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JSON documentation

RobbWatershed edited this page Sep 29, 2024 · 6 revisions


Main body


Describes a Content (i.e. a book inside the queue or the library)

Corresponding class


Field Format Description
url URL URL where the book has been initially downloaded
title String Title
coverImageUrl URL URL of the cover image
qtyPages Positive Integer Number of pages
uploadDate POSIX timestamp Date where the book has been uploaded to the website you got it from
downloadDate POSIX timestamp See dedicated FAQ entry
downloadCompletionDate POSIX timestamp See dedicated FAQ entry
status StatusContent One of the values of the enum (e.g. "DOWNLOADED")
site Site One of the values of the enum (e.g. "NHENTAI")
favourite true/false True if the book has been favourited
rating 0..5 Number of stars
completed true/false True if the book has been marked as completed
reads Positive Integer Number of times the book has been opened for reading
lastReadDate POSIX timestamp Last time the book has been opened for reading
lastReadPageIndex Positive Integer Index of the last page that has been read
downloadMode 0 or 1 0 = Downloaded / 1 = Streamed
manuallyMerged true/false True if the book is the result of a manual merging
bookPreferences Dictionary (Key/value) List of specific preferences saved for that book (empty by default)
attributes Dictionary (Key/List of Attribute) Metadata
imageFiles List of ImageFile Pages / Pictures
chapters List of Chapter Chapters
errorRecords List of ErrorRecord Errors encountered while downloading (only when the book is in the queue)
groups List of Group Groups
isFrozen true/false True if the book is in the frozen state (only when the book is in the queue)



Describes a metadata element (i.e. a tag or an artist)

Corresponding class


Field Format Description
name String Name
type AttributeType One of the values of the enum (e.g. "TAG")
url URL URL of the dedicated page on the website


