;
    toObject(includeInstance?: boolean): BookStore.AsObject;
    static toObject(includeInstance: boolean, msg: BookStore): BookStore.AsObject;
    static extensions: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static extensionsBinary: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldBinaryInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static serializeBinaryToWriter(message: BookStore, writer: jspb.BinaryWriter): void;
    static deserializeBinary(bytes: Uint8Array): BookStore;
    static deserializeBinaryFromReader(message: BookStore, reader: jspb.BinaryReader): BookStore;

export namespace BookStore {
    export type AsObject = {
        name: string,

        booksMap: Array<[number, string]>,

export class SpecialCases extends jspb.Message {
    getNormal(): string;
    setNormal(value: string): SpecialCases;
    getDefault(): string;
    setDefault(value: string): SpecialCases;
    getFunction(): string;
    setFunction(value: string): SpecialCases;
    getVar(): string;
    setVar(value: string): SpecialCases;

    serializeBinary(): Uint8Array;
    toObject(includeInstance?: boolean): SpecialCases.AsObject;
    static toObject(includeInstance: boolean, msg: SpecialCases): SpecialCases.AsObject;
    static extensions: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static extensionsBinary: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldBinaryInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static serializeBinaryToWriter(message: SpecialCases, writer: jspb.BinaryWriter): void;
    static deserializeBinary(bytes: Uint8Array): SpecialCases;
    static deserializeBinaryFromReader(message: SpecialCases, reader: jspb.BinaryReader): SpecialCases;

export namespace SpecialCases {
    export type AsObject = {
        normal: string,
        pb_default: string,
        pb_function: string,
        pb_var: string,

export class OneOfSample extends jspb.Message {

    hasA1(): boolean;
    clearA1(): void;
    getA1(): boolean;
    setA1(value: boolean): OneOfSample;

    hasB1(): boolean;
    clearB1(): void;
    getB1(): boolean;
    setB1(value: boolean): OneOfSample;

    hasA2(): boolean;
    clearA2(): void;
    getA2(): boolean;
    setA2(value: boolean): OneOfSample;

    hasB2(): boolean;
    clearB2(): void;
    getB2(): boolean;
    setB2(value: boolean): OneOfSample;

    getSinglewordCase(): OneOfSample.SinglewordCase;
    getTwoWordsCase(): OneOfSample.TwoWordsCase;

    serializeBinary(): Uint8Array;
    toObject(includeInstance?: boolean): OneOfSample.AsObject;
    static toObject(includeInstance: boolean, msg: OneOfSample): OneOfSample.AsObject;
    static extensions: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static extensionsBinary: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldBinaryInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static serializeBinaryToWriter(message: OneOfSample, writer: jspb.BinaryWriter): void;
    static deserializeBinary(bytes: Uint8Array): OneOfSample;
    static deserializeBinaryFromReader(message: OneOfSample, reader: jspb.BinaryReader): OneOfSample;

export namespace OneOfSample {
    export type AsObject = {
        a1: boolean,
        b1: boolean,
        a2: boolean,
        b2: boolean,

    export enum SinglewordCase {
        A1 = 1,
        B1 = 2,

    export enum TwoWordsCase {
        TWO_WORDS_NOT_SET = 0,
        A_2 = 3,
        B_2 = 4,


export class ExtMsgString extends jspb.Message {
    getExtension$(): string;
    setExtension$(value: string): ExtMsgString;

    serializeBinary(): Uint8Array;
    toObject(includeInstance?: boolean): ExtMsgString.AsObject;
    static toObject(includeInstance: boolean, msg: ExtMsgString): ExtMsgString.AsObject;
    static extensions: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static extensionsBinary: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldBinaryInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static serializeBinaryToWriter(message: ExtMsgString, writer: jspb.BinaryWriter): void;
    static deserializeBinary(bytes: Uint8Array): ExtMsgString;
    static deserializeBinaryFromReader(message: ExtMsgString, reader: jspb.BinaryReader): ExtMsgString;

export namespace ExtMsgString {
    export type AsObject = {
        extension: string,

export class ExtMsgList extends jspb.Message {
    clearExtensionList(): void;
    getExtensionList(): Array<string>;
    setExtensionList(value: Array<string>): ExtMsgList;
    addExtension$(value: string, index?: number): string;

