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@github-actions github-actions released this 31 Mar 08:38
· 1124 commits to master since this release
  • 🔥 New component Input.OTP support. #48076
  • 🆕 Tag support aria-* in closable. #47678 @kiner-tang
  • 🆕 Table add rowHoverable to control hover effect. #48112 @madocto
  • 🆕 Typography support async copy. #48123 @crazyair
  • 🆕 Progress support steps with circle. #47940 @yykoypj
  • 🆕 Table support onScroll event for table body scroll. #47986
  • 🆕 Typography ellipsis supports expand and collapse. #47264 @crazyair
  • 🆕 ConfigProvider support configuring FloatButton.Group closeIcon. #47953 @li-jia-nan
  • 🆕 Table support sorterTooltipTarget prop for sorters. #47409 @Ke1sy
  • 🆕 Cascader support optionRender. #47727 @crazyair
  • 🆕 Notification support aria-* in closable. #47710 @kiner-tang
  • ⌨️ Popover can be closed by ESC when trigger is focus or click. #47928 @CooperHash
  • 🐞 Fix Button that vertically center icons when icon-only. #48178 @momesana
  • 🐞 Fix Modal.confirm content is not centered when icon is null. #48173
  • Form #48163 @madocto
    • 🐞 1. Fix Form getValueProps shouldn't work when FormItem's name doesn't exist .
    • 🐞 2. Fix Form's setFieldsValue should tread same as setFields.
  • 🐞 Fixe Table that internationalization of table columns fails when searching. #48126 @LingJinT
  • 🐞 Fix Upload that onChange should be triggered when fileList.length is larger than maxCount. #47747 @Zhou-Bill
  • 🐞 Fix Carousel several bugs by upgrading react-slick changes and renewing TS type. #48093
  • 🐞 Fix ColorPicker that displayed cleared color not change after value changed. #47816 @MadCcc
  • 🐞 Make Badge consistent with Tag that applay colorInfo token in processing. #47695 @pfdgithub
  • 🌐 Add missing form translations in is_IS. #48104 @LonelySnowman
  • 🌐 Add Uzbek(latn) locale. #47899
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 Improve Transfer's key type, change key: string to key: React.Key. #47879 @madocto
    • 🤖 Table support for generic pairs dataIndex props verification . @crazyair

  • 🔥 新增 Input.OTP 组件。#48076
  • 🆕 Tag 组件支持在 closable 中配置 aria 属性。#47678 @kiner-tang
  • 🆕 Table 增加 rowHoverable 开启或关闭 hover 效果。#48112 @madocto
  • 🆕 Typography 组件支持异步复制。#48123 @crazyair
  • 🆕 Progress 组件 circle 模式下支持 steps#47940 @yykoypj
  • 🆕 Table 支持 onScroll 事件用于监听表单内容滚动。#47986
  • 🆕 Typography 省略支持展开和收起。#47264 @crazyair
  • 🆕 ConfigProvider 支持配置 FloatButton.Group 的 closeIcon 属性。#47953 @li-jia-nan
  • 🆕 Table 支持配置排序的 sorterTooltipTarget 属性.#47409 @Ke1sy
  • 🆕 Cascader 支持 optionRender#47727 @crazyair
  • 🆕 Notification 组件支持在 closable 中配置 aria-*。#47710 @kiner-tang
  • ⌨️ Popover 当 triggerfocusclick 时能被 ESC 按键所关闭。#47928 @CooperHash
  • 🐞 修复 Button 图标位置居中问题。#48178 @momesana
  • 🐞 修复 Modal.confirm 无图标时内容不居中的问题。#48173
  • Form #48163 @madocto
    • 🐞 1. 修复 Form 当 FormItem 的 name 不存在时,getValueProps 不应该执行。
    • 🐞 2. 修复 Form 的 setFieldsValuesetFields 的行为应该相同。
  • 🐞 修复 Table 表格列在搜索情况下,国际化失效的问题。#48126 @LingJinT
  • 🐞 修复 Upload 当文件数量超出限制时,删除不起作用,无法触发 onChange 的问题。#47747 @Zhou-Bill
  • 🐞 Carousel 组件同步上游 react-slick 改动,修复一系列问题,并更新到最新 TS 定义。#48093
  • 🐞 修复 ColorPicker 展示的清除颜色在受控 value 变化后不会改变的问题。#47816 @MadCcc
  • 🐞 Badge 与 Tag 组件保持一致,processing 状态使用 colorInfo token 。#47695 @pfdgithub
  • 🌐 添加冰岛语缺失的 From 翻译。#48104 @LonelySnowman
  • 🌐 添加乌兹别克语(拉丁字母) 国际化。#47899
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 改进 Transfer 的key 类型,将 key: string 改为key: React.Key#47879 @madocto
    • 🤖 Table 支持泛型对 dataIndex 属性校验。#48190 @crazyair