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texvex edited this page Jul 3, 2012 · 28 revisions

Even though the process of generating safe image URLs is explained in the Security page, we'll try to provide libraries in each programming language to ease this process.

Available Libraries


  • libthumbor - Python library to enable easy usage of thumbor.


  • ThumborJS - Javascript's extension to thumbor. These are used to generate safe urls, encrypted urls among others.
  • node-thumbor - Node.js module to easily generate thumbor encrypted urls. (not yet functional)


  • ruby-thumbor - Ruby's gem to interact with thumbor server.



No library yet, but if you need to encrypt URLs using thumbor, just use the code below as a reference. Please be advised that unlike other libraries, you have to provide the proper $path to your code. Guidance on how to build paths can be found in the test cases below (in the Implementing a Library section).

New url encryption

 // parameters
 $cmd = "fit-in/560x420/filters:fill(green)"; //transformation command
 $path = "my/big/image.jpg"; //original image path
 $key = "MY_SECURE_KEY"; //Crypto key
 $server = "thumbor-server"; // Thumbor host
 $port = ":8888"; // Thumbor port

 // Code
 $msg = $cmd .'/'. $path;

 $encrypted_data = hash_hmac("sha1", $msg, $key, true);

 echo "http://$server$port/", strtr(base64_encode($encrypted_data ),'/+','_-'),"/",$msg,"\n";

//prints http://thumbor-server:8888/bDv76lTvUdX6vORS96scx7P185c=/fit-in/560x420/filters:fill(green)/my/big/image.jpg

THIS IS DEPRECATED !!! Need mcrypt module enabled

// parameters
$cmd = "fit-in/560x420/filters:fill(green)"; //transformation command
$path = "my/big/image.jpg"; //original image path
$key = "MY_SECURE_KEY"; //Crypto key
$server = "thumbor-server"; // Thumbor host
$port = ":8888"; // Thumbor port

// Code
$msg = $cmd .'/'. md5($path);
$msg .= str_repeat('{',16 - strlen($msg)%16);

$key = substr(str_repeat($key,16),0,16);

$encrypted_data = mcrypt_encrypt (MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, $msg, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);

echo "http://$server$port/", strtr(base64_encode($encrypted_data ),'/+','_-'),"/",$path,"\n";

//prints http://thumbor-server:8888/lfcBvO4PIwuukgT6cY_PJrWEqhLWXcKiGEqLOyRseBO7IzyUg-AlK-ftcy68VgcOKlewVp6N12rEkjjZyEJwo13vEbGmm96kDjbBP84piPk=/my/big/image.jpg

Implementing a library

If you want to provide a library to enable easy usage of thumbor in your favorite programming language, please send an e-mail to [email protected] and we'll add it here.

Below are all the scenarios we think are worth testing automatically so you can guarantee compatibility with thumbor. Please note that this is not meant to be a replacement for TDD or for any other testing methodology you might want to use. These are just helper scenarios that we thought would help any library developers.

Library Tests - Generating HMAC of the URLs

We sincerely advise you to have thumbor installed in your machine, so you can implement a method in your tests that has thumbor generate a signature for your URL so you can compare with your own signature. This way you can make sure your url formatting and signing are working properly.

Here's how it was implemented in Ruby:

def sign_in_thumbor(key, str)
    #bash command to call thumbor's decrypt method
    command = "python -c 'from thumbor.crypto import Signer; signer = Signer(\"" << key << "\"); print signer.signature(\"" << str << "\")'"

    #execute it in the shell using ruby's popen mechanism
    result =
    IO.popen(command) { |f| result.push(f.gets) }


You should be able to implement this easily in any modern programming language. It makes for very reliable tests.

Library Tests - Scenarios

Remember that these are in pseudo-code (BDD-like) language, and not in any programming language specifically.

Encryption Testing

These scenarios assume that you separate the logic of composing the url to be signed into a different "module", that is to be tested with the URL Testing Scenarios after these scenarios.

####Scenario 1 - Signing of a known url results Given A security key of 'my-security-key' And an image URL of "" And a width of 300 And a height of 200 When I ask my library for a signed url Then I get '/8ammJH8D-7tXy6kU3lTvoXlhu4o=/300x200/' as url

####Scenario 2 - Thumbor matching of signature with my library signature Given A security key of 'my-security-key' And an image URL of "" And a width of 300 And a height of 200 When I ask my library for an encrypted URL Then I get the proper url (/8ammJH8D-7tXy6kU3lTvoXlhu4o=/300x200/

####Scenario 3 - Thumbor matching of signature with my library signature with meta Given A security key of 'my-security-key' And an image URL of "" And the meta flag When I ask my library for an encrypted URL Then I get the proper url (/Ps3ORJDqxlSQ8y00T29GdNAh2CY=/meta/

####Scenario 4 - Thumbor matching of signature with my library signature with smart Given A security key of 'my-security-key' And an image URL of "" And the smart flag When I ask my library for an encrypted URL Then I get the proper url (/-2NHpejRK2CyPAm61FigfQgJBxw=/smart/

####Scenario 5 - Thumbor matching of signature with my library signature with fit-in Given A security key of 'my-security-key' And an image URL of "" And the fit-in flag When I ask my library for an encrypted URL Then I get the proper url (/uvLnA6TJlF-Cc-L8z9pEtfasO3s=/fit-in/

####Scenario 6 - Thumbor matching of signature with my library signature with filters Given A security key of 'my-security-key' And an image URL of "" And a 'quality(20)' filter And a 'brightness(10)' filter When I ask my library for an encrypted URL Then I get the proper url (/ZZtPCw-BLYN1g42Kh8xTcRs0Qls=/filters:brightness(10):contrast(20)/

You should test the same kind of tests for horizontal and vertical flip, horizontal and vertical alignment and manual cropping.

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