    serializeBinary(): Uint8Array;
    toObject(includeInstance?: boolean): ExtMsgList.AsObject;
    static toObject(includeInstance: boolean, msg: ExtMsgList): ExtMsgList.AsObject;
    static extensions: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static extensionsBinary: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldBinaryInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static serializeBinaryToWriter(message: ExtMsgList, writer: jspb.BinaryWriter): void;
    static deserializeBinary(bytes: Uint8Array): ExtMsgList;
    static deserializeBinaryFromReader(message: ExtMsgList, reader: jspb.BinaryReader): ExtMsgList;

export namespace ExtMsgList {
    export type AsObject = {
        extensionList: Array<string>,

export class ExtMsgByte extends jspb.Message {
    getExtension$(): Uint8Array | string;
    getExtension_asU8(): Uint8Array;
    getExtension_asB64(): string;
    setExtension$(value: Uint8Array | string): ExtMsgByte;

    serializeBinary(): Uint8Array;
    toObject(includeInstance?: boolean): ExtMsgByte.AsObject;
    static toObject(includeInstance: boolean, msg: ExtMsgByte): ExtMsgByte.AsObject;
    static extensions: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static extensionsBinary: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldBinaryInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static serializeBinaryToWriter(message: ExtMsgByte, writer: jspb.BinaryWriter): void;
    static deserializeBinary(bytes: Uint8Array): ExtMsgByte;
    static deserializeBinaryFromReader(message: ExtMsgByte, reader: jspb.BinaryReader): ExtMsgByte;

export namespace ExtMsgByte {
    export type AsObject = {
        extension: Uint8Array | string,

export class ExtMsgByteList extends jspb.Message {
    clearExtensionList(): void;
    getExtensionList(): Array<Uint8Array | string>;
    getExtensionList_asU8(): Array<Uint8Array>;
    getExtensionList_asB64(): Array<string>;
    setExtensionList(value: Array<Uint8Array | string>): ExtMsgByteList;
    addExtension$(value: Uint8Array | string, index?: number): Uint8Array | string;

    serializeBinary(): Uint8Array;
    toObject(includeInstance?: boolean): ExtMsgByteList.AsObject;
    static toObject(includeInstance: boolean, msg: ExtMsgByteList): ExtMsgByteList.AsObject;
    static extensions: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static extensionsBinary: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldBinaryInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static serializeBinaryToWriter(message: ExtMsgByteList, writer: jspb.BinaryWriter): void;
    static deserializeBinary(bytes: Uint8Array): ExtMsgByteList;
    static deserializeBinaryFromReader(message: ExtMsgByteList, reader: jspb.BinaryReader): ExtMsgByteList;

export namespace ExtMsgByteList {
    export type AsObject = {
        extensionList: Array<Uint8Array | string>,

export class ExtMsgMap extends jspb.Message {

    getExtensionMap(): jspb.Map<string, string>;
    clearExtensionMap(): void;

    serializeBinary(): Uint8Array;
    toObject(includeInstance?: boolean): ExtMsgMap.AsObject;
    static toObject(includeInstance: boolean, msg: ExtMsgMap): ExtMsgMap.AsObject;
    static extensions: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static extensionsBinary: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldBinaryInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static serializeBinaryToWriter(message: ExtMsgMap, writer: jspb.BinaryWriter): void;
    static deserializeBinary(bytes: Uint8Array): ExtMsgMap;
    static deserializeBinaryFromReader(message: ExtMsgMap, reader: jspb.BinaryReader): ExtMsgMap;

export namespace ExtMsgMap {
    export type AsObject = {

        extensionMap: Array<[string, string]>,

export class ExtMsgOneOf extends jspb.Message {

    hasExtension$(): boolean;
    clearExtension$(): void;
    getExtension$(): string;
    setExtension$(value: string): ExtMsgOneOf;

    getExtCase(): ExtMsgOneOf.ExtCase;

    serializeBinary(): Uint8Array;
    toObject(includeInstance?: boolean): ExtMsgOneOf.AsObject;
    static toObject(includeInstance: boolean, msg: ExtMsgOneOf): ExtMsgOneOf.AsObject;
    static extensions: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static extensionsBinary: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldBinaryInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static serializeBinaryToWriter(message: ExtMsgOneOf, writer: jspb.BinaryWriter): void;
    static deserializeBinary(bytes: Uint8Array): ExtMsgOneOf;
    static deserializeBinaryFromReader(message: ExtMsgOneOf, reader: jspb.BinaryReader): ExtMsgOneOf;

