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Releases: hakimel/reveal.js


18 May 07:30
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  • Slides can now have different in/out transitions (more info, #1106 by @jammon)
  • Custom formatting support for slide numbers (more info, #965)
  • Lazy loaded iframe elements now only load when the containing slide becomes visible and unload again once hidden
  • GIFs now restart when they become visible
  • Support for slide backgrounds in the overview mode
  • Config options for controlling parallax background movement per slide (#733 by #lukekarrys)
  • Simplified build script now compiles all CSS in themes folder
  • Only preload last slide when we're configured to loop
  • Add data-background-loop option (#1138 by @denehyg)
  • Core CSS no longer overrides text selection color
  • Removed roll-in fragment style as it was consistently crashing Chrome (#1150)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix Markdown table column alignment (#1050 by @fehmer)
  • Fix view distance calculation for looped presentations
  • Fix inverse progress bar navigation in RTL mode
  • Fix error where Markdown slide separators did not work on some systems (#929 thanks @callahad)
  • Resolve conflict which caused auto-sliding not to work on a slide with a data-autoplay configured media element (#1170)
  • Input focus inside of iframe elements no longer breaks slide layout
  • And more...


12 Jan 17:10
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reveal.js 3.0 changes the default style of the framework (demo). If you want to return to the old defaults please take a look at the migration guide.

Major updates:

  • New default theme "black"
  • New theme "white", same typography as "black" but inverse colors
  • Default transition changed from 3D rotation to 2D sliding
  • Presentations scale up to make better use of high resolution viewports
  • Video backgrounds (more info)
  • Iframe backgrounds (more info, #1029 by @lutangar)
  • Lazy loading of image, iframe, video and audio (more info)
  • Help overlay when pressing ? (#943 by @navateja)
  • Slide content is now announced to screen readers (#854 by @mpnkhan)
  • Rewritten PDF export layout, fixes a number of issues and adds support for vertical centering
  • Markdown separator attributes renamed from data-notes and data-verticalto data-separator-notes and data-separator-vertical.

Other updates:

  • Minified files (reveal.min.js and reveal.min.css) are no longer tracked in the repo
  • Core stylesheet is now precompiled using Sass
  • Core stylesheet is now using autoprefixer (#1007 by @burnpanck)
  • Built-in postMessage API (more info)
  • The .reveal element is given a "has-light-background" or "has-dark-background" class when a per-slide background color is detected
  • Speaker view
    • New design
    • Now works when running a presentation from file://
    • Disabled slide transitions to improve main presentation performance
    • Disabled auto-sliding to prevent conflicts with main presentation
    • Disabled 'S' shortcut from working inside of speaker view
  • New API method: getState/setState (more info)
  • New API method: getProgress
  • New API method: getTotalSlides (#858)
  • Fragments are included in progress calculation
  • highlight.js updated to 8.2, now includes all supported languages rather than a subset
  • Removed transitions into and out of the overview mode
  • Simplified .slides container layout, no more -50% offset on individual slide elements
  • Renamed "linear" transition to "slide"
  • Renamed "default" transition to "convex"
  • Background images, videos and iframes are lazy loaded
  • Moved content related styles out of core stylesheet into themes
  • Removed Ruby dependency by switching to node-sass (#975 by @miira)
  • Removed theme config option (#1061)
  • Included version of League Gothic is no longer subset (#989)
  • UMD support (#869 by @ahdinosaur)
  • Refreshed content in default presentation

Bug fixes:

  • Invisible fragments no longer catch mouse events (#845)
  • Prevent named links with non-latin characters from skipping to presentation end (#836)
  • data-autoplay attribute now works on the first slide
  • Auto-sliding now works for fragments on last slide (#974)
  • Fix issues with RTL navigation
  • Fix edge cases where isFirstSlide incorrectly returned true
  • Fix issue with automatically playing/pausing YouTube and Vimeo embeds
  • Fix double-navigation on touch for some Android devices
  • Fix calculation of fragment index when multiple fragments have the same index
  • Many more...


