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RobbWatershed edited this page Sep 8, 2024 · 75 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions


Is there a way to complete unfinished downloads?

How to fix download errors?

Do I need a VPN to use the app?

Will the app include a built-in VPN in the future?

Will it be possible for the app to automatically download entire lists of books from one page (e.g. Hitomi welcome page) in one single click?

Can you make a feature to force any incomplete book from the errors tab into the library?

What's the deal with the two different download dates?

Reading books

How come I can only view the first page (cover) when I click on a downloaded book?

I'm using (insert image viewer name here) to read the galleries, and the images are displayed in the wrong order. What is going on?

I'm not happy with Hentoid's internal image viewer. Is it possible to add the "open with external reader" feature back?

Managing your library and folders

Why does the app fail to recognize my Hentoid folder?

How do I transfer books from Hentoid to my computer?

How to move my library to my SD card?

How to transfer my library to another phone?

Is there any way to reorganize/sort/rename Hentoid book folders on my computer?

How to import ZIP / CBR files into Hentoid?

How to import non-Hentoid downloads into Hentoid?

If I uninstall the app, will I lose all my downloaded books?


Does the app have trackers? Do you sell my personal info, fetishes and organs while I'm using the app?

My downloaded pictures are showing up on my gallery app, help!

Why the heck does the app have the ability to access the camera?


Isn't there a quicker version to access books than launching the Hentoid browser?

What is the Canary Leaks app? Is it bad for my phone if I detect a memory leak?

Is there any plan for a desktop version for PC/Mac?

Is there any plan for an iOS version?

I want to take a screenshot / video of the app but the screen remains black. How to solve it?

The app force closes when choosing the Hentoid folder. How to solve it?

Can you add my favourite booru source (e.g. rule34, sankaku, gelbooru)?

The app keeps saying "invalid folder selected" when trying to select a folder on my SD card. Why?

Is there any plan for video support / video downloading?

I'm using Xiaomi / MIUI and pictures appear randomly inverted. What's wrong?

I'm using e-hentai / exHentai in grid mode and can't select any book. Is it a bug?

I can't login to e-hentai / exHentai


Q : Is there a way to complete unfinished downloads?

A : When a download is finished and incomplete, it appears on the library with a (!) red symbol on the bottom right corner. By clicking on that symbol and selecting "OK", you can retry downloading the images that weren't downloaded the 1st time. The book will come back in the queue with the remaining images to download.


Q : How to fix download errors (Hentoid v1.6.x+ only)?

A : You have to first access the detailed error log to see what kind of errors you're getting.

  • If you're in the queue screen, use the (i) button that appears on the bottom right corner of the screen when getting errors while downloading

  • If you're in the library screen, use the (!) button that appears on the bottom of a book when it has undownloaded pages and select "View detailed error log"

There are 5 types of errors : Parsing, Networking, I/O, Captcha, Image processing and Undefined

  • Parsing : Hentoid has encountered content that wasn't expected. Contact the Hentoid team on Discord or Subreddit

  • Networking : Something uncool happened between the source website and your phone (e.g. net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED, Connection Timeout, HTTP 500, HTTP 503...). There's a good chance the error will disappear if you retry downloading

  • I/O : There has been an issue when trying to save an image on your phone memory or SD card. Try and re-select your download location by using Preferences > Select downloads location and retry downloading

  • Captcha (Tsumino-only) : Download has been blocked by a captcha. Open one book from Tsumino, solve the captcha and retry downloading

  • Image processing (Fakku-only) : Post-download image processing has failed. There's a good chance the error will disappear if you retry downloading

  • Unknown : Something really unexpected has happened. Contact the Hentoid team on Discord or Subreddit

Additionaly, there are a few things you can do to avoid errors :

  • Use the "redownload from scratch" feature, as URLs get rewritten often some sites - books that have been queued a long time ago can point to stale URLs
  • Try to see if the site itself actually hosts the pictures. Some issues the downloader encounters is because the picture isn't even there at all!
  • Try lowering the number of parallel downloads to 2, using settings > downloader (the option is at the bottom of the screen)
  • Some sites don't like mass-downloaders and might have set up a temporary ban for people who download too much in one go. Try avoiding these sites for a moment and resume downloading later.
  • If you're using a VPN, try changing your country
  • If you're experiencing issues with exhentai / e-hentai, remember these sites have a distributed network of hosts (also known as hentai@home, h@h or "hath"). Some of them might be unreachable, unresponsive or extremely slow from your country/ISP/VPN at a given time

If nothing above works, please post your error log in our Discord #help channel.