export namespace ExtMsgOneOf {
    export type AsObject = {
        extension: string,

    export enum ExtCase {
        EXT_NOT_SET = 0,
        EXTENSION = 1,


export class OptTest extends jspb.Message {

    hasName(): boolean;
    clearName(): void;
    getName(): string | undefined;
    setName(value: string): OptTest;

    serializeBinary(): Uint8Array;
    toObject(includeInstance?: boolean): OptTest.AsObject;
    static toObject(includeInstance: boolean, msg: OptTest): OptTest.AsObject;
    static extensions: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static extensionsBinary: {[key: number]: jspb.ExtensionFieldBinaryInfo<jspb.Message>};
    static serializeBinaryToWriter(message: OptTest, writer: jspb.BinaryWriter): void;
    static deserializeBinary(bytes: Uint8Array): OptTest;
    static deserializeBinaryFromReader(message: OptTest, reader: jspb.BinaryReader): OptTest;

export namespace OptTest {
    export type AsObject = {
        name?: string,

export enum EnumSample {
    UNKNOWN = 0,
    STARTED = 1,
    RUNNING = 1,
    CASETEST = 2,


// package:
// file: book.proto

/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */

import * as grpc from "@grpc/grpc-js";
import * as book_pb from "./book_pb";

interface IBookServiceService extends grpc.ServiceDefinition<grpc.UntypedServiceImplementation> {
    getBook: IBookServiceService_IGetBook;
    getBooksViaAuthor: IBookServiceService_IGetBooksViaAuthor;
    getGreatestBook: IBookServiceService_IGetGreatestBook;
    getBooks: IBookServiceService_IGetBooks;

interface IBookServiceService_IGetBook extends grpc.MethodDefinition<book_pb.GetBookRequest, book_pb.Book> {
    path: "/";
    requestStream: false;
    responseStream: false;
    requestSerialize: grpc.serialize<book_pb.GetBookRequest>;
    requestDeserialize: grpc.deserialize<book_pb.GetBookRequest>;
    responseSerialize: grpc.serialize<book_pb.Book>;
    responseDeserialize: grpc.deserialize<book_pb.Book>;
interface IBookServiceService_IGetBooksViaAuthor extends grpc.MethodDefinition<book_pb.GetBookViaAuthor, book_pb.Book> {
    path: "/";
    requestStream: false;
    responseStream: true;
    requestSerialize: grpc.serialize<book_pb.GetBookViaAuthor>;
    requestDeserialize: grpc.deserialize<book_pb.GetBookViaAuthor>;
    responseSerialize: grpc.serialize<book_pb.Book>;
    responseDeserialize: grpc.deserialize<book_pb.Book>;
interface IBookServiceService_IGetGreatestBook extends grpc.MethodDefinition<book_pb.GetBookRequest, book_pb.Book> {
    path: "/";
    requestStream: true;
    responseStream: false;
    requestSerialize: grpc.serialize<book_pb.GetBookRequest>;
    requestDeserialize: grpc.deserialize<book_pb.GetBookRequest>;
    responseSerialize: grpc.serialize<book_pb.Book>;
    responseDeserialize: grpc.deserialize<book_pb.Book>;
interface IBookServiceService_IGetBooks extends grpc.MethodDefinition<book_pb.GetBookRequest, book_pb.Book> {
    path: "/";
    requestStream: true;
    responseStream: true;
    requestSerialize: grpc.serialize<book_pb.GetBookRequest>;
    requestDeserialize: grpc.deserialize<book_pb.GetBookRequest>;
    responseSerialize: grpc.serialize<book_pb.Book>;
    responseDeserialize: grpc.deserialize<book_pb.Book>;

export const BookServiceService: IBookServiceService;

