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How upload images in thumbor

texvex edited this page Jan 17, 2013 · 32 revisions

Thumbor provides a /image REST end-point to upload your images and manage it.

This way you can send thumbor your original images by doing a simple post to its urls.


The table below show all configuration parameters to manage image upload :

Configuration parameter Default Description
UPLOAD_ENABLED False Indicates whether thumbor should enable File uploads
UPLOAD_PUT_ALLOWED False Indicates whether image overwrite should be allowed
UPLOAD_DELETE_ALLOWED False Indicates whether image deletion should be allowed
UPLOAD_PHOTO_STORAGE thumbor.storages.file_storage The type of storage to store uploaded images with
UPLOAD_DEFAULT_FILENAME image Default filename for image uploaded
UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE 0 Max size in Kb for images uploaded to thumbor
MIN_WIDTH 1 Min width in pixels for images uploaded
MIN_HEIGHT 1 Min width in pixels for images uploaded

Thumbor comes with the /image REST end-point to upload disabled by default. In order to enable it, just set the UPLOAD_ENABLED configuration in your thumbor.conf file to True.

Thumbor will then use the storage specified in the UPLOAD_PHOTO_STORAGE configuration to save your images. You can use an existing storage (filesytem, redis, mongo, hbase...) or create your own storage if needed .

You can manage image putting and deletions simply set the configuration parameters UPLOAD_PUT_ALLOWED and UPLOAD_DELETE_ALLOWED to True. This parameters are set to False by default for security reasons.

Finally the upload constraints (max size, image width and height) will be controlled by UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE, MIN_WIDTH and MIN_HEIGHT parameters.

API Usage

The Thumbor /image REST end-point supports the commons HTTP methods :

  • POST : to upload a new image
  • GET : to display an image uploaded
  • PUT : to replace an image uploaded by another preserving the URI
  • DELETE : to remove an image uploded from storage

By default, PUT and DELETE methods are disabled as explained above. This is done to tighten thumbor's security.


Posting is the only allowed by default method when you activate the upload module. It allows new images to be sent to Thumbor.

In order to upload a new image, you have two choices :

  • send an HTTP POST to the /image end-point with the image as payload (REST style)
  • send an HTTP POST to the /image end-point with a multi-part form with a file field called media (Form style).

In the REST style mode you may add an optional Slug header to define the image filename, which is useful for SEO reasons. Not specifying a Slug causes the server to use the default filename for the image (UPLOAD_DEFAULT_FILENAME parameter) .

The HTTP response will return a Location header pointing on the uploaded image. The URI presents in Location header may be used to update or delete the image uploaded (see below).

#### HTTP status code

The status code returned will be :

  • 201 Created (success)
  • 415 Unsupported Media Type (image type is not allowed)
  • 412 Precondition Failed (image is too small or the file is not an image)


Putting is a little more dangerous if you don't have strict control of who can access the /image end-point. This is because whatever is sent using this method gets saved to storage, overwriting the previous entry.

In order to replace an existing image, all you have to do is send an HTTP PUT request to the /image end-point with the new image content as payload. The new image will replace the original image preserving the URI.

As for the POST method you may add an optional Slug header to define the image filename.

The HTTP response will return a Location header pointing on the modified image. The URI presents in Location header may be used to update again the image or delete it.

HTTP status code

The status code returned will be :

  • 204 No Content (success)
  • 405 Method Not Allowed (if thumbor's configuration disallows putting images)
  • 415 Unsupported Media Type (image type is not allowed)
  • 412 Precondition Failed (image is too small or file is not an image)


Deleting can be very dangerous, thus is disabled by default.

If you do enable it, in order to delete an image, all you have to do is send an HTTP DELETE request to the /image end-point.

HTTP status code

  • 204 No Content (success)
  • 404 Not Found (image doesn't exists)
  • 405 Method Not Allowed (if thumbor's configuration disallows deleting images)

Exemple :

Assuming the thumbor server is located at : http://thumbor-server

Upload an image via the REST API

When using the /image REST end-point to upload your image via the REST API :

curl -i -H "Content-Type: image/jpeg" -H "Slug: photo.jpg" 
        -XPOST http://thumbor-server/image --data-binary "@vows/crocodile.jpg"

the HTTP POST request was send to the server :

POST /image
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-Length: 822
Slug : photo.jpg

and the Thumbor server should return :

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Location: /image/05b2eda857314e559630c6f3334d818d/photo.jpg
Server: TornadoServer/2.1.1

The image is created at http://thumbor-server/image/05b2eda857314e559630c6f3334d818d/photo.jpg. It can be retrieve, modify or delete via this URI.

The optional Slug HTTP header specifies the filename to use for the image uploaded.

Upload an image via a form

When using the /image REST end-point to upload your images via a form, the user is free to choose the filename of the image via the filename field :

curl -i -XPOST http://thumbor-server/image  
        -F "media=@vows/crocodile.jpg;type=image/jpeg;filename=croco.jpg"

the HTTP POST request was send to the server :

POST /image
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----------------------------11df125d8b12
Content-Length: 822

and the Thumbor server should return :

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Location: /image/05b2eda857314e559630c6f3334d818d/croco.jpg

The image is created at http://thumbor-server/image/05b2eda857314e559630c6f3334d818d/croco.jpg. It can be retrieve, modify or delete via this URI using the REST API.

Modifying an image

To replace the previously uploaded image by another we use:

curl -i -H "Content-Type: image/jpeg" -H "Slug: modified_image.jpg" 
        -XPUT http://thumbor-server/image/05b2eda857314e559630c6f3334d818d/photo.jpg --data-binary "@vows/crocodile.jpg"

the HTTP PUT request was send to the server :

PUT /image/05b2eda857314e559630c6f3334d818d/photo.jpg
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-Length: 822
Slug : modified_image.jpg

and the Thumbor server should return :

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Location: /image/05b2eda857314e559630c6f3334d818d/modified_image.jpg
Server: TornadoServer/2.1.1

Deleting an image

Finally to delete the uploaded image we use:

curl -i -XDELETE http://thumbor-server/image/05b2eda857314e559630c6f3334d818d/modified_image.jpg

the HTTP DELETE request was send to the server :

DELETE /image/05b2eda857314e559630c6f3334d818d/modified_image.jpg

and the Thumbor server should return :

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Server: TornadoServer/2.1.1