Q : Do I need a VPN to use the app?

A : It depends on who's your internet provider. If you can access the sites with a classic browser without any VPN on, then you don't need one for Hentoid either. If your government or ISP blocks these sites, then you need one.

Q : Will the app include a built-in VPN in the future?

A : It's definitely not on the roadmap. As of 2021, the current dev team A/ does not have enough manpower to run a VPN service in addition to maintaning the app B/ does not have the appropriate skills in IT security.

Q : Will it be possible for the app to automatically download entire lists of books from one page (e.g. Hitomi welcome page) in one single click?

A : Unfortunately, that won't be done because :

  • Mass-downloading that will follow has a high chance of triggering a security response on the websites, which will become more difficult to parse

  • That feature requires not only to maintain compatibility with evolving gallery pages, but also with results pages. The Hentoid team doesn't have the manpower to maintain that feature over time

If you're in a hurry to download everything, you can still use quick download (long tap on a book cover -> added to queue immediately without having to visit the gallery page)

Q : Can you make a feature to force any incomplete book from the errors tab into the library?

A : Unfortunately, that won't be done because that would make the library accept incomplete books. People would move any download there to have their queue neat and tidy, and eventually complain about their library becoming a mess, asking for filters to distinguish complete books... which would take us back to the situation we had years ago when the error queue didn't exist.

=> If you have a book with errors, either try solving the problem by reading the error log, get help on our Discord, or find another source for that book.

Q : What's the deal with the two different download dates?

  • Download date (processed) Keeps track of the moment when the book has been first processed by the download queue => Useful to display books in the order they were queued
  • Download date (completed) Keeps track of the moment when the book has been successfuly downloaded => Useful to display books starting with the latest download

Here's a rundown on which event updates which property

Download date (processed) updated Download date (completed) updated
Successful download x x
Failed download (error queue) x
Successful download that was previously failed x
Redownload from scratch x
Download extra pages x
Replaced book x x
Import book (primary library) x (1) x (1)
Import book (external library) x

(1) : Only if the book had its "download date" metadata missing

Reading books

Q : How come I can only view the first page (cover) when I click on a downloaded book? (Hentoid < v1.8 only)

A : If you check with your file manager you'll see that Hentoid is downloading all the pages. If you're using your phone's default image viewer, it only opens the first page and doesn't care about the other images in the same folder.

The solution is to use a different image viewer like Hentoid's, PerfectViewer, Quickpic or ComicScreen. You can switch to Hentoid's image viewer or Perfect Viewer using Preferences > Read Content Action (this option has been renamed Image Viewer in version 1.7)

Q : I'm using (insert image viewer name here) to read the galleries, and the images are displayed in the wrong order. What is going on?

A : Several gallery viewers order the pictures according to the date the files are saved to your phone. Since Hentoid downloads with multiple threads, that generally means the order of download doesn't follow the actual order of the images in the gallery.

You have two options : either change your reader's settings to order the pictures according to their filenames, or use Perfect Viewer.

Q : I'm not happy with Hentoid's internal image viewer. Is it possible to add the "open with external reader" feature back?

A : The internal image viewer has been created in response to Android's Q2 2019 new security rules. In short, one of the consequences of these rules prevent any Android app from launching a 3rd party app. Not complying with that rule makes the installation and update of the app much more difficult, and raises security warnings.

Hentoid's image viewer is not frozen and will continue to improve thanks to your feedback. You're welcome to suggest improvements at any time, using the GitHub issue form or contacting us on Discord (#suggestions channel).