export interface IBookServiceServer extends grpc.UntypedServiceImplementation {
    getBook: grpc.handleUnaryCall<book_pb.GetBookRequest, book_pb.Book>;
    getBooksViaAuthor: grpc.handleServerStreamingCall<book_pb.GetBookViaAuthor, book_pb.Book>;
    getGreatestBook: grpc.handleClientStreamingCall<book_pb.GetBookRequest, book_pb.Book>;
    getBooks: grpc.handleBidiStreamingCall<book_pb.GetBookRequest, book_pb.Book>;

export interface IBookServiceClient {
    getBook(request: book_pb.GetBookRequest, callback: (error: grpc.ServiceError | null, response: book_pb.Book) => void): grpc.ClientUnaryCall;
    getBook(request: book_pb.GetBookRequest, metadata: grpc.Metadata, callback: (error: grpc.ServiceError | null, response: book_pb.Book) => void): grpc.ClientUnaryCall;
    getBook(request: book_pb.GetBookRequest, metadata: grpc.Metadata, options: Partial<grpc.CallOptions>, callback: (error: grpc.ServiceError | null, response: book_pb.Book) => void): grpc.ClientUnaryCall;
    getBooksViaAuthor(request: book_pb.GetBookViaAuthor, options?: Partial<grpc.CallOptions>): grpc.ClientReadableStream<book_pb.Book>;
    getBooksViaAuthor(request: book_pb.GetBookViaAuthor, metadata?: grpc.Metadata, options?: Partial<grpc.CallOptions>): grpc.ClientReadableStream<book_pb.Book>;
    getGreatestBook(callback: (error: grpc.ServiceError | null, response: book_pb.Book) => void): grpc.ClientWritableStream<book_pb.GetBookRequest>;
    getGreatestBook(metadata: grpc.Metadata, callback: (error: grpc.ServiceError | null, response: book_pb.Book) => void): grpc.ClientWritableStream<book_pb.GetBookRequest>;
    getGreatestBook(options: Partial<grpc.CallOptions>, callback: (error: grpc.ServiceError | null, response: book_pb.Book) => void): grpc.ClientWritableStream<book_pb.GetBookRequest>;
    getGreatestBook(metadata: grpc.Metadata, options: Partial<grpc.CallOptions>, callback: (error: grpc.ServiceError | null, response: book_pb.Book) => void): grpc.ClientWritableStream<book_pb.GetBookRequest>;
    getBooks(): grpc.ClientDuplexStream<book_pb.GetBookRequest, book_pb.Book>;
    getBooks(options: Partial<grpc.CallOptions>): grpc.ClientDuplexStream<book_pb.GetBookRequest, book_pb.Book>;
    getBooks(metadata: grpc.Metadata, options?: Partial<grpc.CallOptions>): grpc.ClientDuplexStream<book_pb.GetBookRequest, book_pb.Book>;

export class BookServiceClient extends grpc.Client implements IBookServiceClient {
    constructor(address: string, credentials: grpc.ChannelCredentials, options?: Partial<grpc.ClientOptions>);
    public getBook(request: book_pb.GetBookRequest, callback: (error: grpc.ServiceError | null, response: book_pb.Book) => void): grpc.ClientUnaryCall;
    public getBook(request: book_pb.GetBookRequest, metadata: grpc.Metadata, callback: (error: grpc.ServiceError | null, response: book_pb.Book) => void): grpc.ClientUnaryCall;
    public getBook(request: book_pb.GetBookRequest, metadata: grpc.Metadata, options: Partial<grpc.CallOptions>, callback: (error: grpc.ServiceError | null, response: book_pb.Book) => void): grpc.ClientUnaryCall;
    public getBooksViaAuthor(request: book_pb.GetBookViaAuthor, options?: Partial<grpc.CallOptions>): grpc.ClientReadableStream<book_pb.Book>;
    public getBooksViaAuthor(request: book_pb.GetBookViaAuthor, metadata?: grpc.Metadata, options?: Partial<grpc.CallOptions>): grpc.ClientReadableStream<book_pb.Book>;
    public getGreatestBook(callback: (error: grpc.ServiceError | null, response: book_pb.Book) => void): grpc.ClientWritableStream<book_pb.GetBookRequest>;
    public getGreatestBook(metadata: grpc.Metadata, callback: (error: grpc.ServiceError | null, response: book_pb.Book) => void): grpc.ClientWritableStream<book_pb.GetBookRequest>;
    public getGreatestBook(options: Partial<grpc.CallOptions>, callback: (error: grpc.ServiceError | null, response: book_pb.Book) => void): grpc.ClientWritableStream<book_pb.GetBookRequest>;
    public getGreatestBook(metadata: grpc.Metadata, options: Partial<grpc.CallOptions>, callback: (error: grpc.ServiceError | null, response: book_pb.Book) => void): grpc.ClientWritableStream<book_pb.GetBookRequest>;
    public getBooks(options?: Partial<grpc.CallOptions>): grpc.ClientDuplexStream<book_pb.GetBookRequest, book_pb.Book>;
    public getBooks(metadata?: grpc.Metadata, options?: Partial<grpc.CallOptions>): grpc.ClientDuplexStream<book_pb.GetBookRequest, book_pb.Book>;