16 Apr 07:30
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  • Fixes PDF printing in Chrome: #808


02 Dec 22:05
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  • Changed default syntax for Markdown slide and element attributes (#734)
  • Fixed bug related to initial visibility of vertical slides
  • Improved parsing of query strings for Reveal.getQueryHash()


28 Nov 21:56
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Major changes:

Other changes:

  • Unit tests are now available with ever increasing coverage, run via grunt test
  • Fixed vertical slide related bug where isLastSlide() incorrectly returned false
  • Updated highlight.js build to include all supported languages
  • Fixed bug where smart links (like .navigate-right) did not work when controls were disabled
  • Updated grunt and node dependencies to current versions
  • Fixed perspective of vertical slide transition in IE10
  • The grunt serve task now accepts a port number, for example: grunt server 8181
  • Added contribution guidelines
  • Fixed issue where keyboard controls did not work after clicking on an external link inside of a presentation and then coming back
  • Added support for SVG background images
  • Overview mode and progress bar are now disabled in the notes window slide previews
  • Added support for per-slide vertical centering, simply add a .center class to the <section>
  • If an iframe is embedded inside of a slide it will now receive two postMessages: slide:start when the slide is shown and slide:stop when it is hidden (more info)
  • Videos are no longer auto-played in the note window previews
  • The data-autoslide of a slide stack is now inherited by its vertical children
  • Disabled background transitions between consecutive identical data-backgrounds to avoid flicker
  • Added convex, concave and zoom background transitions
  • Refactored fragment implementation to fix multiple bugs (see #721)
  • Adjusted background transition speed to match slide transitions
  • When there is embedded media with data-autoplay set and auto-sliding is on, the auto-slide duration is increased to the duration of the media

Markdown plugin:

  • Added support for element attributes (more info, thanks @VonC)
  • Added support for slide attributes (more info, thanks @VonC)
  • Fixed bug where notes in last Markdown slide were not picked up
  • If RevealMarkdown.initialize() is called multiple times it won't repeatedly try to parse the same content


21 Aug 03:26
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Major changes:

  • MathJax plugin (more info)
  • Leap Motion plugin (more info, thanks @gneatgeek)
  • Added .stretch helper class which dynamically resizes an element to fill its parent slide (more info)
  • Added support for notes in external Markdown (more info, thanks @adamhepton)

Other changes:

  • The framework no longer queries the DOM before Reveal.initialize() is called, this allows reveal.js to be loaded in the <head>
  • URL hash now updates immediately, was previously delayed to account for a legacy Chrome bug
  • Rolling links are now turned off by default, will be removed entirely in the long term
  • Fragments on upcoming slides are no longer visible when navigating back and forth in the presentation
  • Added an none transition setting for slide backgrounds
  • O key can now be used to toggle the overview mode, useful since ESC does not work in fullscreen mode
  • Greatly simplified client-side notes plugin, fixes issues where fragments went out of sync
  • Fixed bug that caused slideshow to break if an invalid named link was referenced
  • Fixed bug with auto-slide on first slide (#525)
  • Fixed issues where past/future slides were clickable even if they weren't visible
  • Optimization:
    • More precise way of hiding slides that are out of view
    • Configurable viewDistance (# of slides from current that should be hidden)
    • Limited view distance for mobile devices, fixes some out of memory errors


02 Jul 19:45
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Major changes:

  • Embedded media (<video>, <audio> and YouTube <iframe>) are now automatically played
  • Greatly improved RTL support
  • Added Reveal.sync() method, update internals to match current DOM and config

Other changes:

  • Fixed changing of keyboard, touch, controls and progress flags through using Reveal.configure
  • Auto-slide now resume after overview/pause
  • Added error messaging when external markdown fails to load
  • Added Reveal.avilableRoutes() API method
  • It is now possible to override the transition for a specific slide (more info)
  • Fixes conflict between notes and remotes plugins
  • Added support for transitionSpeed config value (default/fast/slow)
  • Added support for data-transition-speed attribute on sections (more info)
  • getIndices now returns an f property for the current fragment index
  • Added more state backgrounds
  • Broader code highlighter language support (full list in source)
  • Set data-trim on your <code> blocks for automatic whitespace trimming
    paused when their container slide is hidden. Can also be configured to auto-play when slide is entered (more info)
  • Fixed bug where progress bar would not scale when the window was resized
  • Fragments now reflect visually in the main presentation controls
  • Added fragment config option for disabling all use of fragments
  • Showdown has been replaced with marked for GitHub flavored Markdown parsing
  • HTML characters in code-blocks are automatically ecaped unless the <code> wrapper has data-noescape
  • Fixes flickering linear transition in iOS
  • Added setup instructions and Grunt serve task (more info)