If you're dead serious about bringing back the old feature, you're welcome to fork the app and develop your own flavour. The Hentoid dev team will provide information and guidance on Discord.

Managing your library and folders

Q : Why does the app fail to recognize my Hentoid folder?

A : Hentoid's folder should be named Hentoid or .Hentoid. Any other name will make it undetectable by the app.

You can, however, put it in any subfolder of your choice (e.g. <SD card root>/my stuff/pics/.Hentoid)

Q : How do I transfer books from Hentoid to my computer?

A : Please read the dedicated wiki

Q : How to move my library to my SD card?

A : Please read the dedicated wiki

Q : How to transfer my library to another phone?

A : Please read the dedicated wiki

Q : Is there any way to reorganize/sort/rename Hentoid book folders on my computer?

A : Get the unofficial Powershell organizer script and tweak it to your very needs!

To generate as many archives as there are book folders, use the Powershell mass-archiving script

Just in case, get Powershell here.

Q : How to add ZIP / CBR files into Hentoid?

Q : How to add non-Hentoid downloads into Hentoid?

You can add doujins that haven't been downloaded with Hentoid using the external library feature.

Supported formats are ZIP, RAR, 7Z, CBZ, CBR, CB7... and plain folders with pictures files inside 😄

To add books to the external library, use Settings > Storage > External library and select a folder that contains your archives or your book folders.

Any book from the external library will appear with a specific icon on the library screen.

Q : If I uninstall the app, will I lose all my downloaded books?

The only cases you'll lose your books after uninstalling are :

  • Storing them on your SD card on Android kitkat

  • Using an unsupported fork of the Hentoid app

You might also be interested in exporting your settings before uninstalling if you want to do a fresh install!


Q : Does the app have trackers? Do you sell my personal info, fetishes and organs while I'm using the app?

A : Hentoid does not send nor store any information whatsoever outside of your phone, with the exception of Firebase and Crashlytics.

Data collected with Firebase and Crashlytics is processed for the purpose of providing a better service, exclusively for the following use cases :

  • General monitoring of app usage (number of users, adoption of newer versions, screen time of the different parts of the app, users by geographic area / type of phone / OS)

  • Monitoring of critical bugs and app stability (number of crashes per day, details of each crash within the last 90 days)

The data made available by Firebase and Crashlytics does not allow the core Hentoid dev team to identify who you are : no name, IP address, nor any type of personal identifier or device identifier are available for viewing or downloading through Firebase and Crashlytics.

Last but not least, you can opt-out at all times by unchecking the Preferences > Privacy > Analytics option.

Q : My downloaded pictures are showing up on my gallery app, help!

Here are a few tips to avoid that :

  • Don't use your device's download folder as a parent for the Hentoid folder
  • Keep the dot on the Hentoid folder name (.Hentoid)
  • Try to have your gallery app closed when downloading

Q : Why the heck does the app have the ability to access the camera?

That permission is disabled by default and won't be used unless you enable (biometric authentication)[https:/sergeykomlach/AdvancedBiometricPromptCompat] through privacy settings.


Q: Isn't there a quicker version to access books than launching the Hentoid browser?

A : You have two other choices to reach a book in Hentoid :

1/ Use your regular browser and choose the "Open with Hentoid" option when tapping a book


2/ Reach the book directly by typing its "launch code" (unique ID) in the Hentoid search bar


Q: What is the Leaks app? Is it bad for my phone if I detect a memory leak?

A : Leaks (LeakCanary) is a companion app for beta releases that helps our development team detecting memory leaks. If you find any, you may upload it to our team, using Discord.

Having a memory leak is not dangerous for your phone at all, it just means that the app will progressively take more and more space into memory as you use features that cause leaks. At the very worst, the app will eventually crash and the memory it had taken up will become free again.

More information here :

Q : Is there any plan for a desktop version for PC/Mac?

A : The code of Hentoid relies on the Android framework. It means it depends entirely on your phone's operating system, and cannot run on a desktop JRE.

Q : Is there any plan for an iOS version?

Hentoid isn't a company and cannot hire people / open an "iOS" branch by throwing money at the idea.