Fix wrong oneof name issue. See: Issue#113 and PR#116.


Update doc and Add runnable example for magic generics class style server implementation. See Issue#79 and Issue#108 and PR#109.

Updated doc could be found here: @grpc/grpc-js server implementation signature issue.


Fix signature issue of handleClientStreamingCall exporting. See PR#105.

Since @grpc/[email protected] fixed the signature issue of handleClientStreamingCall exporting. It's no longer necessary to import it manually in *_pb.d.ts files like:

import {handleClientStreamingCall} from "@grpc/grpc-js/build/src/server-call";

Users who are using versions lower than @grpc/[email protected] would be impacted, need to upgrade.


Fix vulnerabilities. See: PR#102.


Remove lib handlebars-helpers. PR#98.


Add support for proto3 optional. grpc-tools version 1.11.1 is RQUIRED. See: Issue#88 and PR#97.

Some info:


Fix wrong publishing, 5.1.2 contains some temp compiled codes. See: Issue#89.


Fix Extension and JsPbMessageId issue, see: Issue#84, and PR#87.


Add docs to explain previous breaking change a bit more. See: PR#82.


Fix server implementation signature issue of grpc_js side. See: Issue#79.

Breaking change, only grpc_js side would be affected.

The interface of service server now extends grpc.UntypedServiceImplementation (examples/src/grpcjs/proto/book_grpc_pb.d.ts).

// from
export interface IBookServiceServer {}

// to
export interface IBookServiceServer extends grpc.UntypedServiceImplementation {}

And the server implementation have to add a line of codes:

class ServerImpl implements IBookServiceServer {
    [name: string]: grpc.UntypedHandleCall;
    // others ...

If this line of code not added, there will be some error:

TS2420: Class 'ServerImpl' incorrectly implements interface 'IBookServiceServer'.
  Index signature is missing in type 'ServerImpl'.

Have a look at: Typescript: Index signature is missing in type.

Or, you can switch the server implementation from Class style to Object style:

const ServerImpl: IBookServiceServer = {
  // implementations

Object style requires no additional statement, and can be appended with more attributes.

Also, please read this doc for more information: @grpc/grpc-js server implementation signature issue.


Fix array.includes issue. See: Issue#73, Commit#1e4ae67.


Migrating to option grpc_js from [email protected].

Two points:

  • Using option grpc_js in grpc_tools_node_protoc ... --grpc_out=grpc_js:...
  • Style of generated js codes looks like traditional grpc_tools_node_protoc ... --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=which grpc_tools_node_protoc_plugin

Difference between grpc-tools version 1.8.1 and 1.9.0, and also between generate_package_definition and grpc_js could be found here: @grpc/grpc-js support @5.0.0.

Users who are still using version 3.0.0 - 4.1.5 would not be affected. In version 5.0.0 options generate_package_definition and grpc_js are all available.

Though, 5.0.0 is recommended for users who using [email protected] or over, don't forget to switch your option to grpc_js. And remember, if you switch the cli command option to grpc_js, you have to adjust your typescript implementation, see: examples/src/grpcjs.

See more details:


Use string literal type for path. See: PR#69.


Add .npmignore to shrink the size of npm package. See: PR#65.


Update doc to solve issues like: Issue#63.

4.1.1 - 4.1.2

Update grpc-js example codes. Fix vulnerabilities of example packages. Fix type of third param of Client class, see: PR#62.


Switch the type of requestStream & responseStream in file *_grpc_pb.d.ts from boolean to true | false. See: PR#58.