02 Jul 19:47
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Major changes:

  • Presentations now scale uniformly to fit any display size (more info)
  • Multiplex plugin (more info, @davidbanham)
  • Support for external Markdown (more info, @webpro)
  • Reveal.js can now be re-configured after initialization, example: Reveal.configure({ center: false })

Other changes:

  • Prevent keyboard navigation while presentation is paused
  • Fixed header word-breaks, will now properly hyphenate
  • Fixed vertical centring of slides in iOS Chrome
  • Added API method Reveal.getSlide( x, y ) for retrieving a slide by its index
  • Correction to notes window sometimes displaying the wrong slides
  • Stop auto-slide when paused or in overview
  • Added API method Reveal.isOverview()
  • Added API method Reveal.isPaused()
  • Added API method Reveal.isFirstSlide()
  • Added API method Reveal.isLastSlide()
  • Fragments order can now be set via data-fragment-index attributes (more info, @jaberg)
  • Updated to Grunt 0.4 (@boazsender)
  • Fixed issue with Markdown HTML entities (@asmod3us)
  • Navigation in notes window now reflects in main window
  • Added paused and resumed events
  • Fixed navigation inconsistency when first/last slide is vertical
  • Two new themes: moon and solarized
  • Themes are now compiled using Grunt
  • Better fallback fonts
  • Search plugin (@razor-1)


02 Jul 19:47
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Major changes:

  • Support for vertically centered slides via the center config option. Note that the new default vertical centering option will break compatibility with slides that were using transitions with backgrounds (cube and page). To restore the previous behavior, set center to false.

Other changes:

  • Additional media queries (incl. vertical) to support smaller screens
  • When available, slide ID's are written to the URL hash instead of /h/v index
  • Support for multiple control elements (see https:/hakimel/reveal.js#internal-links)
  • Fix bug which prevented fragments from being stepped through with the up/down arrows
  • Navigating back to a vertical stack now maintains the previously selected vertical slide
  • Vertical slides are counted towards the progress bar
  • Added postMessage plugin
  • Added Night theme
  • Fixed issue with missing italic text when printing to PDF
  • Added grunt.js build script (see https:/hakimel/reveal.js#development-environment)
  • Added (touch remote control) plugin
  • The slide() method now accepts a fragment index argument (slide( indexh, indexv, indexf ))
  • RTL support via rtl: true config option, please test and file issues
  • Now using Travis CI
  • Fixed issue with nested slides auto-advancing #273
  • Fixed issues with entities in rolling links
  • Added PhantomJS script for printing PDF
  • Added fade transition
  • Fixed navigateTo when trying to navigate to a fragment in the current slide #290
  • All vertical stacks now reset upon returning to the first slide in the presentation
  • Added boolean config option touch for disabling touch events #299
  • Added events for when overview is opened/closed #298
  • Notes plugin now locates the presentation through window.opener rather than assuming index.html
  • Added error message when notes window is opened under file:// protocol
  • Added timer to notes window


02 Jul 19:48
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  • Primary styles moved from main.css to reveal.css
  • The 'progress' and 'controls' DOM elements are now created via JavaScript if they don't exist in the presentation HTML
  • Added 'paused' mode which be reached by pressing b or .
  • Added 'zoom' transition
  • Improvements to touch interaction
  • Updates to navigation API naming (470cabaea)
  • Press 'f' to activate fullscreen. Thanks Michael Kühnel
  • Themes were made more modular and converted to Sass
  • Added many different fragment styles
  • postMessage-based speaker notes (see https:/hakimel/reveal.js#speaker-notes)
  • Converted arrows from unicode to CSS borders
  • Step through fragments in speaker notes. Thanks Michael Kühnel
  • Re-apply syntax highlighting after editing. Thanks Thomas Whitton
  • Moved Markdown and highlight from /lib to /plugin