As of 2022, the current team members work in their spare time, and are clearly focused on Android (very little skills in Apple SDK). Building an entire iOS app from the ground up is quite a challenge under these conditions 😅

Any seasoned iOS dev is welcome to join the team to build the iOS variant. We'll provide all the support we can to explain how the app works, including magnificient UML diagrams when needed!

If you're looking for an equivalent to Hentoid for iOS, Paperback or Aidoku are good alternatives.

Q : I want to take a screenshot / video of the app but the screen remains black. How to solve it?

A : Screenshots and videos are disabled by default for privacy reasons. You can enable them by checking the "App preview" option in Preferences > Privacy.

Q : The app force closes when choosing the Hentoid folder. How to solve it?

A : There may be multiple reasons for that :

1/ Your phone's manufacturer did not include any default app to handle Android's OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE intent, which is against the Android framework guidelines.

In order to fix that, you should try to find and install the APK called DocumentsUI.apk (that contains the components) compatible with your version of Android.

2/ You disabled the vanilla file manager yourself. Bad news : many apps still require to use it. Please enable it again.

NB : The vanilla file manager is an app called "Files" with a blue icon. Sometimes, it only appears in the settings and not in home screen or app drawer.


3/ If you are using Samsung Secure Folder on Android 11, the vanilla file manager isn't automatically installed within Samsung's Secure Folder itself.

In order to solve that, you have to uninstall (or disable) Samsung Secure Folder first, then make sure the vanilla file manager ("Files") app is enabled, then reinstall (or enable) the Secure Folder.

Q : Can you add my favourite booru source (e.g. rule34, sankaku, gelbooru)

TL;DR We can't with the current state of the app - we suggest using a booru reader app such as flexbooru, mbooru, booru nav or anime boxes.

The entire app revolves around the idea that content are books with a set number of pages that are read from page 1 to page X. Now boorus are breaking all of that and feature a ton of pictures, every single one of them tagged with specific metadata. That's quite a switch to make!

Supporting them on Hentoid would require search and reading features to be able to navigate through pictures grouped and filtered by metadata, which is totally feasible, but heavy in terms of development.

Q : The app keeps saying "invalid folder selected" when trying to select a folder on my SD card. Why?

Unmount and remount your SD card, try again; rince and repeat until Hentoid can actually select a folder without displaying the "invalid folder" message.

The app often does that on Huawei phones; might happen as well on others.

Q : Is there any plan for video support / video downloading?

Hentoid does, and will do many things with pictures, but won't definitely handle videos. That's something else entirely.

Q : I'm using Xiaomi / MIUI and pictures appear randomly inverted. What's wrong?

You're probably victim to a bug in MIUI's dark mode. To fix that, exclude Hentoid from dark mode (on your device's settings : display > dark mode > more settings > disable Hentoid)

Q : I'm using e-hentai / exHentai in grid mode and can't select any book. Is it a bug?

Yes it is. The app can't handle both e-hentai / exHentai's grid display and the "mark downloaded books" feature.

If you want to keep seeing downloaded books, please use another display mode on the site (e.g. Extended).

Q : I can't login to e-hentai / exHentai

First things first, try disabling in-app DNS over HTTPS to log in, as it may interfere with POST requests.

If that doesn't work, keep in mind that :

  1. Using an account registered with [Public V:P!N], you will never be able to gain access to the inner zone.
  2. Using an account registered with [China, Japan, etc. IP], you will never be able to get the inner zone Permissions.
  3. Accounts registered with [Chinese, Japanese, etc. language browsers] will never be able to obtain the permissions of the inner zone.
  4. Accounts registered with [Sina, Sohu, 163, QQ, etc. mailboxes] will never be able to obtain the permissions of the inner zone.
  5. It is recommended that [Netherlands] and other European and American countries use [Home Broadband] and [Gmail] to register for an E-Gentleman Forum account.
  6. After waiting [two weeks], the account will be able to gain access to the site.

Reference : https:/seven332/EhViewer/issues/295#issuecomment-402593907

Also try following steps in that tutorial :

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