[email protected] changes the generated js codes a lot. Current version is released to fix the setters issue, see: PR#55. Note: This is a breaking change, if you are still using grpc-tools with version under 1.9.0, you DO NOT need to upgrade, version 4.0.0 would break your codes.

Also, if you want to use chain setters, you have to upgrade the version of package google-protobuf to at least 3.10.0. See the difference: v3.9.0 vs v3.10.0.


@grpc/grpc-js now is supported. See: Issue#56. Users who still using grpc would NOT be affected. More detailed information, please go to @grpc/grpc-js support. Note: This upgrade requires grpc-tools version 1.8.1.


Fix vulnerabilities. See: PR#54.


Fix issue of oneof functionality. See: PR#53.


Fix vulnerabilities. See: Issue#52.


Fix vulnerabilities. See: Issue#49.

2.5.6 - 2.5.7

Add "/* eslint-disable */" in generated codes. See: Issue#48. Also update package.json, to fix vulnerabilities.


Fix extensions with reserved keywords. See: PR#46.


Codes enhancement, use explicit model in coding. See: PR#43. There is no functionality changes in this version update.


Update doc, add About vulnerability part.


Fix vulnerability. See: PR#41.


Remove unnecessary dependency grpc from package.json. See: Issue#40.


Add support for [jstype = JS_STRING] overrides. See: PR#37.


Update grpc version in package.json of examples, to keep consistent. Update handlebars-helpers version to 0.10.0 to fix vulnerability version of randomatic.


Use gRPC-native ServiceError objects for errbacks in client methods. See: PR#33.


Fix(ClientReadableStream): Fixes return type generic argument of. See: PR#30.


Fix code generation error when there is no package defined in proto file. See: PR#28.


Fix an Enum case bug. See: Issue#25 & PR#26.


Add a new server implementation interface signature, with this the server implementation could be verified. See: Issue#22. And please also check the new example using this new feature: link.


Fix issue of reversed JavaScript keyword code generation. See: Issue#20 & PR#21.


Fix issue of conflicted I{$MethodName} name, see: Issue#19.


Fix definitions. fix: add missing argument grpc.Client~CallOptions for requests

About jstype options of protobuf

JavaScript can safely handle numbers below Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER. Beyond the limit, it begins to overflow:

> 90071992547409912131 + 1

If you are expecting large, 64bit fields consider using a jstype option to override the field type.

# example.proto
message Example {
  fixed64 id = 1 [jstype = JS_STRING];
// example_pb.d.ts
export namespace Example {
    export type AsObject = {
        id: string

About vulnerability

Since this tool is used to generate typescript signature for the codes generated from grpc_tools_node_protoc, the codes actually run with your application are from grpc_tools_node_protoc, not this tool. So it's still safe to be used even there are some vulnerabilities in it.

If you want your project to have no vulnerabilities detected, you could simply install this tool into global (out of your application project). And use it when you want to generate the typescript signature in development as usual.

About Docker

Sample below, just the idea, not perfect. Also some more info: Issue#38.

FROM node:8.4.0

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get -y install git unzip build-essential autoconf libtool

RUN git clone https:/google/protobuf.git && \
    cd protobuf && \
    ./ && \
    ./configure && \
    make && \
    make install && \
    ldconfig && \
    make clean && \
    cd .. && \
    rm -r protobuf

RUN git clone https:/agreatfool/grpc_tools_node_protoc_ts.git grpc_protoc && \
    cd grpc_protoc && \
    npm i -g [email protected] --unsafe-perm && \
    npm i -g typescript --unsafe-perm && \
    npm i --unsafe-perm
$ docker build -t node_protoc_plugin:0.1 .
$ docker run --rm -i -t node_protoc_plugin:0.1 /bin/bash
$ root@63249303596f:/# cd /grpc_protoc && ./bash/


node --version
# v10.15.2
npm --version
# 6.14.4
protoc --version
# libprotoc 3.11.1
grpc_tools_node_protoc --version
# libprotoc 3.11.4
npm list -g --depth=0 | grep grpc-tools
# [email protected]
tsc --version
# Version 3.7.3


Generate TypeScript d.ts definitions for generated js files from grpc_tools_node_protoc









  • TypeScript 59.0%
  • Handlebars 40.3%
  • Other 0.7%